Checking in daily to maintain focus #44

Now that is awesome! Just taking steps in advance to protect yourself can make all the difference in the world. You got this! :heart:


I’m sitting here with my morning coffee bouncing around mentally like a five year old the day before Christmas. :joy: Almost didn’t expect to finally get here. Tomorrow is the NA convention in Orlando!! I’m so freaking excited! Tickets and hotel room are paid for. I have money in my purse I actually saved for it. My VA pension drops in the bank tomorrow. I have two free Starbucks drinks saved up as well as money on my card. I’m so ready. I remember back when I would plan stuff in the future for the family and when it was time we couldn’t afford it because chasing that bag daily was too important. So glad to have that behind me. I’m thinking about taking our suitcase with us and looking for a cheap room for tomorrow night. It’s a long drive there and back. So today it’s packing day. Got my haircut the other day. Planning on adding a streak of color to my hair today. Either magenta or blue. Hell, maybe both :joy:

Family is going to the coast this weekend to buy fireworks. I like to watch them and think of it as a celebration of everything. Our nation, my family, myself and all the folk in recovery celebrating their freedom from active addiction and alcoholism.

What a beautiful day in Florida. I’m going to enjoy it. Here’s to hoping you all have a blessed, sober 24!


You’re awesome Dana thank you!! I had the day off so I took myself to the movies and then just rested and it was a little better. Thank you for caring, I hope you had a good day too!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 748 clean and sober today. I’m up early for work, super restless nights sleep last night but it’s ok. The desire to use has passed but last night the thoughts of what am I really still doing here were still present. The thing I’ve learned is to be able to allow myself to feel the feels and to observe the thoughts (they’re quite normal to have actually) and let them have their time. The trick is to not get sucked in to deep. Thank you all for loving me, I love you guys too. Have an amazing day today!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Good morning all!! Today is a new day. I reached out to an old friend that I haven’t talked to in a while last night. It was nice to talk to her. I have said a prayer for my ex and her kids today. I really do hope they are happy and doing ok. I know everything happens for a reason and I guess my higher power wants things to be this way. It’s hard to accept but it’s what I have to do. So, today, I am just going to go about my day and make the best of it. I hope everyone has a good day and God bless.


Good morning friends, day 593! Weird sleep lately.
My friend who is going to rescue me from my drywall job came by yesterday to have a look. She’s going to come back Saturday and wrap it up. That’s a relief. I was able to get started on the shiplap on the lower part of that wall last night. I am expecting to get a lot done over the upcoming long weekend. Linda’s sister returns to stay with us for a bit on 7/10 and I really want to be completely done by then. I’ll post pictures of the finished project then.

Anyway another day full of meetings and non-retirement… I’ll get there… :rofl:

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


I can literally feel your enthusiasm! So happy for you!! :grin:


Hey all, checking in on day 746. I hope everybody has a good one!


Wow u have a busy day!!! Good luck with everything :slight_smile: remember to take care of urself and ur nneds thruout the day. When I have crazy busy days I tend to forget to eat or rest for a few minutes and then I wonder why I start craving to use. HALT is always a good little reminder (am I hungry, angry, lonely, tired). I mean that’s just me but thot id share :slight_smile:

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Day 10.

Double digiiits woot!

Thanks guys, hope you’re all keeping well today!


Congratulations on double digits! Keep up the great work :muscle:t2:

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Checking in on day 25! Didn’t sleep that well last night, as one of my neighbors was lighting firecrackers in the parking lot and right outside my window. They nearly scared me half to death out of my sleep! I was so pissed I almost yelled out the window at them to knock it off. Alas, my melatonin was working it’s magic and I didn’t want to get up. Couldn’t sleep well after that and ended up sleeping in a bit too late. I was going to ride my bike to work this morning but after sleeping in and looking at the weather for today I decided just to drive my car. It’s supposed to be up in the 90’s again :sob:

I hope everyone has a lovely day clean and sober! :two_hearts::muscle:t2:


Congratulations on 10 whole days!!! Woo hoo!!


Checking in on day 232 clean from alcohol and nicotine… Last weekend we did our first camping/beach trip of the summer at Lake Huron, stayed sober and had a great time with my family.


Absolutely yay day 3.

I tried to look at my first year as a blessing that I was given. I was allowed to completely focus on myself. I was allowed to finally give myself all the time I needed to build compassion and love for myself without any distractions. What I was looking for was long term recovery I knew I could get laid, find a relationship or move in with someone… I had proven that many many times. What I had never done was stayed clean.

Try to keep your eye on the horizon and just look at it day by day. It was less overwhelming for me that way and now I have some clean time and I am in a healthy relationship. It does work out if you can be patient and put in some work.

:orange_heart: :seedling: :dizzy:


…1560…from camping to glamping… Ms. Monkey’s sister and her boyfriend are on their way up. The kids will be too. Most excited to meet the new Granddog, Winston ( my recommendation for the name!) Decorations are up to celebrate the holiday weekend


Absolutely!! 90 days was my favorite milestone ( 2nd place was one week)!
Congratulations :tada:


It’s my eldest’s 13th birthday tomorrow and my parents have come down to stay for two nights. My dad is out with ex colleagues for drinks, and my mum had a medical appointment this afternoon. My mum just messaged me from the pub to say she’s getting a pizza for her dinner so she’ll be back later. Any plans I may have had for dinner, or to spend a bit of time together, just gone.
I’m not going to have a drink or anything, but I just feel utterly sick and tired of alcohol being the number one priority with my parents.


Good Morning, Day 17
Things are starting to feel normal for me. No anxiety, good sleep, energy and the thoughts of alcohol and the cravings are almost gone. So happy about that. My first week that’s all I thought about (crazy)
I don’t have a very busy day at work today but that’s ok. Its Friday eve LOL. Happy to be feeling this good. Hope everyone has a wonderful sober day.

ODAAT :pray:t3: :butterfly:

@Butterflymoonwoman By reading your post I think it may be a combination of the diet and you are still feeling a little ill. Rest my be what your body is asking for.
@Steven Yay day 3! every day is an accomplishment.
@kat261 Congrats on your journey and your move.
@GOKU2019 nice getting back into cardio.
@Mindymoo dear friend you have a stacked day but sounds like you will get time with your boys. I love that.
@Mno Thanks for sharing that lovely garden
@Seb Congrats on day 26
@KellyKelly :balloon: :tada: :tada: :tada: yay 3 months :balloon: :tada: :tada: :tada:
@Barbtarbox Nice hitting 10 days.
@Thirdmonkey I live the decor enjoy your trip

