Checking in daily to maintain focus #44

I wanted to ask about dohickey but didn’t in the end. What does it mean?

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I’m also on day 21, congratulations to you!! :tada:


A dohickey is a term used when you can’t remember or don’t know what something is named.


Thanks Jenny. :pray:

I’m always really interested to hear how you mother’s are with your kids… You sound amazing, all the stuff supporting your daughter and her football, just generally the way you care for them. Makes me realize that not every relationship was the same colours of my experience.

I thank you all. Hope your CFS is ok at the moment?

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That’s a thingymejig. Or a dooberry. Usually the remote control for the television.


My nan used to have a lucky white rabbit keyring. Literally, the foot of a deceased rabbit…


I’ve heard & have said, thingamajig, I don’t think I’ve heard of a dooberry tho :blush:


94 days :sparkles:
Hope you are all well.
I’m going to check out my new gym shortly, then a busy day of more unpacking, collecting a new sofa, and a bit of furniture building. I’m going to try and allocate tomorrow afternoon to just recharge before the work week. Do some painting, maybe go for a nice long walk.
It’s been such a busy busy time. I can’t wait to feel settled.
Went out for my sons footy game last night, then dinner afterwards. The radio was playing house party music, lots of adults out drinking and adulting. The pang to party still hits me, I’m going to have to go dancing when I’m feeling strong enough. I don’t miss alcohol but I miss music and friends and live events.
Anyway have a great weekend everyone :two_hearts:


I remember rabbits foot key chains being huge when I was young! I hope most were fake. :grimacing:

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Not so sure…:grimacing:


Have you ever shopped in Debenebenams? I love my life saying idiotic stuff!

Oh that is so sweet of you to remember, and I was so touched by your message a couple of days ago. I have been working so hard the last couple of days and so feel like I haven’t been present on here enough (falling into bed).

I work really hard to be there for my children. I struggled massively in the early days and feel like I have aged 20 years in 10 :rofl: It is worth it though. Not always easy and I obviously got some things wrong. My son didn’t cuddle me until he was at least 2. It used to break my heart as I felt like I had done something wrong. One of my darkest moments was when he had a stroke and couldn’t walk/sit up at 16 months. He literally flopped on me, and I remember thinking that was what a cuddle from your child was like.

I am sorry that you were let down by your parents. Children are so vulnerable and reliant on their parents. How is your relationship with them now?

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Is that a whatchamacallit or a department store in the UK? :rofl: I googled it.


@Tay here is the check in thread x

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You are only as good as today
The proof is in the pudding
Show up

At least you are there fully now and doing everything you damn well can to be a good mom. Your kids will not always remember everything in detail, but they will remember how you made them feel.

If I had to ever give any advice to any parent it’s that everything you say and do counts. The way you talk about a fictional character on TV counts. The way you respond to the news… These interactions are the hands around the clay of your child. Your child doesn’t know if it wants to be a teapot or a saucer, so be careful with how hard you apply the pressure of prejudice and your own thoughts.

I’m sure you are the coolest.

No relationship with father in over 15 years and nearing 8 months with mother so absolute estrangement. The abuse was mental and emotional not physical mostly (although some). I’m pretty resilient. But my issue is the guilt I hold, the shame of being in the wrong. No one would see it that way apart from the devil on my shoulder.

Wishing you well. Keep being a trooper! X :sunflower:


Ah, thanks :sparkling_heart:

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The department store. You have to sing Debenebenams as you go up the escalator to a classical score. The one on the jewelry box with the ballerina? Swan lake?

I sound drunk, I’m really not. Just a bit bonkers.


Not so lucky for the rabbit I guess :slightly_smiling_face:

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That is great advice, just sorry it had to come from your own experience. I know you know they were wrong, but understand how hearing your parents say that would make you question it. It sounds like you have made the right choice to go no contact and start that process of healing.


Not much, no :astonished: