Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Yes!!! Sounds like a successful day Mike!

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Checking in. Spent most of the day at the library today and cleaned out my car which was a disaster. Feeling pretty good right now, but I had a pretty bad craving to drink earlier when I left the library. I didnā€™t give in, but I hated that I had that craving period. Otherwise though, it was a good semi productive day. Wishing all the rest of you a great night.


Day 207 AF
Day 12 No Caffeine

Nothing new here. Jumped on some cardio right after work. Chilled with the kiddos.

I miss my iced coffees :disappointed:. These heartburns come and go, but feeling better than before. I think I fucked up by eating fast food a couple of days ago, but oh well. I had to!

Have great night everyone! Stay safe and take care.


Day 4. The numbers are building up !

Just aiming for one day at a time and no heroic predictions into the future.

Have a great day folks. Nearly the weekend and i canā€™t wait. Working on keeping a journal more
I need to make good on my promises to change


Made it through to day 3. I started taking naltrexone on day 1, then was offered a new job at a hospital on day 2! Iā€™m excited to have a new position, but stopped taking the naltrexone so it wonā€™t show up on the new employee drug screening. I think I can willpower my way through until then. :muscle:


Checking in at the end of day 25 alcohol free, getting closer to that next milestone is pretty cool. I feel amazing. Better than I have in years! My mind is clearer, although I still struggle with remembering what I was just about to do or why I walked into a roomā€¦ and my balance is still a little bit off sometimes. But I have motivation like I used to before I started drinking like a fish. My house is steady getting more organized. my space feels better for my soulā€¦ less cluttered. Its almost like each day I get through, relieves just a little bit more tension, just a little more weight is liftedā€¦ a direct reflection of how I feel inside my mind/soul/body is being projected into the space around me. I can finally breathe again. This group has helped me tremendously! I love coming in here everyday and just catching up on all the shares, then sharing myself. I may not respond to all of you individuallyā€¦ but just know that your shares are powerful and helpful and appreciated. It truly helps me stay accountable for me. And my life is so much better for it, so thanks to all of you! Goodnight!!!


Coffee. My goodbye dinner from work is coming up later. I think Iā€™ll go for a bike ride first. Itā€™s a beautiful day. Iā€™m sober and clean. I hope and expect the same from you all as itā€™s the only way for us all to have a decent live. Love from Amsterdam where I was greeted by one of the local storks in the park yesterday.


#Day 1331 :seedling:
My daughter of 20 had a alcohol related accident. She went out with friends, drank too much went home with a friend and fell on her head just in front of her doorstep.
Luckily she had compagny so they could help her. Now she has a black eye and bruises. She has a black out as well, her first one in life.
We had a conversation about it. She normaly doesnā€™t drink much, but has a lot of friends who do. It scares me because of my own history with alcohol. She knows that history too.
I hope this fall will help her to do better.
There isnā€™t much I can do about it then talk.
But it makes me sad. It also makes me happy I cut that crap out of my life! But I hate to see it showing up in my childrens life now :disappointed_relieved:

Picture of this little creature I walked by yesterday. My today plans? Heading for a walk, then work. Just an ordinary day :hugs:
Andā€¦I deffinitely do not drink!
Are you in too?


(edited bc my basic math was wrong lol)
Day 41 and I did the things
Just been really busy lately and havenā€™t had a lot of down time for relaxing, and when I do get that opportunity itā€™s my biggest challenge not to do another task. Iā€™m leveling things out with meditation and breathing exercises throughout the day though and theyā€™re very helpful honestly.
Tomorrow I see a nutritionist for the first time in tandem with working to rewire the neuro pathways of my ed. Learning how to feed myself the right balance while also being patient, and also still holding myself accountable for my regulating
Hard work is hard but I feel good and farther from dysfunctional living every day that I just do the things. Which takes a long time to learn to do.
First real success personally was accepting that w/my brain Iā€™ll perpetually be in either a low or high (bpd1 + adhd) and either way, the routine really will be a saving grace from depression pits.
Second to that was really embracing doing the things without motivation. Just, doing them every day. Thatā€™s the hardest part Iā€™ve had to grapple with, but consistently so far the perseverance works for me over raw motive. Itā€™s a great catalyst but personally my brain is a goblin so I have to force its hand sometimes lol.
To be clear, these are things that work for me though and everyoneā€™s different so do what gets the work done. Even if itā€™s doing nothing for a bit and just getting through a moment
I love this forum and hope everyone here has a good evening :blue_heart::v:


Hello Community

Checking for one moth sober after last relapse.

I feel good but always taking care because this disease is traitor, dangerous and false.

Good luck for everyone and happy twenty four hours!


Day 233 checking in we keep it moving odaat


Day 126 AF
Have been super busy these last few days so havenā€™t really checked in here much. Hope everyone is doing ok.


First sober birthday in over twenty years yesterday ā€¦ Was offered a welcome drink on arrival that startedā€¦ā€˜any of our draughts, spirits, wineā€¦ā€™. FUCKING HELL, that was a test. I passed and had coffee. Went out for Thai for with my partner, drank waterā€¦ Iā€™m camping now and no alcohol has passed my lips still. Joy. Hard. Go me.

I do think the norm would be to start with offering guests a tea or coffee as a welcoming drinkā€¦ But itā€™s the UK, and as my motherā€™s child, shit was it hard to take coffee over wine. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Happy birthday! That alcohol is the norm is unfortunate. You did well to refuse :purple_heart::muscle::purple_heart:


I went out sober for the first time last friday. Was so anxious and nervous but it was much better than Iā€™d expected. Good job man, glad you experienced joy in your sobriety, cause thereā€™s much to be had even though it seems life gets so dull.


Happy birthday! And well done on celebrating sober. That was a big challenge. It is annoying how our default in Britain is to offer alcohol. Makes it a lot harder. But you passed, well done :clap::star: Have a lovely time camping, so jealous


Thanks @maxwell today I am in 7 days. Rested and with less anxiety than normally


Hey all, checking in on day 697. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations on 1 month sober! Way to go!


Day thirteen and I woke up feeling grotty with a head cold. I did get a good nights sleep though.

My son went into school this morning despite feeling nervous. He messaged me during the morning to say he was feeling sick, but he had an appointment with his guidance teacher mid morning and Iā€™ve heard nothing since. Thing is I feel I canā€™t switch off properly because I donā€™t want to miss any calls or messages from the school or from him.
My daughter was lovely this morning, telling me to have a good nap in bed and to remember plenty of liquids to help me recover from the cold. Sheā€™s such a sweetheart. She often tells me to buy myself a treat when I go out to get the groceries.
Iā€™m really glad itā€™s almost the weekend.