Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Hi and congratulations on hitting 10 days, it’s a good feeling right? :sparkling_heart:

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Ah, amazing! You’ll have a great time, Ireland is gorgeous and the people are the best :sparkling_heart:

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Congratulations @siand that is massive!! :star:

Equal congratulations to @Bigbear Double didgets, well done :clap:


Morning all, woke up feeling great. Day off and I actually have some energy, really hoping that means the recent fatigue was covid and not my pre-existing conditions getting worse. Means I can get out and about in the sunshine :sun_with_face: The only problem is I have a poorly daughter. Will have to work that in to the day, lots of cuddles and her favourite foods (she has requested orange juice, grapes and raspberries). Husband working from home so can work it out between us.

That was a very complicated way of saying it will be a good day :grin:

Hope everyone else has a lovely day.


Hope your daughter feels better soon, have a relaxing day off, if poss, at least the sun is shining today :sun_with_face::sparkling_heart:

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Getting a few Friday night pangs. I haven’t been sleeping well guys. Broken sleep, waking up so early. Pushing myself a bit too far. I’ve got a footy game with my boy tonight so don’t have the time to entertain the idea really. But it’s the first time in a while I’ve had a strong craving so I just wanted to pop on and put it out there. Write it down rather than entertain the idea. Thanks for listening guys x


Better out than in. True about many things, thoughts of using is one.

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You’re right. I sometimes have those weird thoughts too. Then I really have to tell myself how it really is, I’ve been sober for a long time which I enjoy very much, the alternative is just not a possibility given the consequences we all know dot exclamation mark!!! It’s good that you notice those thoughts, that you are aware of how tricky they are.

And what a beautiful dream catcher. Very well done.


Day 227 checking in odaat :pray:t2:


Checking in at day 248.
I have been sick for the last 2 days. Sore throat, headache, fever, cold and my whole body hurts. But I don’t have Covid. It is already such a challenge to walk the dog, I spend all day in bed. I got the flu at exactly the wrong time because I was supposed to get the tests for the nursing actions for my work today. Pfff always at the wrong time. But today I feel a little better. I have a lot of reading to catch up on here on TS so I’ll do that. I hope everyone has a good, healthy day😉


Thank you Jenny, it would be a great milestone, first final sober but, unfortunately, I am superstitious, and prefer not being alive in case of defeat. I prefer being at home now with pizza and sparkling water. :+1:

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Pizza and sparkling water is still a good plan. Comfortable viewing. Liverpool beat us (Spurs) in the CL final so I will be supporting you! :soccer:

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Good morning,
I am going to check today with my savings milestone: almost 425 €, which is a good number for me.

Being sober and well is the most important thing, but money savings is also a motivation, at least for me.

Sorry for being so material. Best luck and 24 hours!
Kind regards.


Thank you very much. I also like Spurs!

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Have a nice day off Jenny and spoil your daughter she chose delicious things😍

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Sounds like you’re doing great Chris. Would love to hear some tunes someday. Well done mate.

Hi girl just wanted to say that you are doing really great. Check your sober time wow. I know that not everything can go the way we want and sometimes it gets a little messy but you pick it up really well. Glad you enjoyed your daughters and the softball.

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Aaaah, thank you. She is all snuggled up to me now. We are watching her choice, so a strange combination of YouTube football videos and skateboarding :rofl:

My husband has managed to squeeze in a run, and now is being taken out to lunch by his boss. Not going to lie, this wasn’t how I saw my day turning out. Decided to just give in and watch TV while reading and eating nice food :grin:

Hope you are feeling better :blush:


Thank you so much! I’m trying. I’m hoping to teach my girls that life is messy and hard but it is possible to handle it with grace. I just hope I’m able to display it for them.


ahhh that also sounds good even your day turns out differently than you thought. Besides, I’m glad you have more energy. I was very tired for a while. My days really consisted of working, eating and sleeping. But the fatigue is much less. Only now i’m sick. You can’t have it all, right😅Since this morning I’m feeling much better thank you💝