Checking in daily to maintain focus #41

Thank you :heart:


Thank you!! :hugs:


Day 36. Still sober. I had a minor craving two days ago, but I managed.

Nice week!


She sounds amazing, you must be so proud of her. I do know what you mean and get stuck on things as well. I am having to sit with those feelings now I am not drinking through them and that is so hard at times. I hope today is a better day :blush:


thank you, how sweet of you to say that. It took some courage to do it, but I did it. Thnx for your message🌷

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Day 108. Visited my grandmother today. Today is a good day for her. It was nice to see her up and getting around. Also nice to not see her screaming and yelling. Have a blessed day everyone!


Evening check-in. I was reading do much about motivation these days. Maybe I was also primed as a read interesting stuff about it in a book.
I am pretty sure that I wouldn’t be sober with motivation only. It’s sometimes a good starting point to initiate change but it won’t keep me going. It is changing so quickly. My motivation can change in hours or even minutes. If I think about it and I have also asked this here. I used to wake up and was so determined or motivated to quit for good, that today I wouldn’t drink. Yet, well… Almost never lasted. Then I read tools and that I had to have a toolbox at hand. Didn’t really know what the hell that should mean. Now, I have an idea of what this means.

The job interview was good, I guess. I cannot really tell what the woman was thinking. I couldn’t read her mimic. She is not German so that might be a reason.
The other person was really squeezing me out about my CV and why and why and why I did this or that. It’s not an industry where you can say: well, I was in therapy for some time and needed to be inscribed to have health insurance. So, at a point I said that I don’t feel like I have to justify my CV. What was done, is done and that all these decisions made me what I am today. That I made many different experiences which I value a lot. Anyway, I signalled that I was interested and should get a response latest on Monday.


Thank you so much!!! So appreciate it and feels good to be doing the things just bc I can now :relieved: :muscle:

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Thank you :blush:, it’s a battle and good journey to win and stay on. Sending you positive energy also :blush::heart:


Awww Thank you so much Eric. Right back at you! You are Awesome.:pray:t4::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 19 and I’m living it
Went to my fave coffee shop and they know me there. I love being a small part of places like this. Got to do my journaling and catching up on more things I delayed pre-sobriety.
Woke up and did (almost) my whole morning routine including a solid 25 min run! I did that! Yeahh buddy :sunglasses:

For the 1st time since I can ever remember I can actually say: IT FEELS GOOD TO BE ME!
This is great tbh
I like it now and I’m making it mine to keep

I’m still here, and will be even when the rain shows up. I think I’m realizing life and emotions are like the weather. Can’t have sun all the time or things dry out. Rain and low points are the thing that can cause growth sometimes. I can try to smile, or at least just breathe, and walk through the rough patches and come out drenched and okay

Have a great day guys, take care of yaselfs


I took away some Chinese food at a restaurant, when I saw the wine bottles behind the lady who gave me the food, i froze, became hesitant, then auto-kicked my ass, payed the food and came back home.
Me 1 - my addictions 0 :sweat_smile::metal:t2:




Awe it’s okay!!! I unfortunately sometimes miss milestones for others on here or other life events bcuz I don’t get on here alot some days. There will be many more milestones coming up :slight_smile: for me ans u and others so there’s plenty of time to celebrate! Hope ur well lady :heartpulse:


It was horrific. Totally threw off my mood. Meditation was hard to do this morning bcuz of that too. I think ur nightmare would’ve been worse tho. I’m so thankful it was a dream tho. Hope ur day improves also! My day has been okay. That work training I had drained me tho. Just eating and relaxing now :slight_smile:


Amazing! Well done.


Hey guys. Checking in day 37
Going to bed now.
Have a great days guys


Cam!!! :yellow_heart: :blue_heart: I’m so glad to see you back. Please don’t stay away out of shame. We’re all here for you friend! I do hope you’ll stick around. I’ve missed your regular check ins.


Chapter XIX


I might sound philosophical again, but this is my sound. Some may like it; most will not. I might resonate.

This is very important days in my life, as by Avestan Astrology everything goes in cycles in life, and life of human spirit does evolve with cycles. We can feel it sometimes, but most of the time when shift opens, we are tempted to fall and that gives inertia to go downhill even further. Same with climbing UP! Some cycles are small but others creates algorithms and programs for many years in the future.

That being said, everything is in our hands, but also we are in Higher Powers hands.

This is just the way I receive information, and I can only be Thankful for the received gifts and opportunities.

Many times I was giften with second chances in life. Many times I failed. Many fights with fears were lost and masks left.

Opportunities and luck on the other hand runs out, and the time that is happening right now are exact shift opened, with my fears waiting ahead.

I do recognise it, and it feels surrending and going through invisible bridge, but thats the only way. Surrending and moving to New Path, feels like brains starts to melt and hands to shake becaus they don’t understands theese dimensions. You can’t touch it. You need to Believe!

And Believe is all I have right now. Hand are emty and I ready to let go.



I will think positive thoughts for you​:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::heart::heart::smiley: