Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Fantastic! I’m glad I saw your post before going to bed @siand. What a nice way to end my day.
You’re such an inspiration and I appreciate everything you do to help keep this place running smoothly.

Congratulations on 4 years!!

congrats fireworks


You too man!

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Doing my thing met with a metalish group last night, wants me to be a part of their thing, some cool people. My role Undecided, I told them I’m a guitar player that can play bass and some drums. We were at the one dudes house laying down tracks and I was like put this here and there and boom their like I dig this.

Goal is to be out back on the circuit for June maybe July, gave me their opener set and asked if I can learn it 2 songs in already and I’m pretty set. Actually encouraged me to start an IG to promote myself more, so I did. I just kept it more of an musicians account than a personal one. Meet with another group Monday who’s more about just finishing an album so I’m pretty stoked. I have their dry runs to work with now to put them to my ear and learn it up.

It’s amazing that getting sober I thought I’d never get these chances again. Turns out now a days most musicians are saying no to sex and drugs and rock n roll and just focusing on their craft. The shitty bar bands who just want free drinks and to play their 6000th version of sweet home Alabama are the ones who are living that life and it isn’t traeating them well


Congratulations on an Amazing 4 years Siand.
That’s some major ODAAT’s
Good for you!!!
Enjoy some cake!


HUGE Congrats Siand!!!


I’m heading off to Ireland. Took the red eye in. Just landed. I’m excited for this!


Coffee. Early shift coming up. Did a lovely ride yesterday as the weather was ideal for it and I was riding through the dunes near the sea and I just didn’t want to stop. Still had to get home when the dunes ended so it became a rather long one. A bit stiff now but nothing too bad. Ready for another sober and clean day.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from Noord Holland.


Don’t overthink it.
That perspective changes in time. It turns into not needing to drink, and after a while not wanting to drink.


Big congrats ! :slight_smile:

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Congratulations on you 4 years! That’s really amazing. Also congratulations that you are feeling fine in your new home. :upside_down_face:



Wow! Congratulations on four years! I really appreciate your presence here. :hugs:


Rounding off day 19. Tomorrow I wake up sober to another milestone!

Today I thought, for the first time since choosing sobriety… that I actually enjoy being sober :thinking:. Like… I might prefer this over being drunk!!! Who knew? And I believe that thought killed those post work cravings I get every. Single. Day… it didn’t happen today, and I’m only just now realizing that I didn’t crave when I got home 4 hours ago! Hoping the feelings today are a new normal. If that’s the case then I should have zero issue staying sober thru my cousins wedding in 2 weeks. My friends birthday in Vegas in a month, AND camping in 2 months. I’m looking forward to the challenge actually. Bring it on! :muscle::100:

My biggest worry about being sober was that I wouldn’t be fun/funny anymore… or that friends wouldn’t wanna hang out anymore. Turns out that my friends are cooler :sunglasses: than I gave them credit for! I have the supportive friends I need in my corner, I have 19 days under my belt, I have an amazing supportive man, a beautiful super cool and fun daughter, a couple of pretty awesome bonus kids, a business, and a pair of snuggly fur babies :wolf::dog:, my corner of the world is more comfy than I thought. Why did I want by to be numb again?

The biggest challenge that I thought I would face, was staying sober when my guy is a bartender… And he’s really really good at it. Like wins competitions and is well known in the community for his craft… but I surprisingly dont find that to be challenging at all. He doesn’t really drink either, after shift he will have a couple but im sleep when he gets home. Doesn’t drink on his days off. But even if he does it doesn’t bother me. Which surprises me… I thought I’d want to french kiss the whiskey right off his taste buds :yum: but so far so good!

Turns out the things I was most worried about, don’t matter at all. I avoided sobriety for the longest time over those things too. Seems like the biggest challenge, is time of day. Who knew 5pm would be such a hard time of day to get on the other side of, sober…

Favorite part of sobriety-the sleep!!! I’ve been getting UH-MAZING sleep this past week. I feel brand new. MAN I just feel so GOOD today :laughing:

Goodnight friends. Looks like a lot of us had a good day, or reached some pretty major milestones today, congrats to you all!! Love reading the stories and seeing those accomplishments. Way to go!!!

And for those are are struggling with loss, negative self optics, finances, relationships, or just in general with no clear reason why, remember that today is tomorrow’s yesterday. Focus on what you CAN control. Find moments where you can allow yourself some peace. And don’t be so hard on you. The world is hard enough without provocation, thats for damn sure. Celebrate those small wins. Every step forward, big or small, is a step in the right direction. Much love to you all :heart:


Just want to say I love your supportive presence here and I love the way you tackle this sobriety business Shaunna. Realistic positivity, great attitude, well thought out ways to enforce your sobriety one day at a time. Thanks for being here!


Congratulations :birthday::star2::four:

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Day 10! Whoop! Amazing how much you can get done when sober isn’t it!!!
@hutch I’m also going through the guilts. Yikes. Nasty things I remember doing while pissed, was a total bitch. I guess there’s only forwards from here. A bit of self compassion is ok too :slight_smile:
@Dolse71 I’m truly sorry to hear about your friend. Thanks for sharing that’s an important reminder for me. I’m gonna contact an old friend today because of what you wrote.
Happy sober Friday everyone


Awe!! Thanks man! I’m really happy I found this group. It really makes all the difference


Day 485. 1 year and 4 months today.

As most of you have seen… I’ve been a bit if a hot mess… But I’m dealing. Reached out. Got some reassurance… Spent the day actually coaching/playing softball with my girls. Instrad if just watching. I’ve always loved playing softball so doing it with my girls was awesome.


Not a particularly special number, but any sober day is special :purple_heart:.
Had some small hiccups, irritations, possible disturbances today, but nothing really bothered me too much.
Got a few things to catch up on over the next few days, so I don’t get too behind and stressed.
Already end of the work week for me. TGIF all!


Ah, the magic moment of hitting double digits ! Congrats with 10 days ! :slight_smile:

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