Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

I have never been able to do this. Have you?


Hey everyone. Been awhile since I posted. The trip left me so busy I didnā€™t get a chance to find time to read and post. I did keep the streak going though. It feels so good to have been able to be up and going each day. It was so busy, there is no way I ever would have had an enjoyable vacation if I was hungover each day from drinking. It was an amazing trip and saw so much. Blessed to be living this life


Oh okay! So he isnā€™t allowed to have 0% beer in the house? I mustā€™ve misunderstood. Sorry about that. If he canā€™t have it in the home like other clients, then absolutely he canā€™t have it in there. Then for sure u did the right thing! Those are house rules and everyone has to abide by them. Itā€™s such a tough spot. You are doing so well tho at ur job! Proud of u!

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Awe thanks lady :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Love u! Thank u for ur ongoing support over the past 2 years or so, that Iā€™ve been on TS! You are always inspiring to me!

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Iā€™m so proud of you, I wish I could give you the biggest hug.
Fuck Iā€™m crying, Iā€™m just so happy. :slight_smile: :heart:

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No itā€™s like the 0% is allowed on Friday and Saturday evening in the house with the other clients. Now this client wanted it during the day today so I said no. Firstly that goes against the rules and secondly I noticed the sensitivity to addiction. So I was just extra careful but couldnā€™t get around the rules either. But you read it right thanks :gift_heart:

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Thank u so much! Appreciate the support!

Oh well then u absolutly did the right thing! Iā€™m proud u stuck to ur gut instinct! Rules are in place for a reason for sure :slight_smile:

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Awe!!! I wish I could too. Hugs to u my beautiful and amazing friend!!! Iā€™m proud of you just as much :heartpulse::tulip:Thanks for being in my corner! Ur post brought a huge smile to my face :slight_smile:

Congrats for this great record!

Enjoy the path of sobriety!

Best luck and twenty four hours!

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Day 44
Did some very much needed cleaning and maintenance of the house.
Took a hot shower, now in bed, so nice Sunday.
Only anxiety comes from having to work tomorrow, Iā€™ve been finding this a recurrent issue, I worry too much and have set work as the only thing that matters which is not good.
I used to drink to cope with it.
Love to all of you, hoping you end the week with a smile :blush:


Wow @Butterflymoonwoman Dana! Super proud of you! 90 days is just a fantastic milestone! Keep up the great work!!! :partying_face:

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Congrats on your 90 days @Butterflymoonwoman you certainly are working super hard and doing amazing. Give the husband a nice old high five from me as well. You guys are being a team and getting it done much love

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Well said. Love this, thanks for sharing

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Mornin guys- checking in day 47.
Thereā€™s a big Covid spike in our area, work colleagues are sick, kids are getting sick. Work load is going to go up and muck all out plans around for the week. Just gonna do what I can, try not to stress about things I cannot change.
Thanks for listening x


Day 500
It amazes me how sometimes now I actually miss milestones. Where alcohol and itā€™s place in my life use to encompass my every waking hour, it now stuns me that I very rarely even think of it at all. But while it feels like a distant memoryā€¦. or nightmare I should sayā€¦ā€¦I am well aware, that it was and is very real and it would take very little for it to haunt me again. Forever grateful and blessed :heart::pray:t3::heart:


One week :raised_hands:


Thx for the help

Be well peeps


Congratulations! :purple_heart::muscle::purple_heart:

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Absolutely! I remember checking ts for decimals of days, and now I count in months.

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