Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Hey guys. Just checking in day 3. Was a bit tired today.
Going to eat now.
Have a great day guys. Peace.


Day 2 has been a real long day so far. Symptoms ARE starting to ease off a bit, just cooked BBQ for dinner and had herbal tea as my beverage of choice!


Day 5 alcohol and weed free. I didnt sleep too well. I had an interview this morning and was worried that id oversleep. The interview went well with a well established not for profit. I truly enjoyed getting to know Ashley and Mindy and learning about the position. Crossing my fingers and toes. I think Im going to take a nap and enjoy my freetime today. One day at a time


Checking in day 329 from the banks of the beautiful river Main. Today is a great day to be alive and sober.


checking in kinda early today. School starts back up on Monday and the college (a top 3 college, and #1 for my program) is doing its usual by delaying info that we need for Monday, and/or giving us the info for another campus. Ya think theyā€™d be more professionalā€¦

I am SO ANXIOUS right now that I am clenching my jaw and my heart is literally beating as fast as it does when I sprint.

I need to do deep breathing? Right? or sit with the anxiety, pay attn to it and let it float away?

Iā€™m also focusing on the fact that after I graduate in August, I have 2.5 MORE YEARS till Iā€™m officially done and thatā€™s feeling really overwhelming right now. The finances, the time, ā€¦ iwndwyt oneMinuteAtATime right now for me.


Checking in
Day 81
Woke up feeling pretty good this morning. Kind of emotional though, but thatā€™s okay. Beautiful day out! Spent some time with my HP this morning and then had a video call with my mom which was nice. They are planning on moving to Alberta in the next year or 2. That will be amazing once they do! Just going to smudge and keep that negativity away.
Hope everyone is having an addiction free day


Day 5. So somehow I tested positive for covid. Despite feeling super tired from I thought my withdrawals a test came back positive for covid so idk if I have it for real or not. I went to my meeting last night so now I should probably let them knowā€¦ Slept most of the day today, I still feel tired and one thing im noticing is my momā€™s constant snap and grouchy is getting to me and I canā€™t take it anymore, always yelling at me or my stepfather or my girls and while we havenā€™t had any fights sheā€™s snapped several times and it instantly puts me in in this relapse mode or in this fight mode and I just feel so uneasy. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m the reason she is so snappy idk she was like this my whole life even when I was a kid but itā€™s time to get out of this house and be a big boy and survive on my own.


Hello famā€¦been a while. Checking in @day #7


day 248.
2nd check in. I had fallen asleep because Iā€™m still a little sick. I am someone who normally always analyzes his dreams. I just had a dream which there was not really much to analyze. Sometimes I dream about animals, they can tell you a lot. In the beginning of my sobriety I dreamed about using like so many people who are just getting sober or clean. I havenā€™t had those dreams in a while. But I just dreamed that I was having a conversation with someone and I told him that Iā€™ve enjoyed my sobriety for a long time and never wanted to use again. I thought that was special because apparently the fact that I want to be clean and sober has already reached my subconscious. But then I dreamed about selling drugs and I kind of sat there waiting for a call from customers. Which really makes no sense because Iā€™ve never sold and never had that need. So that part of my dream is really meaninglessšŸ˜…


Hi Friends, over 2 days sober, been on and off since a few weeks, heads been good,calm, peacefulā€¦ Itā€™s strange but I just canā€™t drink like I did ;(like abusing it and abusing myself and daily and there is a block stopping me from ā€˜tryingā€™ to be a ā€˜drunkā€™). Iā€™m grateful for thatā€¦ Iā€™m good, Iā€™m Sober, and I CAN get a stretch of sober days (I have had over 300 in a year)ā€¦
Glad there is a weeks break from the AH and JD trial . Been totally obbsessed with it!.. just another escapism aswell as the alcohol for the impending exams I have coming upā€¦ hope you all have a good sober day/Evening :star::sparkles:


Hello all Kat here checking in Day 276

Day off so slept till 2 pm lol. Went to meeting last night, was good.

Hope you all have a good clean and sober day!



First of all, get well soon. I recently had Covid and was also very tired and sick. The situation at home while you are sick does not make it any easier. Maybe you struggle more because of the Covid? That is not to say that the situation is normally easy. I would definitely find a solution and a space of my own. That gives so much freedom. Your own place is kind of the base.


Good to see you Chris & congrats on day 7!


Welcome back!! Congrats on 1 week :smiley:

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Iā€™m way behind on this thread and skimmed through a lot of them but I am not feeling very well today and havenā€™t been for a couple days. Iā€™m still sober and hanging on but I feel like Iā€™m sick. Did a covid test and itā€™s negative but I have the worst headache and Iā€™m really achy everywhere else.
Just wanted everyone to know Iā€™m you thinking of you guys and I wish I had the energy to reply to more posts but congratulations to everyone for being sober and for those who are struggling remember weā€™re all in this together.


Get well soon Miranda, give Lola some cuddles! Thatā€™ll give you positive energy!

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@Rockstar24777 Just gotta be patient for that year to come. In the meantime, keep that great attitude and keep working on yourself. :purple_heart:

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Hello there


Hello Holly :slight_smile: