Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Day 58 for me. Things are still tough at home but I’m strong in my sobriety. :muscle:


Wishing you all the best with your surgery :heart:

We are all in this together. Definitely not alone. It is refreshing isn’t it. I felt alone for so long. Congratulations on 10 days!!!


Day 656
Finished work week. Off to bed now and therapy in the morning. I’m very behind on this thread but just wanted to stop by and send you all love! :green_heart:


Hi fam. Checking in@day #17

Met my gf for dinner tonight. So nice to be able to drive than spend $45 rt on an Uber :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey :wave: Chris. Nice to see you checking in.
And you didn’t have to wonder about how many sinks you had.


I’m praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery Claudia. It’s all going to be so good when it’s over.


Checking in, finishing up day 30. Getting ready to leave town Thursday for the weekend. Im very excited about this trip!

I’ve noticed since being sober, that one of my best friends is a lot more mentally unfit than I originally believed her to be, and also is just the worst pet parent with her dog. So I’m thinking about having a chat with her about self love and care, and about her aggressive, bitey, neglected rescue… and I’m a little nervous about the conversation because she is also highly sensitive, and a bit of a spoiled brat (only child, in her 30’s, in a highly co-depedant relationship with her mother). And I’m not sure if I feel like I need to talk to her because I need the distraction from the addiction or if being sober has opened my eyes to some behavior patterns that are self destructive and I feel the need to help her see that she needs to save herself. I’m going to sit on this for a week or so and see what I feel.

Happy sober days everyone! Goodnight all


Coffee. Planned a long bike ride today but there’s some rain in the air. Got me doubting my plans a bit. Well. Breakfast first. Another look at the weather radar after. Plans can change.

One thing that’s 100% sure is that I’ll remain sober and clean today. Will see about tomorrow when it comes. It’s the only way to have a better life for us all. Have as good a day as you can all. Clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam.


Off to bed. 47 days. I’m exhausted tonight. Difficult night with my husband and daughter but soooo glad to be sober and more in control of my responses. Although not as perfect as id like them to have been, I think did a pretty good job keeping as calm as I could. If id been drinking things would have been worse. Plus I would have woken up with severe anxiety. Thanks for listening. I did the best I could when the world around me felt like it was caving in.


Progress not perfection Miranda. You made it through a hard day sober so you’re going to bed a winner. Good night. Hugs.


There she is!!!
:heart_eyes: DOUGH-2-DA-NUTS :heart_eyes:


Checking in day 20. Had a really productive kick ass dad day! Taught my 4 year old how to ride a bike without ever using training wheels. Just got back from a 5 mile run, and feeling awesome! Just laid the kid down to bed. Going to try to not be up on my phone late tonight and get a solid 8. I’m feeling very motivated and proud of my progress! Hope you all have a fantastic day. Peace be da journey!


Progress… not perfection :wink:

That’s where step 2 starts Arno. The willingness to believe in something bigger than us that can help us with that. Call it god, life, consciousness or whatever.
It doesn’t matter what your higher power is or becomes, as long as it helps you letting go the urge to control all the outcomes of life.
Because like you say, we are áll uncertain of how to proceed, untill we accept we can’t control the outcomes of every thing we do.
As Lennon said it best : life is what happens, while we"re busy making other plans.

Just allow that uncertainty to be there and act on faith. Let go and let God is one of my favorite quotes for that matter :slight_smile:

Bingo :slight_smile:


Go visit the guy and ask this later :+1:


Good morning!

Today it means a challenge for me. I am alone at home and there is no excuse to stay to much at work because today is business half day off.

I do not want to remember what I would do in the past when I was not not sober. I only know I do not want to drink and it is enough.

I am happy in sobriety.

Best luck and twenty four hours!


Day 35 :muscle: Netflix day


I love reading posts like this, this is what it’s all about.
Great job :sparkling_heart:

Day 8 !
Have a good day folks. Working from home till three and then out walking


Hey @Mno,

Is this just a public space or a marketplace where you can get fresh food?

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