Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Sorry for your day, good job posting to get it out. Some do have it harder but yours sounds like no picnic, you’re strong to stay sober, keep it up!


Hey, maybe I missed it, but I think this is the first time you have mentioned your ex getting remarried. I have read you talk about some lingering feelings for her, the way she made you feel (not great) when you were together, so this is bound to stir up some feelings. I guess the marriage has been on the cards for a while, do you think it could have affected you and contributed to your recent relapsing at all? Anyway, just to reiterate, what your ex does and how she thinks about you is not your problem. Focus on yourself and your girls. If they can’t go to the reception, have fun and dance with them yourself. Just tonight the kids and I had a Led Zeppelin vs One Direction dance off :man_dancing:


Day 178

Just checking in. Everyone have a great day


Thanks so much, really! Yeah I had to keep my eyes on my own controllable factors like sobriety and what I’m gonna do to help myself stay in this stability area of life. I had a follow up convo with him after he got home from work and we talked about some of the things we can do to help our situation financially and otherwise with our son as well.
I’ve been trying to do as much as I can without total upheaval to pull us out of where we are and and I think part of sobriety is realizing that I’m capable of being a supportive partner once I got my head on straight.
We ended up having a good talk and our day ended with hope and some baby step ideas that we’re gonna be working on. It was nice to be the one to bring the sun out on our cloudy situation


It’s a pattern of PAWS and continues 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 18 months 2 years etc… usually by 2 years it is over. That’s why the fobs are given out in those increments though.


Good morning all. Ive almost made it to two weeks sober: 13 days alcohol and weed free. Im so proud of my hubby and myself. This is my second real attempt at sobriety. My mom says she sees me happier. I am happier and dare I say hopeful and joyful? Hubby brought up the family reunion in late July its seeping in alcohol and drunken nights. He asked what happens if i go sober, will i fall off the wagon? I stopped him and told him not to assume my failures. Im just taking it one day at a time. Im not going to stress about months in the future if i dont have to. One day at a time. I hope everyone has a wonderful,sober day!


Also if it’s helpful we’re on a weekend trip to Disney for our son’s 16th birthday, also on the spectrum, when he was 5 there’s no way we thought he’d be where he is today. These kids DO get better with work and support.


Good luck. Your are so resilient. :revolving_hearts:

Oh thank you for sharing that; it’s all I want, just let him see things and be a part of the world and feel like he’s relevant. That gives me so much hope honestly. We’re in what I’ve been thinking and hoping for a while is the early interventional building blocks for stuff like that. I’ll happily do the work to get there honestly. Thanks again and I hope you all have a great time!

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Thanks fluer, there is alot of feelings it. I’m definitely sad a little, like I said when I see her I still feel this love but also resentment. Like I said in are relationship I was no angel, I did alot of stupid shit leaving her home out partying, I only cheated after she cheated, but that girl tore me apart like I’ve never been in my life. She cheated on me probably over 20 times I cheated once. The messages I seen of her cheating, the friends of her that she would get to message me and tell me how stupid I was and crazy and phycotic, a bunch of my friends hooked up with her behind my back. And all the gas lighting she did to me, told me my oldest wasn’t mine. It fucked my mind up so bad, but yet there is a love for her. My girls I guess is what hold me attached to her, trying to forgive her and I’ve tried making amends to her but there is still and resentment. She cheated on me with this guy she is marrying and then came and cheated on him with me which is how my second daughter came into the picture and then she said the baby was his to hide the cheating and he raised Addie for the first six months of her life. So I’m a little of a wreck I guess. Maybe it is what caused my relapse, I honestly don’t see my relapses I try to but I don’t I don’t see the triggers but I am trying. Much love


The serenity prayer has helped me a lot this month. Keeping it simple, right? I’m sure there’s feelings for her but it’s her choice, you can only pray that it will be a healthy environment for everyone.
Maybe you can have the girls dress up as a bride or something to do with weddings. A veil? I bet they like doing little projects.
Hang in there, it’s just life moving along as it should, Mike. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes. I’ve definitely been saying it alot lately. I don’t express these feelings in person to anyone, not even my mom this time. Definitely out of my control. Made sure the girls were super pretty and hyped up to go, didn’t talk the wedding down or him down and never do actually get along with him good. Just know who he is, how he is. Use to be my best friend untill he cheated on me with her :slight_smile: lol


My daughter is also on the spectrum and I agree where she is today @ 16 compared to where is was @ 5 … it is like she is two different humans. Support and a lot of educating on my part has done her wonders.



Day 210 AF!
Day 15 no caffeine

Another beautiful morning.

Finally made it to 7 months sober. After years of trying to beat 6 months. Never thought I could this. Feeling pretty about my sobriety this time around. Thank you TS fam for your support. Glad I found this app. Take care everyone! Much love.


Congratulations man. Certainly is a beautiful feeling. Love the view enjoy your day

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Thank you, bro. Hope everything works out with you too. Stay strong!

Thank you for mentioning this! I had no idea that PAWS were involved in the key tags. I’m having a good day so far anyway eith my client. Thankfully they put me upstairs with a client who I have a really good rapport with :slight_smile:


eating disorder trigger warning

Starting my day off not great. Wore a shirt that isn’t as baggy as I usually wear. Which has completely sent my eating disorder brain into a spiral. I was going to eat lunch today but I don’t know that I’ll be able to now. I feel so gross. I look pregnant. I just want to stop eating

Update: ate a couple tater tots and that’s it but I passed out while shopping at Walmart. I’m ok. Kind of scary. Haven’t passed out from lack of food since I was 13.


Belated congrats on 700 yesterday man!! Sorry I missed it!


@SoberWalker I hope your surgery goes well and you’re not too nervous. Everything will be fine. You will need time to recover and if that includes not being allowed to walk so be it. I get it, it sucks but that’s just the way it is! It’s temporary and it’s about your body. Good luck and get well soon :pray:

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