Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

I have been waiting for this! :confetti_ball::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::tada: Bloody brilliant! Absolutely, say thanks to yourself! You did it!


Thank you!!

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If you mean telling someone about my uncle, yes. No one believed me. My mom said it didnt happen and my dad said ā€œeven if it did happen itā€™s your fault for staying at his house when he was drunkā€


Day 75 of no self harm tonight.

Cried myself to sleep last night which wasnā€™t great. But I slept at least. Slept till 1pm actually. Woke up with a migraine so Iā€™ve been relaxing today trying to keep it from getting any worse.

Havenā€™t eaten, but I ordered pizza and I am going to eat it at some point today. Iā€™m back on track with taking my meds but I took them less than half of the time this past week so now Iā€™m adjusting back to them and it feels pretty crappy physically. Iā€™m doing ok mentally though.

Something positive: my dog was so excited to see me when I woke up this morning, was a great feeling


Wow!!! Congratulations on 500 whole freaking days!!! Omg :astonished: way to go!


Thank u! Thank u! And thank u for u constant support also in my journey! Ur words have always been powerful to me :slight_smile:

Awe thanks Mike! I will absolutely do that! Iā€™m glad to see u here and just as proud of you also!!!
@icebear thank you also Drew!!! I really appreciate that!!!


717.88 days. Closing in on 2 years on May 28th :slight_smile:



Nice to see you! What a great achievement :purple_heart::muscle::purple_heart:

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Never told someone outside your family ? A psych might be able to help you ?

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How about ur therapist? What was their reaction?


Soooooo proud of youā¤ļø

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Awe thanks lady!!! Hugs :rose:

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#Day 1335 :seedling:
Day before surgery.
Happy to work today so I can set my mind to something different then tomorrow. If I think about it my stomach starts to dance :wink:
Hope I can sleep tonight.

Picture of the little Steenuil/Little owl I spotted yesterday. Happy to be in a good physically condition because of my walking. That will help with my recovery after the surgery. And my 3,5 year sober will definitely help!
Glad I changed my life years ago :pray:


Congratulations with your :five::zero::zero: days milestone Adrienne!! :tada::tada::tada:
Life is better this way isnā€™t it! :sweat_smile:


@Butterflymoonwoman CONGRATS!!! 90 days is a huge deal! Way to go, proud of you and looking forward to helping you celebrate many many more milestones! :partying_face:

@SadMemeQueen I hope you were able to eat some of that pizza hon, I feel like your doggo might be worried about you, they sense things we wish humans that are supposed to care about us would sense. Iā€™m happy that you have that companionship :green_heart:

Congrats on the rest of the milestones achieved this weekend! This group gives me more inspiration than I could ever use words to express. I love seeing others accomplishing goals!!!

And oh MAN what a weekend! I hosted a kick off the summer party yesterday at my house. Before I got sober, I used to spend those evenings leading up to the party just drinking and thinking about all the things I need to do, maybe doing 20% of any of it, saving everything I needed to do (cleaning, shopping, organizing, cooking) for the very last minute (mostly cooking), accepting help for none of it, bc Iā€™m superhuman right!? Then I attack it all like a wrecking ball, trying to get 5 hours of work done in an hour, and Iā€™ve over committed myself of course bc why would I want to burden anyone with bringing a side dishā€¦ And when I do that, no one wants to be around me because Iā€™ve stressed myself out to the point that all I want to do is get everyone out of my way, and drink, but still canā€™t truly attend the party for another 2 hours bc I still have so much cooking to do, I always overcommitted and saved it for last, never timing anything right. Then get drunk for the rest of the time my friends are here, leaving behind the mess and then complaining about all of it when itā€™s all said and done. Again, not accepting help bc I hosted, I donā€™t want to burden my guests with chores. The difference this time was that I attacked it all sober, I spaced out what needed to be done and managed my time like a capital G!!! I also accepted every little bit of help that was offered, and even delegated some of the other tasks. I have never been more relaxed as a host in my life. I set up, got through and cleaned up the party all in the same day, and I stayed sober, and still had a GREAT time, that I will REMEMBER!!! Most of my friends are drinkers, and thatā€™s fine. Their choice. This party confirmed for me that being around booze isnā€™t the trigger for me, the routine of it all was. And I feel like Iā€™ve broken up that routine finally. I am about to hit 30 days at midnight, tonight there is a blood moon eclipse, and Iā€™m just sitting in my nice new backyard with my husky, a cup of coffee and a rice crispy treat, catching up with my sober peeps, and checking in. Its been a really good weekend and Im very very happy that I decided to admit my problem with drinking AND actually do something about it. Things are going very well right now, and that party was a test to see if I could be at a party and not be tempted to drink. I have my cousins wedding coming up this weekend in Northern Californiaā€¦ Im VERY excited about that, and for the beauty of non desert landscaping lolol. Would be nice to see some real green and big treesā€¦ not off green and SOME trees haha.

Pic of my doggo enjoying the lights by the pool.


Coffee. Truly the first day of the rest of my life. It wasnā€™t super emotional finishing my job last night. I treated everybody to some snacks, had a talk with everyone, annoyed myself with the OCDā€™s of certain residents one last time. And left into the eclipse night. I just read here that a lunar eclipse is the perfect moment for change. It felt and feels good for sure.

Two weeks of vacay now. Than start my new job nursing in a detox facility. Back with the company where I started doing office work 21 years ago. In that respect the circle is round. Iā€™ve come a pretty long way though. Sober and clean or nothing would have happened and I would have still been turning around in ever decreasing circles in my head. Or be dead by now.

I made it happen myself but nothing wouldā€™ve come of it if I tried to do it alone. You all made it possible. We do it together and that makes all the difference. Forever in your debt. Have as good a week as you all can friends! Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from the balcony of my former workplace last night.


Day seven!.first sober week Iā€™ve had in about two years. V humbled and determined to keep going


@Nordique 700 Friend! Huge numbers! Congrats!
@adeygaga49 Huge congrats Adrienne! 500!
@Butterflymoonwoman 90 Days Dana! So happy for you. Just keep going ODAAT and nothing will ever stop you lady. Congrats & hugs.
@SoberWalker Youā€™ll be fine Claudia. Thanks for the pic of the little owl. So cute.
@Girlinterrupted Great to see you JoeBeth!!!
@Timetochange A full week! Thatā€™s going places. Great work, congrats!
@maxwell @felipeandrews You can use the link icon to get a link to the thread you want to link to Maxine. And I hope youā€™re hanging in there Felipe. Every crave will pass and none of 'm is worth to give in to.