Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

No, she’s an American bully. You also have differences from that breed such as L and XL but I have an ordinary American bully they are not that big and look quite a bit like a Stafford.

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My sister has a AmStaff X Weimar. Huge monkey! :heart:


Wow that sounds like a beautiful cross. Both beautiful breeds :ok_hand:

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I am so sorry you two are going through this right now. I can’t even imagine. Really wishing you strength during this time.

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Hey I really appreciate everyone here on this check in thread (and on TS in general). Keep fighting the good fight, beloved friends.

As for me, I am here to check in on the morning of day 336. One year is so close that I can almost touch it. I have never been this far before. I am grateful to be sober and alive. Have a beautiful weekend everyone.


Checking in Day 1079 sober

Some days I’m in awe of how taking recovery 24 hours at a time can add up so fast… other days I feel so challenged by dealing with life on life’s terms and I go to bed at night wondering how the heck I’m still sober.

'Cause the old me sure as hell wouldn’t have managed it. That old me seems so foreign now, I still have moments where I shudder in disbelief and horror about where my drinking took me - at times it feels like another lifetime. Other times, it feels SO raw, as if certain moments happened just yesterday.
(And they often hit me out of nowhere when I’m trying to sleep at night…)

Part of me would like them wiped out of existence completely but a bigger part of me is grateful. They are lessons I continue to learn from. They keep me humble and are the reminders I need - the reality of where I will go back to, if I was ever to pick back up again.

So I acknowledge my past but focus on the present. By relying on my the tools I’ve gathered in recovery, and always being open to collecting new tools that will help me to continue growing and that enables me to get through life’s highs and lows without picking up that first drink.

Putting a sober head upon my pillow every night is the most satisfying feeling ever and I never cease to be grateful :pray:


Amen! :pray: ODAT

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New job starts June 1 at 07:30. So I got some time to relax.


Great share @Becsta :purple_heart:

A couple of stressful and sucky days. But healthy family, safe house, tasty food, cute kitty…much to be grateful for. A few fleeting thoughts of drinking, not genuine, more like, in the past I definitely would have used these things as an excuse, and the mental association is still faintly there. But the thought of losing my days, risking going back to the ways things were 640 days ago…no way.


Thank you, yeah I’ve been diagnosed with untreated ADHD for a while. I was to afraid to take any meds bc I was worried about abusing then. So I tried a none stimulant and it just made me sleep. I do want autumn to take them again bc they did help, but man I felt for her with the withdrawal when she couldn’t have them. Thank you for relating. And thank you @Matt for the way you explained it, it really made sense to me


Hey all, checking in on day 698. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 8….after 97 days AF then relapsed. My biggest trigger lately has been relationship issues. Don’t get me wrong, my fiancé is sober as it gets and he’s been my rock, but it seems like every time there are major communication problems or disagreements my brain tells me to go ahead and have a few :weary:! Obviously that’s not the answer but it can be so hard to ignore sometimes!!! I keep telling myself, just get through the day sober, tomorrow is a new day, just a few more hours !! It’ll be worth it!


I totally get that. In my case with my addiction that is why I won’t watch some TV series or movies because the images are triggering.

It is 100% possible to live without the medications for ADHD, but you need to be clear that your way of getting things done is different from what a lot of other people are used to. Also you should expect your house to be a mess. I think so, anyway. It’s like I put things down and jump to the next thing and totally forget about the first thing. It would be impossible for me to have a relationship with a neat freak. Fortunately my wife is pretty easygoing. (My cats don’t seem to mind either.)

Edit to add: another big thing is if you’re in a very time-focused job, you will be late. Not always, but more than most people. When you have ADHD it’s like living in the present all the time, and we lose track of time when we’re doing things; we also have difficulty estimating how long it will take to do something. For us, time is like water - it’s fluid - while for “normal” brains, time is more solid, structured. (This fluid time has strengths and drawbacks. In my case I have found I need to work more in situations where I can work at my own pace. That’s one of the reasons I’m leaving my corporate job and starting my own company.)

Keep lists and use a calendar. Remember to bring your lists and calendar with you so you can make a note of something you need to do. Check them every day before bed and get a short list of things you need to do the next day, and repeat, one day at a time.

You got this Mike :+1:


Day 11. It was a pretty good morning. Doing another meeting tonight and just trying to accept what I can and then put the work in where I can. Not setting expectations or gonna kill myself worrying about shit I can’t control much love.


Day 700 clean and sober today. 23 months fuck yeah! Have an amazing day today everyone, I truly love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Ohh sorry to hear that but glad you are back and sober for 8 days. I can so relate to the reason for your relapse. It’s happened to me quite often. In the disease of addiction, we have taught our brain to find comfort in use. But also the inability to resolve or pronounce things. Our brain immediately tells us that drinking or using is the (short time) solution. Think carefully about the reason for the communication problems and also listen to your fiancé’s story. There is usually a bigger story than what is being argued about :gift_heart:


700 days is fucking amazing. Really well done, man!
Huge congrats :tada:


Thank you so much @LaDyLooNtje!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Good morning everyone. Checking in day 266. Very little sleep. But the sun is out. So going to try and get some lawn work done as a distraction. Thank you all for the kind words and just being able to talk. Much appreciated. Stay safe and take care.


Hi Kat here checking in on Day 282

At work feeling good, am on the watch for depression but it has not returned. Had a great meeting last night and felt the love.

Still not very wordy on here but that’s ok for now…

@HillbillyChris so sorry for what you’re going through and your loss we are with you

Love Kat