Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Day 7 or 8 I didn’t check when I logged on. But just saying hi, I’m feeling pretty grateful, trying to just accept some things and be ok don’t really want to beat myself up anymore and mind is feeling ok. Went and returned the drone I baught so I can go and buy a mountain bike to cruise with my girls and just for myself, but now that I got the money im having a hard time spending it bc I’m kind of broke and would like to save it, but at the same time I think it could be good for me to get another actual riding bike. I’ve been having several ppl message me about tattoos in the last idk how many weeks since I’ve relapsed and I just haven’t even responded not really sure what I even want to do with that. Right now I just want to be sober but don’t want to give up that dream either. But also don’t want that stress it was giving me I haven’t drawn in a while either but I’m kind of also ok with it, but it kind of reminds be of just how I gave up the lifting which like man leads to terrible discipline, idk how I was do disciplined with my lifting for so long and so religious about it and then just dropped it like nothing. Addie rose my girl is feeling better today so I’m really grateful for that. Much love


Checking in:
2 years
18 weeks
And 1 day.
But who’s counting?
This fucking guy!! That’s who!!
It’s very important to me. And it’s part of what works “for me.”
Been super busy with the move. Getting old. Can’t do as much as quickly as I use too. Being sober helps me to “easy does it.” So what if I haven’t unpacked ALL the boxes yet. I’ll get to them……when I get to them.
I guess in the old days, since I drank ALL the time, I tried to make up for it by working harder or longer or more or faster so I could justify, that I can drink all day and get EVERYTHING done. How exhausting is that? I’m not exhausted. I’m not drinking. My back isn’t in pain from overdoing it. I’m certainly not hungover. I’m calm when things don’t go right. And it’s Freaking Awesome!!

I’m grateful for each ODAAT of my sobriety that I’ve counted.


Good that you are thinking about it. Very personal of course what you want to share about those steps. Are you already working on the workbook?

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I am coming from a motherly point of view but your tattooing will be there when you’re healthy and ready. Do the next best thing for you and your sobriety. Sometimes one thing leads to something that you didn’t expect. Like a job offer, schooling, etc.
Look on line for a used bike for now maybe.
My son would say I’m a pia but put things in order of importance.


Checking in 2 months and 4 days sober ! :+1:


Hugs :tulip: :hibiscus: :rose:

Always SO proud of you Eric! It’s been wonderful to see your journey and how you work thru things sober! Grateful for you and grateful to have u here!


Checking in
Day 84
Feeling strange lol not sure how I’m feeling exactly. I know I feel a litle bit of resentment towards 1 person. I know I’m feeling overly sensitive. I feel a little unwell in my head (like my mental health isn’t quite on point). I feel uneasy. I did attend a Bible Study over zoom this morning for an hour with other women. It was nice but diff bcuz the format was not like before. I’m missing back home in a sense, just with the connection I had with people there. But I would never go back cuz it’s too damn easy for me to get back into connection with the wrong people, back into the trade, and there are just too many triggers. Plus that city is going down hill quick and not really the environment I want to be in. But I do miss the supports and family. I feel sort of lonely and unmotivated but will work on that. I continue to feel disappointed over not going to the gym. I had such good intentions to go every morning and I end up sleeping until 7am missing my opportunity to go (530-7am is my time when I can fit an actual gym workout in). But I am grateful for where I am today. I’m working on my vision board today as well as a dreamctacher for a friend back home. And I am doing some cleaning and making my grocery list for tmrw since its payday for me. Not much else.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


A bike is always an nice option. One can never have too many bikes :see_no_evil:

What I wanted to say is that I hope you have a good start tomorrow in your thérapy and congratulations on your one week, Mike!


I trust your instincts Donna :). Yes I tried online and have found absolutely nothing they all want like 2,000 for there 4 year old bike. I called a shop in lake placid and the cheapest they had was 750 but atleast it’s brand knew. Heading over to check it out now


Thank you, I am super excited for tomorrow as well

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Day 231

I hope all have been well, I have missed being here!
I am alive. I am sober. I am not horrible. I am not great.

I am just okay and with everything that has been going on in my life, I will accept that as a win.


Well said, my friend! :pray:

Good to see you back.

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I know it’s difficult and we talked about it a bit before and of course every situation is different, but one thing I learned is: if you want to start helping your kids you need to stop helping them. It’s actually kind of the same as recovery from an addiction. It has to be their choice. They have to want to do it and you can’t force that upon them unfortunately. One thing my daughter said to me before was “well I know if I don’t do it, you’ll just end up doing it for me”… And that made me take a good look at where the motivation for me helping her was coming from. It just becomes this battle that nobody wins. Sorry it’s so frustrating for you though I know that you just want to help and it would be so easy (and we see it so clearly) all they need to do it’s just that 30 to 45 minutes and then boom it’s done but they see it differently somehow.

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Day 205 af

Good morning everyone

I had this dream about relapsing. I had a couple of 32 oz bottles of beer. It was weird. It felt real.

Anyways, glad I’m still sober.

Hope everyone has a great day! Stay strong!


Day 289.
Haven’t posted here in a looooong time. Mental health took a dive after a 3-month bout of physical illness, and slowly finding my way back to good health and balance.
Sobriety has been strong, but I’m still navigating how to cope with the stress of my high-stress and very demanding work. Things are especially busy this time of year, and I find myself panicking on the daily. Not tempted to drink, but also haven’t figured out how to handle stress without alcohol yet.
Been referred to a CBT app by my doctor which I’m also still trying to navigate.
Brainstorming ways to make work a little less all-consuming going forward, while still trying to remind myself of the simple things I so often forget: I’m worthy, I’m doing my best, and no one will die if I’m less than perfect.


Hey glad u popped on and posted :slight_smile: I’m happy to hear that ur doing a bit better. Screws has always been a trigger for me to use so I’m doing the same with finding new healthy ways to cope with stress. Glad ur back on here to update us!


I found my very nice bike on Craigslist for like 300. In the past you’ve identified moving out as a goal because of your conflict with your mom, now you are going to drop 750 on a bike? I understand wanting to be able to ride with the girls and everything, but think this through. A bicycle is a nice thing I get to have as a result of my sobriety. Moving out of a self identified codependent relationship is a step towards achieving sobriety.


Yes, several times allready. First time with a sponsor though.
Needed the first few rounds to get to the core issues I guess :slight_smile:


Thanks man I always appreciate your words. I really looked all over on Facebook for something and could find absolutely nothing. Definitely that’s why I don’t want to spend the money is bc I’m thinking of rent getting out and everything, but it’s not just for my girls I have zero transportation if I get a job. Tupper is small but there is no ubers or taxis or anything so I figured it would be nice. I still have another year before I can apply for my license still, everything is paid and caught up when I first got sober but they still won’t give me my license. Anyways the place I went to cut me a break and dropped a big chunk off the bike for me. So I paid 650 I’m happy, it will be nice for getting to my meetings which are downtown from me. St Joe’s can also help me in finding a place to live as well