Checking in daily to maintain focus #40

@LAB - I understand that you are not religious, however, Pastor Joel Osteen uses a lot of cognitive behavioral theory in his messages.
Give him a try, listen to a sermon on SiriusXM or podcast if you are open?


Checking in on day 42. Sober. Even though I’d love to start drinking right now at 2 in the afternoon…

Being a musician (guitar player) and a Foo Fighters fan, my morning was awfull. The moment I got on Facebook I saw the news that Taylor Hawkins had unfortunately died. And that hit me and so many other fans and admirers Very hard.
I really feel for everyone in his family and in the foos family. This is a great loss.

All of that grabbed me by the balls today. I’d love to have a few drinks and let it all soake in. But that’s not a good idea.

So that’s my check in for today. Thank you for reading this. I had to get all of this off my chest. I’m drinking lot’s of water at the moment and trying to keep my head straight.

Have a great sober saturday!


:joy::joy::joy: Yep, wax on-ing and wax off-ing for two days.


@AllyP ~ great post👊🏻 and keep moving forward!


Day 13 here. Saturdays are extremely tough since I usually started drinking by 11 A.M.
I’m going to a meeting this morning instead. I’m putting in the work!

Now, I’m in my listening room, burning incense and relaxing. Jazz is on the turntable ~


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Checking in 3 weeks sober !


Checking in
Super stoked and happy to be hitting Day 40 lol everytime that first number changes I’m excited! It’s sooo weird bcuz once I got passed that continuous 3 day relapse point, then to 10, then 25 (slipped), then reached 25 again… I have kept going! It’s gotten slightly easier to be clean each day. I do get super down somedays, but the tools are slowly becoming easier to use when im craving. I know it’s very early still and I wont get cocky or too confident bcuz I do realize that all it takes is one. But still… Im really proud of myself and my hubby. It’s incredible what I have learned in these past 40 days! Over 22 years of seeking help and attempting recovery… I honestly would have to say (for me), the true missing key was my HP (who I call God). That’s been the biggest difference. That and of course my TS fam! ☆


Kat here checking in on Day 234

@Butterflymoonwoman huge congrats on 40 days my heart is bursting with joy for you :heart:

My 15-year-old is over for the weekend even though I’m working, he is ok on his own. Well, we were talking about his adhd medication which I used to steal and abuse, and I decided it was time to tell him most of the truth about the past 6 years.

The kids are confused because I had a great job as a nurse, top of pay scale, unionized etc. $44 Cdn an hour. I explained to my son that instead of getting help from a social worker or therapist for my workplace PTSD I had chosen to use the copious amounts of drugs available at work.

He said he understood and I explained what drugs do to a person and how often you can’t stop and how it just begins with 1 or just using in the weekend and grows to every day.
I also told him after I lost my job I kept relapsing on another type of drug but that I was working very hard, going to Narcotics Anonymous, and that I had been not using drugs for almost 8 months. I said I was sorry. He said he was just glad that I was well now.

I am glad to have told him the truth because he is getting to that vulnerable age where kids start experimenting.

Sorry this was so long but it was a big thing to tell him.

Love and have a great sober Saturday



:rainbow::slightly_smiling_face:. Congratulations Dana!


@kat261 i admire you for sharing and for having an honest conversation with your kid. They are so receptive and a real
Conversation can travel miles.


Awe Kat this must’ve been hard, but also have given u sp much relief.Ur heart mustve been racing while telling him, wondering what he’d say. I’m incredibly proud of you tho. It’s tough being a kid nowadays ya know? Not like when we were kids. And its good for him to know that he can come to u with any issue. I really think that ur bond grew stronger by this conversation :slight_smile: way to go!


Thank u soo much!!! :heartbeat:

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Day 652 clean and sober today. Getting stronger every day physically mentally and emotionally. Have a great day everyone, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


BTW. That’s me hugging you :hugs:


You are doing so well Dana and I love that background for your days counter thingy!!!



Day 13. I am tired, went to the gym and back home I just broke into tears. This is so exhausting. I don’t want to drink, Trying hard.


I love this!!! Thank u :slight_smile: HUGE hugs back my friend!!!

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Awe thank u my friend :heartbeat: Thank u SO much! I get my backgrounds off of wallpapers apps for my phone :slight_smile: I change then up often. I like the live ones (not for TS cuz u can’t use live wallpapers on here), but for my phone. I love rain so I like the live water droplet ones :relieved: I sometimes just look at them, they calm me too when I’m anxious :slight_smile:

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I’m glad you shared that experience with us and were able to be totally honest with your son. That’s a really hard thing to do. I love that he said he was just glad that your are well now. That made me feel emotional (in a great way) :heart: