Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Naaa…nothing with black water…its the shower doors. Tomorrow I will send you pics of my problem


I’m glad ur checking in! I love that u bought urself something and I’m so glad that ur work is being sorted out with the training so that u can learn what u missed. I’m honestly so proud of you! I just really feel like uv persevered thru so much and it’s nice to hear that u haven’t self harmed and that ur treating urself to something that will calm u :slight_smile: hope ur evening is good! Hugs!


I missed hearing all your kind words while I was sick and not posting. You have a great evening too <3333


I just really care for u and ur situation. Ur stronger than u think! To go thru what u do everyday and still come out on top and not self harm, it’s incredible strength! Hugs Megan!


I am so behind, I can’t possibly get to everyone! But I do have to say @Alycia I am heartbroken to hear about Pedro, I’m so sorry for your loss.

Little to report today, I didn’t fill out my paperwork for the job and I’ll start soon as they call me. Still feeling those urges off and on, but not as strongly as the last few days. Spent the majority of the day inside not sweating. Haven’t been eating well lately, and that might be contributing to my mood. 90% of your Serotonin is in your digestive system so I really should take diet more seriously.
Anyway, I am going to try to catch up on this thread, everybody have a great sober evening (or morning)!


Alrighty! Definately have worked on a few of those. Lol

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:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check in :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 157
Hows everyone doing? Hope everyone’s day/evening was good! I had a pretty basic day today. I took care of some errands and did some cleaning. Made tacos for supper for hubby and me. I am truly feeling defeated tho with my weight. Ever since I stopped keto, my eating has sucked. I just struggle with balance when it comes to eating. I did stop eating supper tho when full and didn’t finish, so that’s a positive. Everyday is a new day tho for pretty improvement in areas that need work. Nothing else really going on I guess. Just trying to stay cool in this heat :hot_face:


Beautifully said!

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Day 278 AF

Good evening, fam.

@Mindymoo congrats on 30 days!
@Wakikki there’s no need to reset. It was an accident. It’s not like you got wasted or anything. Don’t beat yourself up. Just keep going. Keep doing what you were doing.
@SadMemeQueen no need to apologize. We’re still here. Glad you’re feeling better. I don’t game as much anymore because of the kids, but it was super fun back in the days. My oldest son took over my Xbox One, and my wife’s on the switch. They’re always gaming and raging LOL.

Gonna do some laundry and clean the apt. It’s my wife’s bday tomorrow. Planning to take her out to eat.

I’ll catch up with the rest of yall later. Have a goodnight! Take care.


I am sorry for your loss and all the things you have to go through lately. You are such a strong woman and doing so well. :pray:


Coffee. Early shift ahead. Luna’s eating a lot better than the last days, not sure if it’s the heat gone for now or she decided she won’t eat this one brand no more and I got her another one. Anyway it´s a relief.

First session of the course for working with my experiences as a professional was interesting. A bit triggering in some aspects as there´s folks with all sort of mental health problems, and some of ´m drink and smoke and talk positively about that. I think I can handle it and will work through the material the coming days and see it will give me what I want. On first glance I think it will.

So off to work it is. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Let´s make it sober and clean. Love from Luna and me.


#Day 1402 :seedling:
Goodmorning TS people :raising_hand_woman:
Long day ahead because of the wedding of my sister in law. Never been to a wedding of 2 women and I’m curious about what they are going to wear. Bought myself a lovely 1930 look a like dress with little hearts on it that (I think) match with the occasion.
Allmost 4 years sober, but days like this still made me think about alcohol because it used to be such a part of my life. It’s so “normal” and infiltrated in our lives. A celebration? A wedding? A gratuation? Let’s pop up a bottle! Even at a funeral. Feeling sick? Take some rum to get the virus out :confounded:
So (I say to myself) it’s normal to think about alcohol at occasions like this. It’s a mix of habits that I’ve learned trough the years and my addiction speaking as well. Adress it and dealing with it is my answer to it.
So tonight I give myself the order to find the biggest drunk I can find at the party floor and I’m going to tell myself: is this what you need?
Maybe childish of me, but also harmless.
And I’m going to order a virgin coctail if they have it. That’s my plan.

And for who needs it a 4 leaf clover, found it a few days ago :four_leaf_clover:
Have a good day! :raising_hand_woman:


Hi everyone,
Checking in on day 124. I’m feeling good and pleased that my partner has joined me in not drinking so that’s nice.
I had a lovely day in Leeds yesterday at my daughter’s graduation. Very proud.

Have a great day :sparkling_heart:


Epic numbers there! Well done

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Lovely photo


Thank you :sparkling_heart:

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Checking in day 86. Was offered the job as the jv coach. But can’t accept it because it only pays 2 grand one time and it would cut out my other job. Spoke with the varsity coach today I am going to help out with the varsity team as an assistant on my days off and whenever I can. I’m grateful for this opportunity! Great to get my foot back in the door in the futbol community around here. Also the team won state championship last year. Life is good! Happy for another sober day! Time to put the phone down and get some sleep. Night yall!


Hey all, I’m back it’s been a long Yr of mental health and addition, but I’ve come bk to what helped me keep and stay clean b4 as I obviously can’t do it by myself. I’ve withdrawn from meetings and withdrawn from life, but there’s still that spark in me that knows this life no longer serves me, I’m trying to shed that old skin to become the person I’m proud of but it’s tough "so it’s a good job a im a person that wants to fight for my freedom. Gratitude to you all I know the journey is full of bumps in the Rd. :pray:


Missing @Twizzlers !
@BrianP It’s nice to see you with such a clear head about your sobriety. Congratulations on that. Condolences.
@PinkyP congrats to your daughter

I’m sorry about the family dog … I have to look back and see proper way to mention the name. @Alycia

Take care all and stay sober from your DOC!


@Mindymoo @Dazercat @icebear @BrianP @Lovelyoutlook
@Shaunda @Alicat22

Thank you all for your kind words and support. I feel a bit better about it today. It was like a complet shock because Im so determind to not drink any alcohol in anyway, and I got so scared, not to fall off and start drinking again, at least not now, but to have it inside me and what it would do to me. Not feeling completly free from alcohol in my body. I got scared I would feel the pain again, the damage it would do to me, and I really saw the tape playing in my head.

No it was not intended, I did not keep drinking and I spit it out as soon as I read it was alcohol, so I think like you all that this will not call for a reset, it was not a slip, not a relapse, I did not drink intended or fall off the wagon. I was maybe a bit fast taking something I tougth was the same without checking good enough only assuming. Wont do that again! This is not Day one again, never again. Only one more Day.