Checking in daily to maintain focus #41

You are 100% correct about the inhibitions. Alcohol is my DOC, but if I’m offered something else while drunk, I usually take it.
Congrats on being strong enough to dump it out; I’ve done that before and it feels like I’m betraying an old friend. Stay strong! :blush:


Hey all, checking in on day 674. I hope everybody has a good one!


Well done :+1:. My dad has been staying from Spain for a couple of weeks and he usually drinks beer every night while he’s here… he left about 4 beers in the house, and I got rid of them by drinking them, and then getting more. I was by myself in the house for a couple of days so after that binge I continued yesterday, woke up at 5am in a state of anxiety. Not good. Square 1 is just the same. I went to the gym today and got myself membership… I have yoga booked tonight and so hopefully I have these things put in place for myself to use rather than alcohol. :star:


I make the breakfast for the hotel lol

I have big plans… I will be treating myself. Hopefully pictures will follow lol I have been working on self care. I actually got my nails done doe the first time in almost 3 years. And I got my hair done last week. I’m learning lol :rofl:


I understand very well what you mean. Good that you got yourself together. Membership at the gym is a very good step. For me it helps to make a good schedule so that you actually go to the gym regularly. Yoga is excellent and helps me a lot. You have taken good steps, these are all things you can do instead of drinking. What I just said about planning for the gym you can also make for the rest of the day so that you have something to hold on to and structure. You then have less chance of empty holes in the day in which you can sink in with your thoughts. Of course you can schedule rest moments, but they also feel like rest moments since the rest of the day is filled. It’s just advice, it helps me. By the way, I only plan my activities during the day and in the evening I like to watch a movie. Research what works best for you!


That was a catch-up and a half, Lordy! Props for tagging everyone :purple_heart:.
I feel for your current situation. I hope u can get the confidence to go to meetings or take a walk whatever ur size. U deserve to be there, if it makes u feel good or u get some benefit.


Good morning friends, day 521! Slept like crap again. I really need to re-examine my nighttime caffeine. :frowning:
Back to work after the long weekend. Shouldn’t be too busy.
Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Haha good job. Looking forward to the picturs. I also did a kind of makeover for myself. I wanted to get rid of the look of the old me. I had bright red and very long hair. Very striking. I had that look for years. So basically it kind of suited my user time. So now I have cut my hair shorter (it is now medium length) and a normal brown color. Not a color you can see from miles away. Happy with my new self!


Right on. I kinda went the opposite… When I was in active addiction and abuse. First I wasn’t allowed to do anything he didn’t like and second I hid behind my “plain” look. That’s why it took so long for anyone to figure out I was an addict. I disguised myself well.


Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you Jenny…

I am tired today. Going to resit the urge to exercise and just rest.

Thank you for the Birthday shout out toy daughter. Oh boy was she ever small the size of my hand. Thankful for the miracle she is.

Hope your feeling better today.:pray:t4::purple_heart:


Hey Cam

Thank you on both fronts.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Hope your doing well! I’ve been off the forum for a few days…so need to catch up.:pray:t4:


And just like that …
So very thankful. Nothing stopping me now! :butterfly::two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Serene and Strong 24 :pray:t4::purple_heart:


Two weeks sober! Yeah!


Thats right get that! I just startered running this last weekend-legs are like what thaaaaaffffff in a good way- makes me laugh that I did something good.


Thanks Catmancam. Glad to see you are back. I always appreciate your kind words.


I’m at less than 3 mg and still, bored (and angry at myself) with that addiction. Of course it’s better than joints that were killing my lungs and my brain and my will to live, better than cigarettes too, but I want to get rid of that. It’s psychological, I dont really feel any crave with 3 mg. What will I do with my hands :sweat_smile::sob::joy:


Thanks for this! I woke up this morning with lots of anxiety and feeling blue. I just took the time in a quiet place and listened. It definitely helped. I felt a little calmer and readier to get through the day!


:high_brightness: Check in
Day 64
I had THE 2nd worse using dream I’ve ever had last night. Slept hard but woke up to my hubbys alarm at 5am and thought to myself, " Omg what did I do?!". Had to fully wake up to realize that I didn’t use last night. That I literally went to bed and slept all night. So grateful for my sobriety today and to be reminded of what it was like.
Anyway, I have a work related mtg for 3 hours via zoom in the morning, a dr phone call early afternoon, and an errand to run. Busy day but truly… I’m grateful to be able to do these tasks and not be sooo strung out that I couldnt care less. So yes… sometimes life is shitty and hard, but I’m not complaining today :wink: Cuz I’m grateful that I CAN do basic everyday things :pray:
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Thank you very much @CATMANCAM! :sunglasses::metal:t2: