Checking in daily to maintain focus #44

Strange, long day. After barely sleeping at all, I took the first bus out to the nature trail to retrieve my camping gear. It was still there fortunately. With that taken care of, I started wondering how to make a little money the rest of the day. My internet bill is overdue. Vocational Rehab could pay for it, since I signed up for internet to take online classes. Problem is, I won’t know until Friday if I’m getting back into school and my service is due to be cut off on Thursday. :grimacing:
I thought (briefly) about standing on the street corner with a sign. I didn’t mind doing that when I was drunk and trying to get drunker. Can’t do it now.
So I went to the library to pick up some books I’d placed on hold. Recently I checked out the Recovery Dharma thread out of curiosity and was immediately intrigued by Pema Chodron. As it happened, the library has her stuff. So I got 4 of her books and a tourist guide to Camino de Santiago.
And coming home, I found $10 at the station while transferring buses. Not a bad day overall. Just had ice cream!


Congratulations on your 7 ODAAT’s Barb.


Thanks my guy!! You’re awesome

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Oh wow!! Congratulations on your 2 years!! So happy for you!

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Oh Cate, this makes me so happy. Congratulations!!!

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It’s quite okay to rant; that’s what we are here for. I’m sorry he’s making your recovery harder than it should be. You can always find someone here to talk to. Focus on you and try not to take him to seriously.


Yes on the road to 3 weeks Love it. Hope you have great rest.

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Sorry to hear that. Sometimes we don’t get the support we need from our partners and it sucks but perhaps use that as a drive to stay sober. So that he sees how great life can be without alcohol. Wishing you lots of peace and strength.

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This kind of cracked me up!!


Yes… Getting fit through the journey is one of the things I am looking forward to. I agree with @SassyRocks the reply also cracked me up :rofl:


Day 23. Yesterday, it actually got harder for me not to drink. I got really cranky and edgy. I was also starving and since we’re traveling I didn’t have any snacks. I lost my temper. I was up crying last night. There’s no where to run. There’s nothing for me to do to numb myself out. It’s just me and these emotions. I explained to my husband today what was happening. He didn’t say much, just, “Ok.” Today has been better. We have all laughed a little more than yesterday. ODAAT. I’m not going to drink today.:sparkles:


Glad your camping gear was still there where you stashed it, and $10.? That’s a good day!

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Wow, that sucks. I’m sorry you’re going through that. You’re always welcome here to vent. I was about to jump on and bitch about my day, but it’s not too bad. I’m cranky and irritable, but will get over it. Hope his being a shit is temporary :heart:


Sorry you’re having trouble with the hubby. Having a spouse that drinks can make it very difficult. Trust me I KNOW!! I also know when I’m focused on my wife’s drinking I’m not focusing on myself and my sobriety.

Please do feel free to come on and vent and get it out of your thoughts. I do it all the time. It was really hard the few few weeks. My wife did support me. But she still drank every night.
Hang in there. You came to the right place tonight.


Argh! When I first tried to get sober, I asked my husband if we could not have tons of booze always in the house. He said that my problem was mine, not his.

Years later he removed all the alcohol, after me telling him what I was saying about him here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You are doing great and I can tell you will continue to do so!!


@Lorelai Sorry to hear about your loved one. I am glad your sobriety allows you to be present with them. :purple_heart:

@vaariesga Congratulations! :clap::tada:

@BrianP My deepest condolences.

@Mindymoo Rant away! I would want to rant too! Exactly, let him stay as he is, while you grow. :purple_heart:


I’m back and hate myself for complaining, but I have no one else to share it with. I’m mad at the world right now. Well, actually now I’m pissed at autocorrect that can’t get anything right and I’m constantly fixing.

I’m tired of waking up with unbelievable pain. I’m tired that when I sprained my ankle/wrists several weeks ago, they are not getting better. I struggle with the dumbest shit that most take for granted. I’m tired of being exhausted all the time even though I drink a shitload of coffee and tea everyday. I do my F@#in best to stay positive and keep telling myself this will get better, but everyday it’s the same. (I have RA, it’s a chronic disease that is causing most of this, I’ve had over 2 decades, I did see my doctor a few weeks ago).

I don’t know if I’m going to make it here, I don’t plan on drinking tonight, I don’t know about tomorrow. I have no plans on it. I want to be sober. I’ve lived so long masking my pain with alcohol, I didn’t realize how bad it was. I pray everyday for God to help me out. I DO have faith. I need some relief. Sorry, needed to get my anger out. :pray::pray:


Ugh Maxie. That’s sounds unbearable. And it certainly is exhausting. When I’ve had pain. Not like yours. Osteoarthritis both hips. Got them replaced a long time ago. Any way…… I was always so tired. I really sucks.
It must be very hard to stay positive. I wish I could give you some answers or ideas. But I remember numbing my pain with booze. It didn’t actually help. I just got drunk. And I’d still be in pain. And passed out on the couch. And then hungover. So we both know that’s not a solution. Acupuncture? It works for some. I tried it. It felt real trippy and relaxing but after I still had pain. I’m sorry you got this going on in your life. Keep letting it out here. We are here the best we can be for you.
:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: Big hugs my friend.

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Oh and I think you got plenty of reasons to complain. So let it out!!


I went to the doctor today and found out that I’ve gained 22 lbs in three months which is a bit alarming. On top of this I suddenly have high blood pressure. Both are probably related to my antidepressants, but I have also been eating like trash recently and been a bit of a couch potato. So I need to cut out sugar and processed crap and start exercising more regularly. Who knew. Anyway, checking in on day 381 for alcohol and Day 0 for sugar/unhealthy eating.