Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Checking in on day 12, feel pretty good. Still having stomach issues, figure it’s the decade plus of vodka and all the years before with beer and wine. I’d rather have this than start drinking again. Stay safe and sober everyone!


Is that Sarasota? Looks awesome!


Day 173,

Just checking in. everyone have a great day.


Hey strangers!

Popping in to say hello, and I hope everyone is doing great!

Going strong at 1021 days.

Have a strong day!!!


One week shy of 6 months clean. No fronts tho… Lol

I’m sitting in deep resentments, hurt, anger and sorrow.

My ex stole our three youngest. My blood family have celebrated all holidays without me. Sober or not, it’s been this way for years. I’m beginning to hate them for it. They side with my abuser. And I hate him too.
These feelings will pass. My God is greater than my feelings.

I don’t want anyone’s input…it’s why I rarely share these feelings bc I don’t appreciate others filters.

Yesterday I was full of hope and joy. This morning I’m filled with hurt and anger. And it’s ok. I will not wallow in this. It will not take me out to my vomit again of alcohol, drugs and some disgusting, gaslighting man. I sit in this and will work through it. I acknowledge my feelings and then will let them pass.

Grateful for this forum to safely share.

God bless.


In that case I just send you a virtual hug…


Congratulations @AyBee!!! :tada::balloon::confetti_ball::boom::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Day 4 I was traveling in the morning and I arrived safe and sounds I hope to rest this days and being sober


Congrats on your full year of recovery. What a beautiful gift to give to yourself and your family today.


I am so freaking proud of you, you have come so far and it really makes my heart happy to hear you talk like this. Well done @SadMemeQueen!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 696 clean and sober today. I’m sick but it’s my day off so I’m going to rest, watch movies and nap all day. I hope everyone has an amazing day, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey Micheal, being accountable and putting action to your accountability are very different things. It’s my opinion that anyone who has the chance to go to rehab is pretty fucking lucky, I have never had the opportunity. Ten days is nothing compared to the years of pain and suffering that you could be subjecting your family to as you yo-yo back and forth with active addiction. Honesty, Openmindedness and Willingness are what we all need in order to get better and I see that you are struggling a little bit with these pieces. Be honest with yourself, if you cant do that you are fucked…


Day 27 :muscle: feel like crap lazy chill in bed Netflix day :weary::rofl:


Checking in again to say that my son’s guidance teacher called and we had a productive chat. I’m optimistic that she can help my son and his friends resolve their issues at school tomorrow.

I can feel a certain level of tension right now, a tightness in my shoulders, so I think I’ll listen to some music while lying on my acupressure mat before preparing dinner. Oh, the challenges of the lone parent!


Day 39
Finding myself struggling in new ways. I’m still sober, but now it’s me asking ‘What else am I doing for this?’ I’m trying to reach the point of consistency without constant flying sparks of motive bc that’s not realistic (for me at least w/the mood swings). It’s a harder road to travel down. I don’t care. I’m trying to get there and I’m taking my meditating, breathing mindfully, journaling butt down that path.
This is gonna end up being good and alright bc I say so, dang it; but the temptation to self destruct, she’s still there like a cartoon villain dressing up in different disguises. Still not using or wanting to travel back there though.
Hope everyone has a good week!


Checking in 862 days substance-free…

Love you guys


Congratulations :tada::tada::tada:


Congratulations :nazar_amulet::tada::tada::tada::revolving_hearts:


Hey guys. Checking in day 6. Feeling good today.

Hey @michaeljlogan74 sorry to hear you are struggling. I dont know what to say to you but I am always supporting you. You will conquer this addiction. Sending strength.

Bye and peace.


2 weeks smoke free! Woohoo!