Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Yes that seems to be normal. My sponsor told me to go through all the steps carefully because with one step there may be things that are still unclear. If the previous step is not clear, it can work as a domino effect and you will always run into something, so she explained too me and my sponsor has an American sponsor herself. They do it just a bit stricter than here she said. So in other words I have to workšŸ˜…


Thank you I appreciate that super proud of you to dude

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Really proud of you Mike getting to 1 week clean and sober! Iā€™m noticing a huge change in u already by the posts u write :slight_smile:

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In the first few rounds, there was a lot I couldnā€™t really dig into yet. Needed to get rid of the guilts first. From there, slowly got in touch with feelings so could get a little deeper, and so on.

It is only now, that I can really look at the how and why of everything, besides the autism.
And it is only now, that Iā€™m starting to get ready to talk about the deepest emotions and insecurities.

So now is the time to start with a sponsorā€¦


Iā€™m really glad you donā€™t want to beat yourself up anymore! Youā€™re taking the right steps and Iā€™m proud of you.

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Super stoked for tomorrow.

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Thank youā¤ļø it does feel nice to have a changed mindset

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It definitely lifts my mood a lot. Iā€™m gonna make it happen. It might be difficult but there is no point in trying to please people who simply canā€™t be pleased m so I refuse to let them hold me back

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So itā€™s day 40 for me (and I know I donā€™t really need to say this but it would have been day 64 if I didnā€™t do a resetā€¦ And the reason I say that is because thatā€™s a long time for just having one reset and not letting it go on a big Bender or anything so Iā€™m proud of myself for that) ā€¦ And I noticing all these positive changes. Other than the fact that Iā€™ve been feeling a bit sick lately I do feel like I have way more energy and Iā€™m able to handle stress better. I feel like my eyes are brighter and clearer in the morning my skin looks better and I finally gotten over my cravings for extra sugar and I feel like Iā€™m even making healthier choices in so many areas of my life. Iā€™m better able to deal with my daughter. I have more patience. I feel more grateful. Iā€™m able to sit with my feelings instead of trying to escape them all of the time. Iā€™m less angry at my husband who continues to drink. He and I are able to communicate better and although heā€™s drinking every night heā€™s not totally overdoing it. And yet even after all of these positives today is a day I want to cuddle up on the couch turn on a movie and have a few drinks. Itā€™s probably the first day in quite a while that Iā€™m actually contemplating drinking. I donā€™t want to throw all of this away but Iā€™m just struggling partially because I still donā€™t feel 100%. I have a headache and Iā€™m achy. Ive still got a long ways to go for the afternoon so hopefully in a few hours this feeling will pass by the time I get home from picking up my daughter. Iā€™m sure I can make it try to find something else to look forward to Iā€™ve only got one more client then Iā€™ll pick up my daughter and then maybe have a NeoCitron and relax on the couch. I can do this. I donā€™t want to go through resetting and have to suffer through getting sober all over again.


Day 69 of no self harm

My post yesterday really made me feel so proud of myself. I know itā€™s going to be tough changing my entire life and mentality, but I have to do it. I canā€™t continue to be miserable anymore. I really hope this positivity sticks, but even when it doesnā€™t Iā€™m gojng to force myself to be positive when I can. Iā€™m doing good today.

Something positive: made a new friend in VR and weā€™re gonna watch some documentaries together


Day 128. Havenā€™t checked in much the last week or so, itā€™s been a stressful time in life so itā€™s not been easy but Iā€™m still going. Just wanted to say out loud that I do love life and Iā€™m very grateful to my higher power for giving me strengths.

As Iā€™m coming out of a tough patch Iā€™d like to share that exercise has again helped me massively and probably saved me again.

Keep going all, itā€™s not worth giving up! Good days await us when sober :blue_heart:


@Butterflymoonwoman , @Miranda , @Its_me_Stella thank you guys. I am super stoked for tomorrow as well, like really honestly stoked. Going for a small bike ride much love


Good morning guys. Getting read for my early walk before the world starts to stir and the work day begins.
Itā€™s day 41 for me, just started reading we are the luckiest. Iā€™ve read a few of the quit lit books, enjoying this one so far.
I guess over the years Iā€™ve tried to get sober and have been sober a few times. And Iā€™ve really come off the rails a few times, I realise now it was just a coping mechanism for losing my parents and the trauma of it all.
Iā€™m having a bit of a self realisation, itā€™s like slowly clicking hard for me. The realisation that I really cannot drink, it cannot be a part of my life. Iā€™ve tripped and fell a few times brushing off the seriousness off what alcohol does to me.
But lately Iā€™ve been seeing my relationship with alcohol over a larger timeline with more of an idea how my merry go round relationship with booze works.
Iā€™m starting to just sit with this idea, that Iā€™m just not able to manage it. And itā€™s not scaring me.
What scares me is this feeling of being to new in sobriety again. The moods that come and go, the loss of direction because Iā€™ve spent so long drinking and having my life circle around it.
Everything feels so new and raw, like Iā€™m a bloody child again. I almost feel like Iā€™m in the first week again, so fresh to it all.
I think in the past Iā€™ve gotten a bit cocky about sobriety, like oh yeah Iā€™ve been a month off, this is easy and then just crumbled at the first real gut wrenching craving. At the moment Iā€™m really just noticing how sensitive Iā€™m feeling, but just how important it is to me to stay sober.
Anyway, I just wanted to share this feeling thatā€™s kind of growing within me.
Thanks for listening :heart:


Midday check in
Day 84
Day has turned around. Had to work for it though lol Some days just flow so nicely for me and Iā€™m motivated and in a good mood. Other days (like today), it comes down to ā€œbaby stepsā€. So basically telling myself to just focus on completing yhe task at hand. Then once I get that done, I focus on the next task. And before u know it, I start sort of building up momentum and I get going. I used to do this alot when I didnā€™t want to get out of bed when I mentally didnā€™t feel well. Currently I am feeling alot better. I prayed and I smudged in the sun rays out on the balcony. Found some pictures on the internet for my vision board. Started the dreamcatcher for my friend. Did some cleaning and now drinking a nice apple flavored tea. Started keeping track of my food intake and will exercise tmrw mrng. Habits (whether good or bad), need time to develop I guess lol so I have to put the work in to see results. This Monday isnā€™t turning out too bad after all!


Good luck that sounds good but also maybe difficult. Fortunately, you have the sponsor to fall back on when the going gets tough. You will definitely reap the benefits in the end I am sure off that. Proud off youšŸ’


Thank you milady :kissing_heart:

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Never ever expected to live 100 days AF. Although 70 of them were spent inside a clinic.

I feel like Iā€™ve a choice now, while before I didnā€™t even see the consequences of my alcohol abuse. Iā€™m still hoping to find out my passions and what truly drives me. What makes me happy and how do I become confident and love myself. Hope to answer these questions in my sober journey.
Good day everyone! :sunny:


Congrats on 41 days. Every day counts.

I feel you. I think the cravings are stuck with us. It doesnā€™t matter how many days weā€™ve been sober. Almost 7 months for me, and I still have thoughts about boozing. Somedays Iā€™m okay, I think I finally got rid of the cravings. And then bam, outta nowhere, it hits me. Just easier to handle now, you know. I feeling a lot better. I regret not staying sober sooner. Wasted a lot of years of bullshit. Gotta move on now.

Stay strong!


@PaigeTurner @Its_me_Stella @anon53116147

u all sound like u need virtual support :purple_heart:s to you all


Can one drink too much tea?!