Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

I’m sorry friend but that made me chuckle. I feel -indeed, I don’t think but I feel these days, at least I try my darnest to- that’s exactly what you’re not to do, to think about it. Let it flow, let it go, stop thinking, enjoy, feel, experience, LIVE!!!

You can do it. Actually the majority of the therapy I did for me was exactly this: to learn to recognise my feelings and to not analyse everything and anything to death. I both think and feel your therapist might try and help you here a little bit instead of giving you homework. This is hard stuff for us who have lived in our heads for so long. But the gains are huge Matt. Time to live in your body too. And your soul. Hugs.


I definitely will! Nice to meet you @Mindymoo . I am Flannery :blush::blush:

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I love this!

Hello. I was worried about today… I was leaving my current job, which was emotional, it’s my last day of term (I’m a teacher). I would usually use that as an excuse to go out and get obliterated. Not today. I took my family out for dinner. It was nice. Now I’m home and sober. I’m ready for the start of a new chapter, both at work and in my outlook to my life. My first sober end of term. 17 days today. Feeling proud of myself. Going to celebrate with a Yorkie bar, a lemonade and a movie. @Frank68 I couldn’t agree more… I love a nap, having children doesn’t allow it… but one day when I get that nap, it will be the best nap in the world.


Hi, no worries

It’s nice to have another outlet to share about her. She has her appt today at 3pm. It’s 12:30 my time. Feeling a little anxious. I haven’t yet shared with my son the situation because well I am waiting on this appt. My son is 15 and he has shared a lot of time with my grandma as well. My daughter is only 6 so she may not grasp the totality of the situation nevertheless they both have to know. They may see me cry here and there as I tend to be very emotional about my grandma so I want them to know that I will be ok but we do sometimes have to cry about the sad things. I am hoping it’s positive news. Hoping for treatment and hopefully recovery. Good willing but only he knows.


Congratulations on staying strong Alison! Good luck with that new chapter of your life! :relaxed:

Thank you sweetheart :hugs:

Hope it’s good news

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Hi guys, Kat here, Day 46 from benadryl/alcohol relapse and 351 days from meth pills.

Have had a great day cleaned kitchen and did laundry, then took new dog to dog park. Took him over to ex #2’s place to meet the 3 younger kids (14,12, and 8). Much love all round. Then took the youngest 2 to dog park with dog and then they wanted to go to Petsmart and buy the dog some treats lol. It was a lot of fun. Fun I could Not be having while using, that’s for sure.

Just really happy and grateful today.



Checking in at the end of Day 8. I am seriously grumpy. Not sure why, just one of those things I think, possibly as I have slept badly recently. Could do with England equalising though.

Haven’t been able to read properly as quite a busy day but seems like others are struggling too. Sending strength to everyone.


I am really upset. I am at my parents house and I talked with my little sister who is 18 and she was 4 when I started using… I was trying to talk to her and say “I will always be here for you when you need it” etc but …. She wasn’t very interested. I finally told her “I feel like I will never be enough for this family… I will never make it right” and then she went into saying how much I messed up her entire childhood… all of the attention was on me. Idk what else but all this shit and I didn’t have anything to say back to her because I knew I couldn’t change it… I was powerless over this situation… I don’t feel good. I had the thought that I wanted to go and use because I am hurt… she said some things that were maybe true but they were hurtful. She said she didn’t like the person I turned into in recovery … I feel pretty humble rn to know that I was a shitty person and even though I am clean I am not perfect… I want to feel better but it was a reality check that I still need to make amends and to know that some people might not accept them… and I have to be ok w that and don’t pick up no matter what. I am on the 3rd step
And I have to go over it w
My sponsor still but yeah… it sucks to see how much damage I did in my family because of my disease… I just want us to be healed but it is what it is. Acceptance is key


Totally dig it. I’m about to lay into some ice cream after I get naked. Gotta beat this heat, right? I read somewhere near London, a runway actually melted! :astonished:


It really does, now that you mention it… :thinking: :rofl:


113 days :sparkles:
Hey everyone. Early here, I dragged myself up early but it’s so wet miserable. Hard to find motivation in this weather.
I have a work dinner tomorrow night, and I’ve actually been looking forward to it, buffet, no kids, don’t have to cook haha.
But yesterday my work colleagues seemed quite annoyed that I’m not drinking. They were making lots of comments about convincing me to drink, being upset that I’m not drinking, just wouldn’t let up. I stood my ground, I did say at one point, look I don’t need alcohol to have fun. I’m actually less fun when I drink.
It just seemed really strange to me how much it upset them that I wasn’t drinking. It’s like, I’m the one keeping sober why is it upsetting them so much?
Anyway, have a good one guys. Stay sober, and awesome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Your wish is my command Princess. We only gone and won the damn thing.

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I know, cheered me right up! I was exhausted at 7.30pm, now can’t face going to bed yet :grin:

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Same, a bit hyped and out of sorts now. Can’t think of trying to sleep. We listen to crime podcasts in bed haha, it does work!

Couldn’t help but laugh at the losing faces though, such little swindlers! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿⚽


@Mindymoo @BrianP @Alicat22 Thank you guys. We are most likely going to meet at my grandma’s this afternoon.

@Matt Sorry you and @DryIn785 are having a hard time. I know sharing has been very helpful for me. @Matt I have been an overthinker since I childhood. It’s hard. It takes up a a lot of energy. I don’t know the specifics of the situation but I hope that your work with your therapist helps out with the issue. @DryIn785 Stay strong my friend. Sober is a lot better than hung over or drunk.

@Miranda Glad you are back sharing with us. I’m sure its not easy but you are here putting in the work again and that’s already a step in the right direction.

@HillbillyChris Congrats on 11 months!!!

@Dmcg1987 Congrats on 302 days!!!

@moonchild7994 I see you are in a tough situation with your sister. I know first hand conflicts with loves ones are tough. I have never done the 12 steps but it looks like you are on the right track with a sponsor and doing the steps. I hope that you can feel better emotionally soon. like you said using will not make anything better. Thank you for sharing with us.


It’s all good! Looks like I’m employed again. Have to fill at some paperwork tomorrow. Around here, places that have a high turnover rate make you work through a temp agency for a month or two to see if you’re going to stay with them.
I’m fine with that, because if all goes well, I’ll be leaving in September.
Still having slight urges, but nothing unbeatable. Thank you for asking!


@Miranda It is hard when a partner drinks, the resentment swells up. In the end, you have to focus on YOU, you don’t want to drink, so what he does it incidental. @Dazercat is a wise one in this situation

@moonchild7994 That is a tough pill to swallow. But you were doing the best with what you had at the time, using or sober. We are all works in progress.

@Alycia Man, people need to mind their own damn business. Rather than focus on how fun or not someone else is, they should focus on their own fun. And nagging someone to drink is not fun.