Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Just starting Day 12, feeling the lure of a drink. One thing I know for certain is that I will not give in. I’m going to take that feeling and own it, it doesn’t own me anymore!

Enjoy your sobriety peeps we got this :+1:


Sending you best surgery and healing wishes now for tomorrow @SoberWalker so I don’t miss you tomorrow before you go. You’ve ( also we ) have waited for this for awhile. Glad for you it’s happening and great that’ you’re sober and healthy. You’ll be recovered quickly. Updates when you can. Know you’ll be thought of. :hibiscus::hibiscus::hibiscus::hugs::pray::purple_heart:


It’s 1;30 am here and I can’t sleep. But I’m 58 days sober and thankful for each day. :grin::muscle::+1:


Congrats Dana @Butterflymoonwoman on your 90 days. You are an inspiration to many.
Congrats Adrienne @adeygaga49 on a magical milestone 500 days


I am checking back into the community on day 1. It has been a while and I am not feeling too good so here we go again…


Well done on Day 22, and not putting on weight.

I expected the weight to fall off but that certainly didn’t happen. Like you I didn’t gain but developed a very sweet tooth. After a while it does start to fall off though. Think we have/had similar amounts to lose and had gained for the same reasons. I am now plodding away and going in the right direction.

Also good that your friends notice. I am sure I looked slimmer before it started showing on the scales.


Everyone doing great 13,027 for this old guy


Hey all, checking in on day 701. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hang in there Charlie!


A really beautiful picture! :star_struck:


Day 19 is kicking my ass! I’m thankful to be sober but all the sugar, gluten etc., has made my RA (rheumatoid arthritis) flair up BIG time, I’m having difficulty walking. All the work around the house is probably catching up to me as well, since I went from sitting on couch to cleaning everything. These flair ups used to give me an excuse to drink, but not today. I want to stay sober. I have faith that this will get better. Sending :heart: and support to all, stay strong and enjoy your day!


Day 703 clean and sober today. Got a call yesterday that one of my friends I was in treatment with overdosed on Fentanyl this weekend, he was 25. My heart breaks for his parents and it brought up the loss of Corey which is always with me but hovers in the background at all times. Today is my Saturday and I think I’m going to spend most of it taking very good care of myself napping/eating etc. I hope everyone has an amazing day I love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations on the big 500!!! :confetti_ball::balloon::tada::balloon::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Welcome back Wolf. It’s a great day for a day 1!!

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Thank you :blush:


Hi Kat here checking in on Day 285.

Sorry I missed check in over the weekend, have no excuse but have found myself neglecting my recovery lately when recovery has to come first. I did go to an in-person meeting last night (which I do 3x a week) but have been missing Zoom meetings on the other nights.

I have not done any stepwork in a month which is bad, I need that stepwork to recover. I am supposed to send 3 Gratitudes to my sponsor daily and phone her once a week but have not been doing that consistently. I have been going to the gym less due to lack of motivation.

Well, this is me outing myself to my fellow addicts and alcoholics with the hope that our group strength can help me change and put Recovery first!

Thanks Kat


Really happy ur back! Try not to beat urself up too much… those negative feelings don’t help. Focus on today and this being a brand new journey! I know u got this!

Checking in on day 373. Got a call from my post-Army career company to discuss starting 3 weeks earlier than we planned on. Told them I’m on board but I’ll be out of the country for the first week of that. They’ll call me back later today but it seems that won’t be an issue.

Getting in a solid chest workout right now. Have a few errands to handle this afternoon as well as some statistics read ahead. 3 more weeks in the class. Hoping to maintain an A.

Have a great day everyone. It’s a great day to be above ground and sober.


Congratulations Dana @Butterflymoonwoman for your three months. Time is flying by… Awesome job. :sunflower::upside_down_face:

Day 1289.
It’s too warm here, we have storm and thunder. And it’s only may. Well, I better get used to it somehow. This is the new normal.

Just learned some bad news for finding an apartment in the city I will move to in some months. Try not to panic. But stress is rising. The facts are coming up every now and then. Breathe.


Awesome work Paul proud of you friend

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