Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Checking in 38 days sober-
Made it through another working week sober. The week was long and I’ve been working hard to keep consistent with exercise and food. It was really hard to do this while drinking so I’m grateful for sobriety allowing me to look after myself.
We have a family dress up party tonight (fav movie theme) there will be alcohol and junk food, these things are normally pretty binge-heavy for me. I’m bringing some alcohol free ginger beers, and I’m going to make an appearance with my husband (we are going in tuxedos like in step brothers when they do job interviews together haha).
I’m just going to try and have an escape plan for when I’m over it, and get a bit sick of being around drinking. This will be my first social thing since getting sober again. Maybe it might get me out of my sober funk, and remind me I can still do a social thing without alcohol.


Day 62

Yesterday was terrible but not a disaster.

I am so mad and tired but have done a bunch of small watercolor paintings. They make me happy

Cat is healthy. Body is anxious. Trying to get the nerve to really clean my room.

Havent been caught up with the whole thread but glad people are posting, familiar and new. Shout out to newly sober people building momentum, dealing with grief and coming out of the fog.


I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, I’ve had friends take covid tests and come back negative only to do another or 2 tests and find out they are positive. Get rest, sleep, stay hydrated, read a good book. I’m :pray: you’re better soon! You were the 1st person that replied to me when I joined 11 days ago, you have a special place in my :heart:


Tonight will probably be day 66 of no self harm.

I’ll start off with positive news: I GOT THE JOBBBBB. I don’t start until june 27th but I feel so much better knowing I have a chance of moving out. I am going to save every single penny.

Not feeling great today despite the good news. Just my parents treating me like I’m nothing. My dad almost got physical with me and that hasn’t happened for a while. (a few months ago he got in my face and broke my door and mirror, but he hasn’t laid his hands on me in years. He just gets very close.)

Feeling desperate to get away from everything. Trying to keep busy. Trying to stay safe.


Please stay safe and CONGRATULATIONS on your new job!! You have a bright future ahead of you!

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Hi, checking in on day 9, work is done but I’m not thinking about drinking like I used to. Right now I’m curled up on the couch with my cat & dog watching TV. I feel blessed to be alive and sober and thankful I found this place.


Hi Holly, how’re you?

Thanks Maxine. I’ll do another test tomorrow too to make sure. Wow you’re at 9 days!!! That’s so amazing. So proud of you💖

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Checking in day 5… work tonight then off the weekend. Have had a couple of thoughts about drinking and then I imagine how ill it made me last time and I don’t want to feel like that. One day at a time :sunflower:


I’ve noticed that each time I relapse, the next day I feel like shit and I have a tremendous amount of guilt. I just have to remind myself of that feeling each time I desire to drink.

Today was a good day. I had a video panel interview for a job back home in California. It went very well. Tough questions, but the recruiter was happy with my performance. I really don’t want to move back to California, but I need a job.

Nonetheless, spoke with another recruiter about a position in Nashville, Tennessee. Just working my leads.

Took the family out to dinner and had a really nice time. Going to watch Ozark on Netflix tonight….can’t wait!

Hanging out, playing with the pup and listening to vinyl.

On the turntable ~
Jazz Dispensary-Various Artists
“Purple Funk II”


Congratulations on 4 years! Super awesome :ok_hand:


Checking in 100 days free from alcohol :tada::blossom::rose:



Party Ballons
Party Ballons
Party Ballons
Party Ballons


Whoa! Great example of perseverance and endurance!


Amazing accomplishment and well done!

Thank you very much @Misokatsu!

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Congratulations on the job @SadMemeQueen that’s excellent news!!!

Congratulations @siand on 4 years YAY!!! :balloon::tada::confetti_ball::balloon::tada::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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I’m so excited for you and happy that u got the job! This is ur way out! To be on ur own snd supporting urself. U get ur own place and u can decorate it the way u want and make the rules of who comes in ur home! This would be such an amazing step for u. Have u looked around for what the price range is for places in the area u want? I can’t wait for u to get ur own place! What will u be doing at ur new job?


Congrats ok day 9!!! And thank you. I’m really hoping that moving out is going to be where I can finally start to have my own life and take control of things

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