Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Oh that is good news, glad you are feeling better. It sounds like you have been so busy your body has forced a rest. Convinced that is what has happened to my daughter. We are now shopping for football boots online. She is having a great day :rofl:


haha sounds good. Does she want football boots from a certain brand or does the brand not matter that much? They can be very expensive but also very beautiful!

Youā€™re right, I looked at my schedule and saw that I worked full days in a row for almost 2 weeks. And before that I also worked a lot. Maybe it really was my body saying and now itā€™s enough, stop. Iā€™m really taking my rest now to relax and recover. Iā€™ll take it a little easier from now on.


27 today at the top of the day. Good stuff from me ha. Letā€™s go team.


Good plan, build in rest.

She loves to look and has chosen some very ā€˜prettyā€™ boots.

@Tragicfarinelli good to see us both building those days up. I am day 28 and always think of you as my sober twin (if I was before midnight and you after) :grin:


I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she will be very much missed and made a big impact on this world. I hope you have a peaceful time off :blue_heart:


So sorry for the loss of your friend, Charlie. Sounds like she and her family were lucky to have those last years of her with them. Hope you enjoy your vacation!

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Day 24 :muscle: crap weather Netflix day :yum:


Hahaha thatā€™s a really good inspiration to have a sober twin!!

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Back to day 1. Admitting powerlessness


Day 170

Just checking in. Have a great day everyone!


Good morning all. Itā€™s a beautiful sunny day to be clean and sober for the 18th day for me. I have the day off today. Woo hoo.
Iā€™m planning on relocating to a different city by July yet having a difficult time finding a place. Due to the difficulty, emotionally I have been in a funk which brings on thoughts of using and using behavior. I prayed, journaled, talked, and now unleashed to you all. I have yet to talk to my sponsors and will later today. I welcome any experience, strength, and, hope,
Have a great day all.


Hey all, checking in on day 691. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 693 clean and sober today. Heard back from the new job and their policy states that I have to be off probation for a year to be hired so they rescinded the offer. One of my friends said ā€œthings happen for a reasonā€. Yeah I did something stupid and the consequences of that are that I canā€™t get a decent job as a result. I donā€™t believe in the ā€œit wasnā€™t meant to beā€ theory, it just is what it is. Been working a lot on not using mindsets like that because for myself, thatā€™s just a coping mechanism to deal with things that donā€™t work out the way I wouldā€™ve liked. Iā€™d rather live in the truth, I fucked up and thatā€™s part of the consequence. Anyway, Iā€™m ok. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 52

I think I just slept for like, 20 hours lol! I slept all of the night before last, all of yesterday (minus 4 hours I played Skyrim before falling asleep again) and then slept all night. I woke up at 6:20am and feel alright today! I think I really needed to rest after stressing so hard about where to live. šŸ„² The landlord gave us two final months to find a new place, so we are getting on waiting lists here and there. Iā€™m really excited, Iā€™ve always been a fan of dolls and figure collecting, and the day before yesterday I went to the thrift store searching for a good find. I found a bag of 24 Monster High dolls for only $10!! And 16 of them have intact bodies and parts, which means I have lots of dolls for spares and extra heads now :sparkling_heart: My doll closet is full too with the extra clothes! Sooo happy, I found them on my day 50 and felt like the universe totally rewarded me! :yum: hope everyone had a good sleep like mine haha!


It took me a long time to understand step one. Back and forth, I couldnā€™t get a grasp on it. I really hope you can find your understanding soon. :pray:


I respect your perspective a lot, Rob, and I agree completely. Iā€™d rather live in my truth than try to glaze over it. Iā€™ve been trying to be more honest with myself, stop some lifelong avoidance tendencies, and reading your post was a reminder of the importance of that. Thanks for sharing, bud!


Awwww thanks Rosa I appreciate that very much! Cheers (coffee) to uncomfortable self honesty my friend!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Checking in. I met with my financial advisor yesterday and am on track for my goals, a total gift of sobriety! I am so relieved I donā€™t have to explain a high grocery expense because of alcohol! Now it is normal for a family of 3. I have to work until I am 69 but Iā€™m okay with that. Have a good day everyone.


Good afternoon everyone. Checking in day 259 AF. Another beautiful day! Hope everyone stays safe and take care!


Day 202
Day 6.5 no caffeine

Got a couple of hours of overtime this morning. 4 people called out sick. Them Cinco de Drincos :laughing::rofl:. Ha! Nah, who knows. Anyways, blessed for another sober day. Have a great day everyone! Stay strong and take care!