Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

That elevation would take me out! I’m used to FL flat, :joy:


Thanks so much for sharing, I think knowing this is just the beginning and things can and will get easier is really a great thing to start remembering

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Day 34 :muscle: missed a few days been I’ll as hell :nauseated_face:


Day 46
Meditated just a few mins ago. Checking in on all my conversations etc., so as not to do the thing and fall off the face of earth for a while. The void calls to me so much lol, ‘just reply later, or don’t at all. they’ll understand’
Also by the void I do mean that ol pal depression.
So I’m gonna keep truckin along and in spite of my urges to be a shit I’m doing my best to be better. It’s not even a bad or hard day today. In fact, I’ve resolved some big issues in my life over the weekend. It just. Took its toll on my mind somewhat and I skipped a couple of my days in this new early morning workout routine. I paid a price for that.
The slack tax comes predictably quick for me with more moods, so lesson had to be restated: remember I’m doing this even in the cases where I don’t want to at all. I’m going to have to hold myself to it.
I’m here, I’m walking my routine again today and letting shame slip away from skipping and just doing the things again
Happy Monday all


Day 9 weed free and feeling fine!

I had a great overnight trip on Saturday to go to the northern part of my state and visit my partners family. We had a nice meal out to eat and it was the first day I ate a whole meal in one sitting! I’ve been so used to having to smoke for an appetite enough to have my whole meal, so that was a big success in my books. My intense dreams are getting less intense, and I’m actually starting to wake up feeling rested. I start my IOP (intensive outpatient program) tonight and am looking forward to it’s dual focus in substance abuse and mental health, as I have had struggles with both.

I hope everyone has a great day, I’m taking them one at a time :grin:


Hey guys. Check in day 13. Kind of busy these last few days, so I may have missed some check ins.

@Butterflymoonwoman Hey dana. Congrats on reaching the big 90 days mark. Thats a great achievement. You are doing great work. Congrats again.

Bye guys. Much love.


Awe thank you!! Congrats on ur 13 days! We got this 1 day at a time!!

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@ShesGotMoxie thank you so much for your response to my post, I have never before thought of motivation changing. I guess I have to ask myself what my motivation for doing step work is (basically, it’s to help guide and transform my feelings and actions to maintain my clean time).

Thanks for mentioning those photos and posts I did in the workout thread I am going to catch up on posts because the people there really inspire and motivate me! By caring about what I wrote you too have inspired me to get back at it!

Thinking about it, my motivation for the gym is to improve my mental health through physical exercise and to keep my body in decent functional condition as I enter middle age (I’m 44). I will try to think of the gym as special ‘me’ time and self-care, which it is!

@ShesGotMoxie thank you again!



If you’re going thru hell. Keep going.
- Winston Churchill

I just heard this on my fav podcast. Thought I would share. I really dig it


Caught this while procrastinating.

I’ll now go back to procrastinating :kissing_heart:


Day one after breaking six months. I’m ready to recommit to my mind and physical self, and break the habit of alcohol one day at a time. I hope everyone has an amazing day! I’m so happy I found an app with community :raised_hands:t3::pray:t3:



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Oh soooooo much better Claudia. I never ever want to go back there :heart:


Congrats on your 500 Days!!! Welcome to the club :heart:


Hey Everyone :two_hearts:
Day 48, feeling a bit flat. My son has Covid so he’s isolating all week. He’s not super unwell but I’m sad he has to miss out on all of his sport training, school and socialising.
My sleep has become a lot more solid, so I’m feeling a lot different, almost like I’m catching up on all the lost sleep. It’s a nice feeling to wake up and feel like I’ve actually had solid rest not just broken half sleep.
Anyway, have a great day everyone. Great to see everyone here checking in x


Day 106AF

Think I listened to my sick head too much. Just accepted the thought of reaching for any replacements: shit food, Energy drinks, cigarettes… now even 0.0% beer. My sister got home from holiday and told me how she felt.

Now I just feel like a failure, I know I’m still sober but I want to do it all right. Now I know it wasn’t ‘okay’ but it SUCKS. No caffeine, PMO, alcohol, cigarettes, 0.0%, screen use, junk food. Don’t want to act like a little baby whining but I am miserable and unsure on how to proceed without all this. I can work all day, but when I’m going home all my mind thinks about is winding down behind my screen or drinking energy/coffee to get back some life. Also need to adjust to full time work now, never been out the house this much ever before.
Guess I’ll need ‘just for today’.
Time for bed, good night everyone :slight_smile:


Good job! Hope to see your check in again tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Thank you, it was definitely a very proud moment. I plan to make it happen.

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Day 131 AF

Feel I’m slipping once again into a depressive state…


My grandfather’s really not doing good. I was going to go see him today but it’s so hard, I haven’t gone and visited him in over a year, this man has been in my life for so long and yet It feels like I’ve never been there or had a connection, I lived with him and my gram and dad for a long time as a kid, always remember him yelling shut the damn fridge door🤣 him and my gram were the definitely the old school way. He was a good man, and I was a c.n.a for sever years and use to watch families drop loved ones off and never come back or see them untill death was near. I said I’d never do that, and yet I did. My dad called me again and said if I want to go see him I better do it now. WTF why am I so scared