Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Thank you I’ll check them out

There’s a big difference between being alone, and feeling alone… so you can feel very alone in a crowd.


I’m on medication and in therapy. I’ve felt this way for so long it’s normal to me so I often don’t bring it up to my doctor. I see the psychiatrist who prescribes my meds in June. If things haven’t gotten better I’ll talk to him about changing meds or upping the dose


I think that is a good idea. I know ur home situation is hard, but even with that, u need some glimmers of good mood, enjoyment, etc. Sorry to hear how things are going with ur girlfriend by the way. I got out of the dating world before ghosting was a thing, but I loathe the idea of it. That shows her defects, imo.


It definitely stings, especially knowing how long we’ve been friends. We’ve known each other since we were 8 so I assumed that if she ever wanted to end the relationship we could at least communicate that considering everything we’ve been through together. The fact that she was willing to throw that away is insane to me. But I’ll definitely be moving on since she made it so easy

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Day 29 :muscle: having a pancreas flare so fell like shit Netflix day


Day 12 checking in.

My son has been unable to go into school due to anxiety. The boys he has a dispute with are not talking to him directly but are still spreading the accusations to their peer group and kids are coming up to him and remonstrating with him. I’m becoming concerned that this is becoming a police issue. I’m trying to get in touch with a parent support helpline but the line is busy.
So far I’m coping pretty well, but historically stress has become a problem for my mental health. I have been hospitalised in the past and that worry is always in the background.


Day 638

Husband was off today, so was I, but we both had our own stuff to do, so barely interacted. I went to a rather basic health check, and cracked on with some work for a colleagues’s research. I have procrastinated with that, so need to get my butt in gear. He went to do rehabilitation for his parents, they are both mid-70s and beginning to show their age. I was glad to have some time alone, not at work, not with the kids around.


Sorry to hear that. Kids can be so hard on each other. Do the parents of the children know about this? Do you know the parents? If you know them, there might be something to arrange.
It is good to ask for advice for sure. Try not to get distracted by what happened to you in the past. It is of course good to be aware of yourself, but do not let fear dominate you. That would not improve the situation and your mental health. Goodluck :tulip:

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Sounds good. We all need some time to ourselves sometimes. Glad you enjoyed it :tulip:

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Thanks so much for the tip! It’s now on the reading list!

Hey all, checking in on day 696. I hope everybody has a good one!


Good morning, friends. Checking in during an extremely busy week. I got this notification today, though, which made me happy.


That is so great! Big congrats :tada:

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I’ve spoken to one parent but the conversation wasn’t really getting beyond blaming my son and my parenting. It just wasn’t helpful.
I have found speaking to the guidance teacher helpful.
My Staying Well Plan includes keeping in touch with my parents, which I’m doing. They live an hour and a half drive away so they can come to help if I need that.
I’m quite distracted really. I just sat down to eat my croissant but I hadn’t removed it from the oven, so I was sitting looking at an empty plate wondering what I was doing.
I’m going to consider taking some of my prescribed medication this evening (it creates drowsiness so it has to be just before bed)
Thanks for your kind thoughts.

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Day 651
Checking in because I have felt very checked out. Finally have my knee surgery scheduled for first week in June — I’m excited to get it done and be able to get back to longer endurance events in the future but it’s hitting me hard knowing I won’t be able to go on any bike adventures or do much of anything this summer. Instead of planning big trips, I’m planning how to hobble around my house.

Packing in what activities I can the next 3 weeks, staying sober and enjoying the spring sunshine.


Congrats on 11 months Drew!


Plus I feel I’ve let the group down somehow.

Hey bro you haven’t one bit!!! That’s just your head fucking with you! We’re glad you’re still here man!

Still, that’s 60 days of learning under my belt and 60 days of feeling good.

Ding ding ding winner YES! Perfect way to look at it @Eddieroots good job! The guilt and shame is what keeps us using/drinking etc. Figure out what happened and keep moving forward like you are bro, you can do this! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Congratulations @icebear!!! Drew you’re kicking ass, well done bro!!! :tada::balloon::confetti_ball::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 698 clean and sober today. I’m feeling better then I have been sick wise so that’s a plus. Sooooooo proud of everyone here, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2: