Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Wow!!! Huge number there my friend!! So proud of you :star_struck::grin: At 1000 days
 how has your life changed? Is there any really big things that have happened that you can think of when you think back to when u 1st started this journey?

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Yay!!! Congratulations on 1 week! Fabulous job! Keep at it one day at a time!

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Congrats! I’ll get that key ring in 25 days too. I also had that feeling during meetings in the beginning that maybe I wasn’t part of the group. But because I kept coming, that feeling has disappeared and I feel at home. Also logical, it always takes time getting used to be part at a new group.

I’ve been working since April 1st and my alarm goes off at 5 too if I have an early shift. I still find that very difficult, but going to bed early helps.
Discipline therefore seems to be the key word😬


Me too!! Never heard that saying before!

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Wow!! Congratulations to you on 200 whole days of recovery! Inspiring for me for sure!


Hmmmmm having a very wobbly day for no reason I can tell. Not gonna cave but today has been a challenge


Saw this and thought “ooh I’ll make sure to catch 123.45!”, and then promptly fell asleep oops


Definately !

Getting to know, understand and accept myself. Because of that, I am no longer guided by anger, hate and self-hatred, but loving kindness and a willingness to be forgiving to others.

Slowly getting to the core of my biggest problems : insecurities and emotions / feelings. Getting into contact with them, instead of living in a 100% mental conceptualised interpretation of the world.

Learning to connect with others, as well as myself.

Guess the best description of the change is, that I’ve asked for a sponsor a few days ago.
Being ready to learn deal with (and reckognise) feelings, I definately need help.
Those last 4 words I’ve only said twice in my life. The first time was my day 1

And, my sponsor is male. What has been a no-go untill a week ago for me.

So yes, lots of change


Hello, All! Still conquering ODAAT.

Seems like everything I watch on Netflix has people drinking. All the time. I finished Ozark and one of the characters was drinking straight out of a bottle. Made me cringe; its gross. I don’t even miss that poison, and for that I am so thankful. My last binge really did a number on me, and that’s a good thing, because it makes me know that I will NEVER go back to that place again. I wake up every morning with no anxiety and no regrets or worries related to booze. It’s true freedom.

Stay strong everyone, it’s beyond worth it! :muscle:We got this!!


Oh geez
just sitting. Looking at used Volvo wagons for my 16year old daughter. I don’t know what to do with this amount of free time. I want weed! I want alcohol! Anything to get the day going
Ugh. Yes, I’m sober😐 I’m maintaining myself.

Ok, I had a face to face interview with a Developer today. Went well
just not enough money. However, the upside could be LIFE CHANGING.

Today is my sweetheart’s birthday-Went to Whole Foods and bought a fancy dessert. Bought her some worn Jean shorts and some chocolate. Good day!

.these are long days. I’m used to working hard and not resting. I should be more mindful of this time :heart:

Just laying here in my listening room
Wishing my bud @Alycia the best and my sober twin @Deep encouragement.

On the turntable

Another Martin Denny
1958 (2020 reissue)
Jackpot Records


Checking in
Day 79
It’s already the afternoon here and my day has been half decent. Every day is slowly getting better mentally. I still feel tired but I’m being more productive and got more done today so I call this a win. Nothing else to really say so far. It’s been a regular day!
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Oh I had a day like that yesterday but this morning I felt much better. Keep hanging on it will pass :heart:

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Oh I find it hard when I’m not busy too! Hope you find some things to fill your time or are able to just enjoy this moment. Any chance you could ask for more money with the job? Or if it could be life changing maybe the salary would go up eventually soon enough? Good luck with things keep us posted.


Oh my gosh I was thinking exactly the same thing I actually vocalized it out loud last night about how they normalize drinking on TV so much. My husband and I were watching a family show with our 16 year old and the parents in the show are downstairs in the basement drinking all the time and joking about wine parties and stuff! I just don’t think it should be so normalized especially in shows that kids are watching. I know my daughter is 16, but she is a young 16 and I think this show was like a Disney show or something made for much younger viewers.
I was also just talking to my husband about how I can’t believe the difference when I wake up and I’m not struggling with anxiety anymore first thing in the morning. I was talking about how I thought I used to drink because of anxiety but it was actually the complete opposite and now that I’m not drinking I just feel so much calmer. Not to say I don’t still struggle with anxieties from time to time of course, but the difference is night and day.


Ty. It’s a trip.

You’re killing it too. Congrats to you.

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@GOKU2019 Congratulations! :purple_heart::muscle::purple_heart:

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Evening everyone, checking in with 26 days now. I have made it to 26, but only just. I have had such a lovely day, and my husband is out. It has taken all my willpower to not celebrate and treat myself to a “lovely night in” like I used to. Wine, TV to myself, total relaxation.

But, I didn’t do it. I have a good book, nice tea and am very relaxed. And proud of myself. I do need to work out why this last week has been so hard. There have been a lot of moments where I am taking it 5 minutes at a time.

Hope everyone else is doing well.


Day 23
My mood is starting to be a bit more stable, still eating way too much, hoping is a phase, just like the morning nervous nausea I am experiencing since back to work.
Have a great day or night everyone!


Hey guys- checking in with 36 days. It’s feeling pretty good, no strong urges, I don’t have the time to drink, I don’t know how I managed to spend so much time and money on alcohol, talk about burying my head in the sand.
@michaeljlogan74 thanks for thinking of me, still digging those killer vinyls! Stay focused, good luck with the car hunt!
@LabLover222 congrats on the 130 days- that’s mega! I agree about the alcohol placement on Netflix. It’s in everything, I finished the tv show casual and they drank non stop. It’s gotta be alcohol advertisement or something. It’s ridiculous :woman_facepalming:t2:
@HappyButtersStotch ahhh awesome numbers, so happy for you. Super inspiring :heart:

So grateful for you all, have an awesome day, be kind to yourselves x


Nice catch!