Checking in daily to maintain focus #41

So happy for you! Congratulations!
11 months is fantastic ! :tada::tada:


Good morning all,

Day 141,

Just checking in, hope everyone has a great day!


Hey all, checking in on day 663. I hope everybody is having a good one!


Day 176. Hey, just saying hi. Still feeling really out of it and off. Just want to escape much love


Sober day 68 :pray::heart:

I havenā€™t been on in a while , as I have been sorting out my sons therapy at an Autism Centre close by. I was able to get him a spot very quickly as another childā€™s funding ran out and a spot randomly opened upšŸ„°

My wonderful boyfriend is paying monthly for it until his funding comes through which is so amazing and We are so lucky to start is as quickly as we have. My little guy is really enjoying it! As am I enjoying the 9 hours of free time I have each week.

Day to day life is going pretty well , some days are harder than others , with the nice weather coming I feel some urges now and then, but I attend weekly AA meetings which I have grown to love especially the fellowship , everyone is becoming like family, and I look forward to the next week.

I am trying to get the motivation still to eat clean and add exercise into my daily life , but I am just so tired and worn out that Iā€™m dragging my ass half the time LOL but really need to lose some of this weight that I have gained drinking and eating. I also have been diagnosed with night eating syndrome which is also difficult to maintain weight , but Iā€™m trying not to allow myself to eat during the middle of night but itā€™s quite difficultšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

However even though Iā€™m going through these little struggles , it still feels so much better be sober and clean. No hangovers , hanxiety , no being broke , the feeling is amazing to have accomplished sobriety this far.

Miss all you lovely people , hereā€™s too another 24 hours :crossed_fingers::pray::heart:


Hi Kat here checking in on day 247.

At work this morning, feeling a bit anxious and depressed for no real reason, but these days I know it will pass. Just need to do some self care I think. Praying, meditating, and maybe the gym.

All in all though sober life continues to be fantastic. Had a great in-person NA meeting last night with a memberā€™s 13th sober birthday and the topic was ā€œNo Matter Whatā€ā€¦ as in we donā€™t have to use, no matter what happens in life. Just No. No more. Not again. I did a little share saying I wholeheartedly believed that for the first time in recovery. No Matter What, Do Not Pick Up.

Hope you all have a wonderful clean and sober day!



Enjoying life back home. Renewing driverā€™s license and scheduled my carā€™s annual check-up next week. Not sure what the english name isā€¦ the required annual technical examination that usually costs you more that you hoped for.
But well, Iā€™ll just wait and see whether sheā€™ll drive me around another year or ends up on a scrapyard (where she actually belongs I have to admitā€¦ sheā€™s getting old and worn out, just like the guy driving her).

Have a great weekend yā€™all ! :slight_smile:


Day 665 clean and sober today. Crappy nights sleep last night. I understand that I have some major changes coming up and that it has my subconscious on overdrive right now but itā€™s still exhausting. I hope everyone has an amazing day today, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations @Dansig!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations @Mdh35!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Checking in, 1941 days. Itā€™s supposed to be 94Ā°F today! Hope I donā€™t get too sleepy and can get some work done. :joy:


Congrats on day 1! It always starts with one day at a time. You can do this!!!


Inspection is what we call it here in NY :slight_smile:


Sending positive vibes your wayā¤ļø


Morning all. Checking in on day 231. Another rainy day and looks like a few more days to go! Have nothing on the books today and wife is working from home so I am shutting the phone and tv down today and music and reading! Enjoy your day and stay safe.


You do any fishing Michael? Trout opens up here at the end of the month and have some good weather coming up for us eventually!


Checking in second time today. So yeah, 99days, and whaaats going on with the insane craving hitting me! I literally try to justify in my head having wine, Just a little, bla bla blaā€¦ No! Get out of my head!


Hey guys. Checking in day 26.
Had a good workout today.
Have a great day guys.


Hey man, surprisingly for living in New York my whole life and the Adirondacks at that, no I never fell into fishing to much, yes Iā€™ve been but only ever caught a couple bass and pike with friends. Idk how to knot, hook, or release :neutral_face: kinda embarrassing and something I can learn any day if I really want I suppose. Ive only ever tried bullhead fish food up here too. But good shout-out honestly maybe Iā€™ll go snag my fishing licence and get to it.


Oh nice! Congrats to you too! :star_struck:

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