Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Hey thank you bro, you’re coming up tomorrow YAY!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Wow congratulations on 7 months!!! Woo hoo!

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I remember at times in the past when mtgs would either be triggering for me or I would walk out soo pissed off or resentful. Like urself, there were times where I wanted to share and for whatever reason I never got the chance. Either someone spoke for the entire duration of the sharing time or there were too many people and it never came around to my turn. I’d walk out pissed off and worse off then when I went in lol. My sponsor at the time told me it was a teaching in patience and acceptance and compassion or that it was a meeting for listening. Maybe that person needed the extra support that day. Or maybe this happened bcuz my HP was showing me that I needed to listen instead of speak for that meeting. Idk. It’s frustrating for sure :frowning: I hear u on that. I found that NA meetings tended to have a younger population in general (at least in our area). When I attended AA, there was a wide mixture of ages. CA meetings I just chose not to go to. The CA meetings in our area seemed to be more for hooking up and a potential slip waiting to happen :unamused: At least that was my experience. I’m not putting CA down at all. Just found that it was very much a revolving door of people and those with not very long term recovery rarely stayed.


Tricky evening. Went to my partners parents for dinner as usual, lots of wine there, i drank coke so at least i can always be designated driver


Way to go. Proud of you!

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Yeah it definitely was like alrighty then. I’ve heard all the same stuff as well from my sponsor, the guy has 30 years of recovery, and just literally Everytime talked about his vacation. I was just annoyed I asked my questions and spoke to some at the end, I want n.a meetings but there isn’t any at all in are area. If you want recovery in are area a.a is it and it’s the same 5 ppl, I ride over to the next town with sponsor and there is maybe 10 ppl all older as well and zero n.a meetings over there. I looked online and the next closest town for n.a meetings is a hour and 45 minutes away. I was grateful for the guys shares I guess, it was nice to hear he had a good time and sure it shows what sobriety can do for us. But just annoyed at the options we have around here, they also do group meetings at this st Joe’s place maybe I’ll luck out and find some ppl there my age. The last time which was years ago when I did the st Joe’s and attended the meetings I was still actively using with the other ppl alot of the ppl are just court ordered and probation ppl who don’t really want to stop and cheat the test and shit. Will see, I’m grateful either way it may not seem it through my messages but I am. Just in the feels I guess

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You should zoom an NA meeting! That’d be cool if you found a younger group.


I had no idea that ur area was soo small :frowning: that super sucks honestly. Cuz u don’t have the option to sort of pick and choose what mtg is a good fit :frowning: I mean honestly tho, if the guy was just chatting about his vacation and nothing of an immediate sort of help kind of thing, I’m surprised the chair person didn’t step in. Bcuz alot of people do go to mtgs to get stuff off their chest and to get support. Some people do like to hear themselves talk tho lol but that would’ve annoyed the hell out of me honestly.


Yeah lol. That’s another cool thing are meetings. There are no chair person, you walk in somebody just kind of starts the meeting, we say steps, traditions. Occasionally and I mean occasionally read from the book and then just jumps to ppl sharing and getting shit out. But never actually working or reading about steps and traditions. The meetings that have those and meditation exercises are to far for me. The meeting I go to with my sponsor in saranac lake are a little more traditional I suppose with a person up front and all that. But it’s only on Sundays that he goes. Either way I do think it’s good for me, I’m going to keep attending them whether they are old or w.e I do need it and need the change.

I will try, I’m apart of one on fb that I recently joined. Just haven’t joined a meeting yet

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At that other meeting, once you’ve been a few times, you could sort of start it off with the usual then say, “id like to share first if i may!” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Lol definitely a good idea

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Day 654
It’s been a crazy busy work week. 2 work days left after today then lots of doctors appointments coming up the next few weeks before surgery.


@anon53116147 My ‘homegroup’ is also small, like 3 or 4 regulars, another 3 or 4 that come sporadically, all men, and sometimes it turns more into a wife complaining session, which can get frustrating. I try to do some online female only meetings as well, I feel much more understood. Definitely keep up with f2f meetings so u can have ‘in life’ support, but get online and try to find a group u gel with.


My mum side is wishing I could make u some French toast or curry :cry: . You want to get out of the house right? You need to nourish yourself to study or earn money to be able to get out and start your own life. I remember just waiting to leave my childhood home. Use that as your goal, and give yourself the energy to do it.


Day 1654 I think.

Next time I’m up your way I’ll hit a meeting with ya. Might be as soon as next weekend assuming this fuckin Lyme Disease doesn’t ruin me. I have a few tricks the ole timers down here taught me about keeping the flow going. If these guys are the AAers they seem to think they are they’ll understand. If not you and I will get a good laugh at least


Thank you :heart: I definitely need more brain fuel at the very least to get my school work done. I was so motivated to get out of this house and was so ready and now I feel like I’m just barely keeping myself functioning. (I don’t even think this is functioning anymore)

I tried to eat dinner just now and my family started mocking me about how I was picking at my plate and how rude it was that I couldn’t eat what they payed for. Which lead to me getting upset and was unable to finish eating more than a few bites.

I know I have to get it together by June 27th because I start my job then.

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I would seriously love that man. I think it’s what we need, I know I have not gone and hit every a.a meeting but for me so far this has been my experience, not necessarily a bad experience just wish there was more bc I need it. When I was going frequently I think I maybe saw out of Towner’s like 3 times. Maybe this is a normal a.a thing with what they do, I’m not sure I’m to new so maybe what I’m thinking and saying is wrong. There is definitely alot of sobriety in the rooms, I think the least sobriety is 3 years which is still great but the rest are 15, 20, and 30 years I believe. I am going regardless of clicking and all that but that would be really enjoyable to have you and I think it would bring the spunk and life into the rooms. Are meetings in Tupper are Monday nights at 7, Thursdays is a men’s meeting and that is actually a meeting I do like because we listen to Joe and Charlie tapes which is at 8 there is usually like 3 of us there and then Friday is a 7 o clock meeting, but I will say it’s a hit and miss bc honestly sometimes ppl don’t even show. Oh and no coffee :rofl:


If I’m coming your way I’m getting my coffee at Stewart’s. I’m pretty familiar with small town meetings so I generally know what to expect. Placid might be the closest one with a decent amount of out of towners this time of year. Other than that ya kinda just gotta roll with what ya got


Very true. Well shoot me a message when you plan to come. Looking forward to it

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