Checking in daily to maintain focus #44

Day 280 checking in been on holiday the last week not been on here much hope everyone is well :pray:t2:


Day 18. Iā€™ve had some challenges over the weekend. A friend came round and was drinking bottles of beer, talking about cocaine, was going to a gig afterā€¦I explained that I wanted a different life. They said that I could only be me. I couldnā€™t change who I am. I was pissed off about this but kept quiet. I can change who I am. And I will. I stayed sober and stayed at home. Yay!
Iā€™ve not been sleeping well at all. Maybe 4-5 hrs each night. Desperate for a good sleep. Hopefully, I will get better sleep as time goes on.
Iā€™m constantly telling myself that I canā€™t drink sensibly and am accepting that in order to be happy I have to remain sober.
Feeling strong, but tired.


Day 480! Sober Tuesdayā€¦.all day!!


Vent away! Iā€™m sorry that every day is a physical struggle. But alcohol will continue to deteriorate your body. But, you know that. I understand why you want to escape the pain, though. I hope today is a better day for you.

I also weighed myself this morning. Have put on a bit more than I expected from the post-quitting smoking sugar fest and also I think from my energy levels going up a bit now Iā€™m taking more iron and my food intake going up disproportionately more :see_no_evil:

Itā€™s really annoying because I have SO MUCH CAKE left over from the weekend. One part of me feels like I should just eat it all over the next couple of days so it is out of the way. However I also know that will not help sugar cravings. So am planning on seeing how many neighbours I can palm it off onto!


Checking in on day 416 alcohol free. New job keeps me pretty busy. Love the new role and people I get to work with so far. New job doesnā€™t stop the family flow of sports and summer activities or my resolve to continue my fitness journey though so Iā€™m alot busier than I was before. Generally nonstop from my 5:15 AM alarm to my head hitting the pillow at 10:30 PM. Beats being plastered every night by a long shot. Have a great day everyone. Itā€™s a great day to be above ground and sober.


Good morning all. Quick check in on day 312. Losing track of the days if the week. Been on three different shifts within the last 8 days worked. Sleep is almost non existent at this point and donā€™t even see a day off in sight unfortunately. But it happens! Hope every stays safe and take care! Add my morning view before leaving work this morning.


To be honest your friend is quite right. You can only be you. What they have got wrong is the idea that taking intoxicants is an essential part of what and who you are. When you are sober you are most ā€˜yourselfā€™!


Well, itā€™s another day! I hope everyone has a great day!


Oof, I feel this so much. Wife and I had a ten year anniversary party last week and the fridge is absolutely loaded with cake and cupcakes. If I listen closely, I can hear them calling to meā€¦ :rofl:


Day 746 clean and sober today. Up early to cover a shift over in detox. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey guys-
90 DAYS! I made it! We are in our new house, everything is a bit of a tornado right now. At times Iā€™ve felt the ā€œneed to celebrate and reward myself with a drinkā€ pang.
But ultimately I wouldnā€™t be here, in this new house, if I wasnā€™t sober.
Iā€™m so happy to be here, to have broken away from my cycle of day in day out drinking, hung over constantly, working around alcohol, living across the road from alcohol.
Iā€™ve broken out of the trap, and I can start a new chapter.
Iā€™m so happy.


Day 10034

After I checked in here yesterday my day began to have a lot of frustration in it. I walked into the laundry room and found a HUGE pile of soaking wet, dripping towels and rugs just thrown on the floor. Every single towel in the house was there. Remember, I just washed them the other day when my washer went on the fritz. I heaved a big sigh and started a load.

I was starting to feel like this.


When folk got up I asked about the towels. Turns out my 17 year old grandson used dawn dish soap in the dishwasher. I donā€™t know how I slept through the discovery and the clean up because Iā€™m told it was massive. Granddaughter said my grandson literally sat like this for awhile :joy:


So I did the right thing. I talked to him about never doing that again and about personal responsibility of not leaving a pile of wet things for someone else to have to deal with. And being I am a role model for the kids I made sure to laugh hysterically about the situation and images in my head with him. I almost wish they had woken me up up to see it :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Try to find the humor in everything. If not, try to find the small good thing. My floor is clean. My grandson learned a lesson before he strikes out on his own. Iā€™m still clean and sober after an exhausting day. The dishwasher still works. Not a bad day in retrospect.

Three days to the convention. I havenā€™t checked the laundry room but I suspect today I will be able to do my laundry. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have a blessed and sober 24! I know I will.


Good morning (or afternoon) everybody! Got off to an early start. About 4:30 am. But I was awake after sleeping 9 hours. I wasnā€™t still awake from the day before, as I normally am at 4:30. Felt great. So what to do with my day? I was about to head out west because my bus ticket from yesterday doesnā€™t expire till 7. But then I thought, ā€œHey, dingus, youā€™d have to buy another bus ticket to get homeā€¦ā€ So I just made pancakes with almond butter and maple syrup.
Filed taxes last night. Wasnā€™t going to because my W-2 said Iā€™m only getting $52 dollars back, but right now that would actually help. Turns out their calculator says Iā€™m getting over $600 back! :astonished: Of course they didnā€™t tell me until the last possible moment that it costs $70 to file, but Iā€™m still coming out ahead!

@Hayleylujah Good work! Stick to your gunsā€¦ nobody tells you who you really are.
@DarrenUK Awesome three years!
@Pedrom1990 Welcome to the party!
@maxwell I canā€™t imagine the physical pain youā€™re in- mine is relatively mild. But I absolutely understand the constant exhaustion. I feel well rested until I actually stand up and start moving. I think we can agree that alcohol wonā€™t make it better. Try to hang in there okay? And donā€™t be afraid to vent.
@BrianP Iā€™ve been in your position a couple of times; it wonā€™t hurt forever. Weā€™re always here if you want to talk.


Congrats on the milestone! Yay you! Keep it up ODAAT


Congratulations Alycia helllll yeah!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2::confetti_ball::tada::balloon:

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Hey all,

Iā€™m here, Iā€™m sober, Thatā€™s about all that is good at the moment!

Keep strong people!


Itā€™s enough. One day at a time


Great work Alycia!

Amazing stuff! Congratulations!!

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Hun, you are already celebrating! A new house is a celebration of your recovery. Iā€™m so happy for you! Congratulations!