Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Yay Dana!!! :partying_face: And definitely thanks to you putting in the work! Iā€™m so happy for you and proud of you. I think today, in whatever I do, Iā€™m going to be celebrating you. Big hugs and lots of love :hugs::heart:


Can you move your flight to sooner than Sunday?


I have the same thoughts, bro. But then I think about all those drunken nights, all the times I fucked up. Do I really when wanna go back to that? Hell nah. Stay strong, man. It will pass.


Day 13. Ex is trying to make me keep the girls bc she doesnā€™t feel good and is to hung over, like I get yesterday was your day to have fun and marry someone you love. But I have things to do as well. If these were my days and I was hungover after a big event she would have them to me bright and early with zero fucks that Iā€™m to hung over. Found out my dad has cancer again. He thinks Its going to be ok, and then a few minutes later to lmk my grandfather probably doesnā€™t have to much longer to live, idk how to feel right now. I donā€™t want to sit in pitty, yesterday I played the halt tape to my irritability and I ate, I wasnā€™t lonely bc I had my girls I wasnā€™t tired. I was just angry and couldnā€™t snap out of it, idk what was triggering me so much and I hate that.


Hi Felipe, check out this thread, a lot of people hear this inner voice as well, youā€™re not alone. Sorry, donā€™t know how to give you the link, lol

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Give her an extra hour or 2 and get to your day.
My mom has dementia and diabetes now. Itā€™s really sad to see, I know we all have to face it eventually but it sucks. :cry:


Checking in 1978 days. Itā€™s warm here, already 70Ā° at 9 a.m. A lovely day for a park meeting, happy to be sober for it. Hope everyone has a good day.


Hi everyone just checking in on Day 19 and I improve little by little every minute Iā€™m a long work in progress have to deal with feelings and emotions etc that I have for decades suppressed compartmented avoided deflected misdirected and all the cunning baffling subtle ways my alcoholic mind can manipulate and now Iā€™m trying to live in the light cleaning out all my deepest darkest recesses caves and caverns with all my shame guilt and depressing negative thoughts that go with all that. I pray a lot everyday for forgiveness and trying also to forgive myself. It is a struggle and Iā€™m facing it as opposed to avoiding etc. Iā€™m grateful for everyone in here and sharing I read a lot in here and I want to share a photo of a book coverā€¦. Thanks


Yeah well she didnt even give me the choice lol,called me crying saying I needed to keep the girls bc she didnā€™t feel good and thinks she got drugged last night. Like itā€™s her same shit and lies, told her I had stuff to do, do I really? No but I want to recoup go to my meeting in SL at 6 with my sponsor. She literally told me she wasnā€™t taken the girls today and hung up on me. So I just tried to bring the girls over to her house and she isnā€™t even there. Is what it is, out for a bike ride for the girls.


Omg u guys!!! Ur literally making me tear up at work :sob: lol
Thank you Eric @Dazercat, Carolyn @ShesGotMoxie, Rob @Rockstar24777, @ALC227, JR @GOKU2019, @Twizzlers, and everyone else who I have already thanked or liked my 3 month clean post. I donā€™t have that congratulations anywhere else (not from hubby or anyone else who knows about my journey right now), so these comments and likes really touched my heart. I absolutely feel the :heart:! Thanks for making me cry tears of happiness :blush:. Love u all!


Itā€™s that devil tempting you; I was a beer drinker too and it was hard to give it upā€¦BUT; it was and is so worth it. Itā€™s like you think things will be easier, better, cooler, or anythingā€¦ the only thing it will guarantee is added weight, hangover and maybe acting like a fool. Try life without it a little longer, Felipe. It truly is a better way to live.

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Awwww thatā€™s awesome and we love you too @Butterflymoonwoman keep up the amazing work!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Day 1011

Man, just when I thought I had sounded the depth of my low self esteem, I surprise myself.
Been chatting for a while now with a woman Iā€™m really starting to like.
She knows everything she needs to know about me. Well, almost everything - gotta leave something for future dates of course. But she knows about my addictions. About me going to meetings. About my autism. About my struggle with male role patterns.

And still she is as nervous as I am, for that first date when I get back home.
And I really had trouble understanding why untill I finally got to the point of understanding that apparently, she likes me just as I like her. And why not, I wondered. Is it that hard to believe someone really believes I am a man worth going for ?
Sad but true, my answer seemed to be ā€œyes, it is that hard. Why ? Because itā€™s me weā€™re talking about.ā€

Havenā€™t learned much yet from the self-compassion books it seems.
But on the other hand, simply being aware of this may actually be one of the most self-compassionate moments Iā€™ve encountered so far because my answer above doesnā€™t include any harsh judgements, but just a sense of sadness that this is how Iā€™ve been looking at myself all my life.

Babysteps are still progressā€¦


It was a week ago i went f@ strange after rum and coke. Worst night for years.

Fast forward a week and i feel pretty bloody relieved and blessed to be on this road again


You got this!!! Tucson is hot, hit over 100 yesterday! The libraries are a good idea to beat the heat and get some electricity. Im happy to see that you are still sober, I see a lot of unhoused everyday just annihilated on the side of the road. Its a huge problem out here, so happy to hear you are staying the sober course and not allowing life to break you. Where do you street perform? 4th? Downtown?

Thank you Dana for your response. You understand very well what I mean. It is and remains difficult in communication if you want to make clear what certain substances do to you. He doesnā€™t have the necessary insights to understand it and in my professional opinion he canā€™t follow it either (distracted easily). In his case and due to the fact that he lives with other clients where the same rules apply, I have to be consistent in the things I say so no is no. If I first say no and later yes, then he has me exactly where he wants me and that is not the intention. I also get what youā€™re saying about he might actually resist if he hears no. But I had to stick to my position. And youā€™re right, I also look through my addiction glasses šŸ„ø That makes me extra alert.

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Aahh I just saw it :heart_eyes:
Yay congrats awesome :tada:

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Congrats on 90 days!! Good Job, You deserve it! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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2nd check in.
This time itā€™s nice. Went to my parents birthday after work. Yes, itā€™s both their birthday today but they are divorced. My father has remarried but he, my stepmother and my mother get along just fine so they always celebrate together at my fatherā€™s house. It was fun but the best part was that they also invited my son and surprised me that he was coming. I donā€™t see my son very often so I was very pleasantly surprised :heart_eyes:



Thatā€™s our girl!!!