Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Day 10. Up with the girls. Autumn has not had her meds for her ADHD in about 2 months now, some stuff happened with insurance and her mother hasn’t fixed the stuff needed on her side. She had terrible withdrawals off the meds and I noticed some good improvement, but these last several weeks im noticing areas where she is having a hard time and lately she is fighting to go to school, like will just say no to everything I ask and it doesn’t matter how I try to reroute the ideas she hates it and says no. I realized for myself it’s actually triggering, but we got it done and got to school. Im going to surprise her and pick her up on her bike and we will go for a ride from her school on the bikes. Much love, I’m looking forward to a meeting tonight and then Monday another meeting with st Joe’s much love


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 87
Currently at the gym on the recumbent bike. Was feeling incredibly sore all over so instead of weights I’m doing some cardio amd stretching. Beautiful day to be alive!! Sun is shining and birds are out singing. Today’s plans are dreamcatcher making and of course my daily recovery stuff. I got my vision board sort of put together yesterday too. I taped my pics onto the canvas for now so that I can move things around until I feel it is right. I’m happy with it so far. Still need to add a couple things (a pic of a tree in spring that I took years ago bcuz its always spoke to me and a birch tree). I have some Bible versus and God related stuff on it and my hubby who is agnostic made some “remarks” about that. All I said was that it was important to me and that if it wasn’t for God I wouldn’t be here today. End of story. I never make fun or try to convince others about God. I have never oushed it on my hubby. Addiction caused me not to believe in anything good. And it was a very slow process for me to believe in what I believe in today. I’ve tried “getting” recovery for 22 years. I am so beyond powerless to drugs (and everything else for that matter), that the only way out was for me to surrender EVERYTHING to a Higher Power (laugh all u want hubby but I am a better person today bcuz of it). Kind of pissed me off and I felt abit unsupported. But at the end of the day, I do what is best for me.
Hope everyone had an addiction free day!
Hugs! :butterfly::seedling::heartpulse::hibiscus:


Good morning! It’s a gorgeous day for a morning walk Without a hangover!

Wishing you all a great day. Do what works for you!


Awe thanks Molly! I hope ur day is fabulous as well! Any plans for the day?


Great plan! I hope ur day gets better! Just keep working thru ur triggers and urges one at a time. It feels like they never end but they do! Hope ur mtg goes well tonight!


DAY 176

Just checking in. Have a great day.


Thank you. Congrats also for your 86 days. That’s awesome!


It’s great that you’re going to be honest with your psychiatrist but it even more important that you are now able to be honest with yourself. Ativan can be a serious addiction and admitting it is perhaps going to be an important turning point for you.:heart:


66 days and counting. Finished most of the fence but ran out of wood. Hopefully get the rest done next week. It would be nice if these winds would settle down in Colorado so I could get more done outside. Had to rethink the garden due to the winds.


I have a couple of meetings and a small project to do for work, but hope to get in a lake swim if the weather cooperates! Hope your day includes a few moments of joy!




Checking in on sobriety day 369. Got a 95% on my statistics midterm yesterday so I’m pretty stoked about that. The obsessive alcoholic in me was initially disappointed in the missing 5 points but accepting we aren’t perfect but rather making progress is key to recovery. Getting in a solid leg day in the gym at the moment followed by more stats homework and the other half of my yard work this afternoon followed by my boy’s baseball game this evening. Have a great day everyone. It’s a great day to be above ground and sober.


Day 699 clean and sober today. Have an amazing day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hi Kat here checking in Day 281 clean from meth pills.

I posted last night about my depression, it lifted with an extra dose of my antipsychotic med. Need to consult with my psychiatrist asap but doing better this morning. Meeting tonight.

Love Kat


Checking in a second time today.
My son has returned from school and he’s smiling and saying it worked out as a pretty good day in the end. I’m so pleased.
We’ve all just had a piece of cake and tea.
I’ve made some plans to take a few days up with the kids visiting my parents in the first week of June. It’s nice to hav3 something to look forward to.


That’s great to hear!


Hey guys. Checking in day 9.
Feeling good today. Had a nice day in the gym.

Have a great day. Peace.


Love this post! So glad ur kiddo had a good day at school and ur feeling positive too!


Checking in. 54 days.
Grateful for every day I’m sober.

Have a great day everyone. :grin::pray::metal:


Hey Kat! Glad u posted! I was just thinking about you yesterday actually, thinking I haven’t seen u post (but then also thought to myself that I havent been reading as much, and may have missed ur posts). Mental health stuff is hard. Monday night I increased my antipsyhchotic too by .5mg and it has helped tremendously. This new medication I’m on has done wonders and absolutely helps me manage my emotions so that I can be clean and sober! I’m glad ur increase helped too :slight_smile: