Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Nah. I don’t think so lol. You’re good. I drink ginger herbal tea all day every day. I drink more now since I quit caffeine. :disappointed:

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Depends on what you call tea. Drinking lots of real tea makes me nauseous, especially black tea. Also there’s caffeine in it. I’ve been staunchly rebuked a couple of times for calling herbal infusions “tea”, so I don’t dare to do that any more.

In the case of herbal teas (screw what I just said) it depends on the herbs. There might be some that are less good for you when consumed in large amounts. As a teenager we tried making herbal tea from weed. To give an example.


Coffee. Another short night. Lots of dreams. Not too bad ones luckily. There’s just too much stuff going on in my head ATM. Working to process it instead of numbing it. It’s hard work, but it’s a work of love. One day at a time. Sober and clean.

Have a good day all, or at least as good as you all can. Making it clean and sober is an integral part of doing just that. Love from my little square.


Day 2 for me.
Working from home this week, so that will help me a little

No.bad dreams last night. Have a good day folks


*Day 1329 :seedling:
Have had my first session of laser to remove a part of my tattoo. It wasn’t that bad as the internet says it would be :wink: But painfull it was.
Now a red and blue arm.
Today I have an appointment in the hospital because next week I have my gallblatter surgery​:partying_face: :partying_face::partying_face:
Because of Covid I’ve waided 6 (!) months before surgery. Normaly that would have been 7 weeks.
But finally I can get rid of those loose ends I’m carrying with me.

And look what I saw 2 days ago:

A Sea eagle! It’s a bird you seldom see in the Netherlands. But we did and my son made this picture, I love it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Have a good day all of you, I’ve planned one myself :sunglasses:


Congratulations on 100 ODAATs Arno!!
Great job :+1:


I thought I was a weirdo, I can’t even have a cup now…


Day 28 :muscle: let’s get to 30 whoooo


Rounding off day 23 with a check in! Have a good night all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Apparently mint tea is not great for you…I dunno, I like it… But that’s what they say.

This is amazing,…!!

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31 days at the top of today. Happy 32 days @JennyH :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Half day work, then off for 3 days for my birthday. Sober camping and nature immersion. Gonna be amazing. I’m so focused now, more than ever. The vault to the sober riches is truly open. Have a good one. :+1:


Gefeliciteerd Arno ! :slight_smile:

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Awesome Arno!!!


Oh wow, what an amazing way to celebrate your birthday. So jealous! I am in desperate need of some nature therapy, might look into it…

Where are you off to?


Wow that’s great! Gefeliciteerd :tada: Keep it up!

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Aahh you went lasering. How great. You said you thought it would be a bit painful, but luckily it wasn’t too bad. Good luck in the hospital🤞
Pretty bird :heart_eyes:


I have an alcoholic friend who is sixteen years sober and who drinks gallons of tea a day. He has three big flasks that he takes with him when he goes out for a walk. Whatever it takes, just that it’s not alcohol.


Norfolk, Jenny! :heart: Camping is so good for the soul. Doing it Sober is sublime. I used to get so wrecked camping…


I always feel so peaceful camping in Norfolk, have a wonderful time :blush:

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