Checking in daily to maintain focus #41

Hey all. Been sick with COVID. My Younest son is recovered now yet my daughter and I have been bed ridden for the past few days. Feeling a little better but can’t stand for longer than 10 minutes. My oldest son thankfully is well.

Strong Serne 24


Day 11 sober. @liv_m thanks for remaining here and posting.


Day 673 clean and sober today. Have a great day everyone, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I feel you, down whit bad covid myself. Hope you feel well soon!

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Day 182. Woke up with some mucus, but the chills are gone. It’s my pops bday today, I finally talked to him after a few months.

Have a great Easter weekend everyone!


Congratulations bro!

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@GOKU2019 A huge congratulations on 6 months of recovery :star_struck::partying_face::trophy: wow!!! Keep at it!!!
@lotusflower Hoping u and ur family get better soon :pray:
@Wakikki Hoping u also get better as quickly as possible. Sending positive thoughts ur way
@LaDyLooNtje I’m so super excited for ur son to come to ur home! I’m really hoping that everything goes well and that amazing memories are made :slight_smile: I’m also glad that u found this app! This for me too, has been a lifesaver. I have very little support here around me in a sense, so TS has been a strong support for me for a long time
@anon86198612 Yay!!! On ur 90 days!!! Omg ur doing so well :heartpulse: grateful to have u here and to see ur journey!
@SoberWalker Beautiful butterfly picture and congratulations on ur new positon. This is a good thing it sounds :slight_smile: Thankful for u and the reminder about living in today. It does help! Yet I often forget it lol Hope all goes well for u and that u also enjoy ur day today


Congratulations on your 6 months GOKU!

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:high_brightness: Check in
Day 61
Work has been HECTIC!!! As soon as I walked thru the door, my client was already agitated and not feeling well. Shaking due to being upset and going from 1 topic to the next sooo fast. Poor girl :sleepy: I was able to calm her enough for her to take her morning meds, helped her get settled and got her to rest a bit. Her bedroom is full of garbage and dishes and clothes all over. She asked for my help once she wakes up, so we will do that together. She’s having a rough few days.
I woke up refreshed tho and brought healthy food for me to eat. No cravings for drugs (my anxiety last week about yesterday and this weekend has left). Still keeping on my toes tho. I don’t give addiction that power over me anymore but I do respect the fact that it is sneaky and powerful and baffling. Almost like how I feel towards the power of the ocean waves. Anyway, things are good! No complaints here :ok_hand:
Have an addiction free day everyone!


Thanks, bro. Glad you’re feeling better. Stay up.

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Congrats on 90 days!!

Checking in on day 167
I have 5 days off over Easter, and not really plans, so I was a bit blah these days… My 4-hour hike from yesterday improved my mood a lot!
And right now I’m with some work in progress! :grin::nerd_face:. Mandalas keep me busy and centered!


I’m one year sober from alcohol today :exploding_head: I don’t feel like celebrating, because it’s easter and I’m spending the day with my parents. They are very religious, I’m not - we’ll spend the day arguing about that. Oh well.
One year ago I was exhausted, I had spent the last three years running in circles of drinking, getting sober and relapsing. I didn’t hate myself, I just didn’t care anymore and wasn’t interested in my wellbeing or my life at all, the years of addiction numbed my whole existence.
I don’t remeber which podcast, but I once heard a woman in recovery talking about how she felt like she existed behind a glass wall: being able to see others and talk to them, but always feeling seperated, unable to reach them. That’s exactly how I felt (still do sometimes).
I think the most importand thing I did this time around was opening up to the people around me, talking about my drinking, starting therapy and not trying to do it alone anymore 🤷 it is that simple.
I still don’t know a lot about myself, my emotions or how to handle them, but I feel like I started walking on the right path to get there one day.
Even though I’m not on here as much anymore, this forum has been one of my greatest tools, so thank you TS friends for your support and for sharing your stories, it really helps a lot :heart:


Day 150

Just checking in. Have a great day everyone!


Congratulations on one year!! That’s awesome! :clap:t2::tada:

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Sunny days.
They can be shit, for with so many happy couples outside it’s hard nót to feel alone sometimes.
And even though I do have some friends, they are not always available of course.
But it’s surpirising how out of the blue some online messages can brighten up your day.

It’s all about feeling connected I guess.
I texted a fellow that I met yesterday at a meeting again. After his little girl died last year, he had a longlasting relapse and I hadn’t seen him in many months.
I just texted him I was glad he got back to the meetings and was hoping he would be there more often.

That was around 4pm and we just put down the phone… I never liked phoning with people, afraid of uncomfy silences. But we talked for almost 3 hours…

Reminder to myself, connection starts with a single thought about someone, and acting to it.


Nice one, congrats !


Yay, congrats with a year !!!

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Congratulations bro hell yeah!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2::tada::balloon::confetti_ball:

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