Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Hey April good to see you again, super cute baby! I see the white “hair/feather” gene runs strong in your offspring. :laughing: Happy you’re doing so well.



Wow!!! Congratulations on your 6 months!!! Wow!

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Inpatient is a great option, detoxing is no joke it can be deadly. Listen to your gut…

Sending love and strength.



Congrats on finally getting your surgery AND first laser treatment! I had been thinking about you. :heartpulse: Beautiful shot of a beautiful creature!


I’m so proud of you! I’m glad ur the type to not let things slide. And yes it is the fact that he is lying and not upfront about his smoking… the addictive sneaky behaviors that is the big issue. Of course smoking isn’t healthy either (we all know that), but I myself would’ve been more upset with them outright lying than anything else I feel. Awe I’m sorry u had to go thru this. But I’m grateful ur a vocal observant person! And it’s true… I sometimes have little thoughts about theft and I have to challenge that thinking and pay for the damn thing or leave someone else’s parcel alone. It’s crazy how our minds try to sneak that in.


Same here @Mno @Its_me_Stella

I’ve become quite sensitive to caffeine these days. It has really helped curb my Diet Coke habit but I do miss a cup of black or green tea in the early afternoons. One cup in the morning is okay so far.


Day 697 clean and sober and still sick af. Got called in to work tonight so there’s that. I hope everyone has an amazing day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 85
I finally got up on time to hit the gym!!! Yay :star_struck: Makes me soo happy and I feel sooo good! I weighed myself today and I wasn’t happy about the results… BUT I haven’t been consistent either about healthy eating or exercise. So that’s fine, it’s an doable fix (not beating myself up over it). I have literally gained 18lbs since I got clean so I am feeling it physically. But that can change. Consistency is key!!
I got paid today so I paid some bills. Heading out to $ store and Walmart soon for some groceries. Then home to tidy up and work on the dreamcatcher. Feeling good! Tried new things at the gym today and really felt it! So I hope this is a good sign of being back on track with just being a bit healthier.
No urges to use lately either. My mood has in been a funk for awhile tho but I followed Dr’s suggestion of trying one and a half pills of my meds. She initially asked me increase to 2 pills and that was a disaster. Worst mental health day Ive had in years! So went back down to 1. So, I was super hesitant to try 1 1/2 pills. But I feel better overall! I think this will be a good fit for me :slight_smile: Happy I tried it. I feel much more balanced now :slight_smile: Today is a good day!
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Relapse on day 60 :weary:
Thought I had it licked…then 1 moment of weakness and bam…I’m drinking again. So disappointed with myself. Plus I feel I’ve let the group down somehow.

Still, that’s 60 days of learning under my belt and 60 days of feeling good.

1 and a half days sober now. Keep pushing.



Day 31

Don’t know how I made it but officially 1 month clean. Urges are constant but I am gonna push through day to day to keep the above number up.


Love everything about this post. It is such a gift to be a part of your journey. I am really glad to hear that you have found a suitable dosage of your medication. What a difference that can make to our substance recovery.



@Apollo_666 many thanks for your nicely written text! Much appreciated mate! :+1:

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I have found that there are definitely certaint types of tea that when drinking in excess have had negative effects. Honestly even ginger tea, even though it’s supposed to help with nausea, too much Ginger can make you nauseous and can cause upset stomach! This would depend on the type of ginger tea too. Licorice tea when taken in excess can cause a laxative effect. Pretty much I’m sure you’ll know if you’re drinking too much tea and suffering any negative side effects though.
So I guess everything in moderation (except for your DOC if you’re an addict :slightly_smiling_face:)


Hello one and all,

checking in for the 72nd day of sobriety.

I hope everyone has a good time and can cope with them situation!


Hey everyone, excited for my meeting getting ready and gonna head down. Just looking forward to working on myself being kind to myself and loving. Then gonna go for a little bike ride I think. Much love have a good day


Hey guys. Made it to 1 week.

Have a great day. Peace.


Day 206 AF
Day 10 no caffeine

Good morning,

Picked up some OT today. Planning to take the kiddos to Legoland during summer, the extra cash is much needed.

Everything is good here.

Have a great day everyone!


Checking in on day 836

This whole “issue” with the new bf has brought up a lot of great opportunities to work on myself. I spent a good chunk of yesterday putting thought into what exactly was bothering me about the whole experience. What I came up with was fear… no surprise there. Through doing the steps I have seen an obvious pattern in relationships for me where I have been lied to, cheated on, etc and accepted apologies only for said behavior to be repeated. I am afraid of that happening again. I am also afraid of basing a decision on past experiences, so am not willing to do that. Through what seemed a very open and honest conversation yesterday, I feel like he is willing to take a look at his behavior for what seems like the first time since being in recovery (8 years). I was happy to see that willingness and I know that this was not intentional. I know what it is like to have a secret like that and for the opportunity to reveal it to keep passing until it gets to an uncomfortably awkward time. Until you have sort of “missed” the opportunity and it’s easier to just keep it a secret, or at least that’s what your addict keeps you believing.

Practicing the spiritual principle of compassion during the last couple of days has gotten me to a place that 2 years ago I wouldn’t have been. I forgave people 2 years ago because I felt I was worthy of shit treatment, and that it was just the way things were. I see things differently today, I know in this situation I was definitely not a target. I can also hold space for someone who is just trying to be.

So grateful to be able to be presented with something, look at it, sit in it for awhile, then let it go. My life hasn’t always been this easy… what a difference recovery makes.



Checking in @day #11


Day 11 today.

I’ve just finished the first three of five parent’s consultations with my son’s class teachers. These are all done online at the moment and are only five minutes a piece but I still find myself a bit tense during them. It was nice to hear some good things about him improving in confidence in his abilities. He’s not a huge fan of school, he doesn’t hate it but he feigns disinterest when he thinks he’ll be no good at something.
I’m pleased that he went into school today, and is trying his best to manage the situation with his peers. His guidance teacher told him to report to her if anyone got onto him again for the comment he’s alleged to have made. A girl from his class did come to goad him and give him a hard time and I’m pleased to say he kept calm and reported back to the staff. He also stayed in school and spent time with a different friend. I’m really proud of him, and I’ve told him so.
It got me to thinking about something my late husband used to say. He’d say that people often didn’t possess the imagination to be able to overcome disputes. I see it now as being a shorthand way of saying that people often lack understanding and compassion, and the ability to see things from a point of view not of their own. I don’t know, I just had that popping up in my head.
There was a time after my husband died that I felt I was playing two distinct roles as a parent, but now, three and a half years down the line I feel those roles to be unified within me.
It has been a blustery day and I have hay fever symptoms, but right now I’m sitting at the west facing window catching the warmth of the sun and the wind is only a sound.

So thankful I’m able to be sober.