Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Huge congrats on the 1000 days Menno!!
You are an inspiration and guiding light for us, Thanks for the heartfelt shares :tada::tada::heart::heart::hugs::hugs:


Oh Iā€™m so glad he was seen Dana. Poor guy living with all that pain. He will feel like a new person once all this is taken care of.


I love reading every one of your posts!
Congratulations on your 1000 days!!!


Congrats my friend on a massive milestone and on the huge changes you have made. I am so happy for you, big hugs.



Hell yes!! :clap:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank u! This is truly long overdue. Itā€™s so funny how things sort of work out in a weird way when our focus is not on drugs and getting our next fix. Ya know? Now that drugs are out of the picture, our focus and time has been literally on taking care of everything we didnā€™t do when we shouldā€™ve done it. Thankfully he is getting the help he needs before that infection spread into his blood ans then to his heart.


Iā€™m so proud of you and to know you, Menno. I shed a tear and felt your love, hears to the next grand! :kissing_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Much loveā€¦


Thanks Jenny. I appreciate the response. I was able to take a little mental vacation and got myself in a good mood. Feel better tonight. Stayed away from the liquor store. Thanks for the response. One day at a time!


What a great accomplishment and such a profound message. Seriously, Iā€™m so happy for you.


Iā€™m so thrilled for you Menno!
Congratulations on 1000 days.image


Iā€™m going to start counting again. Once numbers get big they scare me, but I think itā€™s important to see the numbers grow whole I learn to forgive myself for this relapse.

Day 2

Iā€™m just doing what I can to remind myself that my reloade is not the end of all progress. I want to give up and just let myself go. But I canā€™t do that. Iā€™ve already fallen so far and I canā€™t let mysekf fall farther. Iā€™m ok other than the regret Iā€™m feeling. Iā€™ve already decided that I will stay home Saturday as my family is the last thing I need to be around right now.


Congratulations on your journey. Thank you for sharing. Be well.



Congratulations on your 1000 days menno. Thank you for your beautiful share and being here and always giving awesome support. I loved the way you described how life is now, it is beautiful. The way you described it reminded me off the movie the giver in a way. Everyone doesnā€™t feel or have memory and they are assigned certain jobs to keep things smooth but there is one boy who feels and sees everything for what it truly is. I related this movie to alot like addiction because all the others who are still stuck in active addiction life donā€™t see or feel life for the way it is. And when we get sober we are much like that boy and we feel and see everything and sometimes it can feel so painful and so beautiful at the same time, but at the end of the movie the boy slides down this hill and breaks the chain so everyone can see what itā€™s like to feel and see again and thatā€™s what we do for each other when weā€™re sober we help each other see how beautiful it really is. Much love


My pleasure @Misokatsu!

Hereā€™s where I SHOULD have posted it, in the first place. This is the actual gratitude thread.


Day ā€¦ā€¦.

@SadMemeQueen I donā€™t count cause I get too obsessed with it, I want to live my life and enjoy it, and have no thoughts about drinking and drugging or the last time I did. Iā€™m here for the now, tomorrow may not come.

So Itā€™s been a mixed few days cause we all know Iā€™m real shitty at checking in, but Things have been good I moved shifts so I donā€™t have to get up so early which is nice, and on my work laptop I have a MXR sticker, (guitar pedal brand) and it was almost like a flag, one of the other TLs apparently is trying to form a music project to write original material and such, another dude is a drummer and wants to link me up with some local guys for work. Plus three hits on my musician services profile to explore.

Made some new friends as of late so thatā€™s cool,

The bad, my kids mom was diagnosed with Lupus, most of you know I have a pretty tumultuous relationship with her but it has gotten better over the last few months, whatā€™s fucking with me tho is Im pretty apathetic towards her diagnosis, and I donā€™t know how to feel about that, like I get itā€™s beyond my control an autoimmune disorder, but itā€™s like I donā€™t feel bad or anything Iā€™m just accepting it and hoping that her doctors figure it out for her, I know sheā€™s struggling to accept the diagnosis, and the physical traits that come with it, but Itā€™s out of my hands I guess.

My importance right now is where my journey is gonna take me, I made a promise to my kids before any more road trips itā€™s a few days ti spend with them first. So Iā€™m paying off bills and getting a weekend off to see them, then all my fun road trips can begin


Congratulations Menno! Thatā€™s pretty awesome!


I got very obsessed once the numbers started growing. I felt so much pressure to stay clean that the anxiety the number was causing just left me wanting to break it so I didnā€™t feel the pressure. I went from 314 days to nothing, so Iā€™m judt counting for now to remind myself that I can get back up there. Once I start feeling they pressure again, definitely not going to be counting


Thatā€™s my other thing. It starts to make you anxious stressed When you get so far, nah I hate it, I rather not know


Everyone is so different. Itā€™s good to find out what works best for us individually. At the moment Iā€™m in the early stages, and the only thing helping is looking at my sober time knowing I can make it to day five and not having to have to reset and start all over trying to get to day one.