Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Day 770 clean and sober. Hope everyone has a great day today, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Oh Emma :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Welcome back. :heart:

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Good morning guys,

Things on my end are going good. Taking it one day at a time with my journey and with life currently. My son started 15cenera practice. I felt so much joy. Seeing him dance his little butt off. In my eyes he is till that little 3 year old that was so full of energy. He still has that energy even at 15 :joy:. 3 more years and he will be considered legally an adult. IMO they need to move that age up. I am enjoying every moment I get to spend with him. Sometimes he already acts as if he were a mini adult :woman_facepalming:t2:. Good kid thus far though so I’m happy about that. Can’t wait for the 15cenera too. Now for recovery related I don’t think about alcohol as much as I use to. I’ll be teaching 40 days tomorrow and I am so thrilled. Looking back when I started I didn’t think I could do so many days but I also new I was committed. Commitment is a powerful conviction to have. I have been hitting the gym a lot lire than I use to. Been consistent with my walks during lunch. Sticking to a sleep schedule. Having more energy to do my house chores. I have a lot of clothes as I am sure my counter females on here might too. I need to do a closet clean up :joy:. (Possible trigger warning) I have a shopping addiction so I fill up my closet with way too much clothes. This doesn’t hurt anyone though except my SO when his clothes doesn’t fit in the closet :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Overall I been feeling good and just taking life slowly. I like that being sober is been a key factor to taking my grandmas situation a lot better.

Thanks for reading guys.

ODAAT :pray:t3::butterfly:

@Wakikki Glad you are feeling better. As you said you are better prepare for next time and will look closely at the label.

@Beth2 on a sobriety podcast I heard they did talk about taking too many things on at a time. They discussed how sobriety becomes a full time job and that’s ok this is what we want. Be gracious to yourself. Not everything needs to be perfect right now. You got 13 days and that’s amazing. In the beginning I was craving sweets a lot and I am. I am not one for sweets. I bought a bag of kisses chocolates and starburst. I knew sugar wasn’t good for me but if it was helping me cope for that time being I had them. After 2 maybe 3 weeks I was able to not crave alcohol as much and now I don’t have sweets. The motivation will also come do not worry.

@BrianP Im sorry for your loss. Just like you things like what have happened to us lately would’ve made us drink but here we are still sober. Hands :raised_hands: for us.

@GOKU2019 happy birthday to the wife! Aren’t quincenera so much fun. I love them.


**Day 3 **
We’ll day 3 no urges just overwhelming feeling of guilt and frustration. Good news is that S/O and I our committed to each other again and that’s a big boost of motivation and support. Going to enjoy the water park with friends this weekend!


Happy to hear about the renewed commitment btwn u and ur s/o :slight_smile: this is always wonderful news and great motivation also!

I appreciate your words of motivation ! Hopefully everything is well on your end! We got this !

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It is overall! Thank u for asking :slight_smile: just walking with purpose in recovery :sparkles:

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Thanks! Hope ur day has been amazing also!

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You’re sweet Dana thank you so much!

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Checking in, day 103 sober. Such a stressful evening as the parakeets keep flying into our building. Three tonight… Only 33% survived the event. The cats downstairs then go mental and start running around to grab the birds while my neighbors are running after the cats and the birds trying to release them. They are stunning birds, and fly past in their hundreds which is simply magical around sunset. However, night after night, they fly into the building and you just hear the noise and see the Benny hill sketch ensue. My two cats are on the balcony chattering away trying to get involved. :exploding_head:


Here’s the little darlings on a day they are not kamikaze diving.


So sorry @BrianP You really have had a hard time.

Checking in on Day 10. Life has got crap again, no nice way of putting it. We have been given notice on our house as the landlord wants to sell. I have given up on stability for me, but my poor children have to cope with endless moves. It breaks my heart. If it wasn’t for them I would move to another part of the country where we could afford to buy, but they are happy here so will try and stick it out renting a little longer. Our country feels broken, when two people working with good wages can’t afford to buy a house :cry:

I hope everyone else is having a good day. Sorry for the spectacular downer.


Oh bless, can only imagine. They are so loud!!! We have them moving in clusters around our way and. Beautiful birds

That’s terrible news Jenny, I’m sorry. How old are your kids? I hope things work out for you. Would the kids consider a move if you explained it all to them. Northerners are definitely the better footballers.

I can’t even sell my flat it’s worth zero due to post Grenfell EWS issues…

The country is fucking mental. :sob:

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Oh thank you, and so sorry you are experiencing issues. This country has its priorities wrong. Makes me so angry, when I am not despairing.

The kids are almost 13 and 11 and I just keep thinking we have to stick it out for a few more years. We have to choose my daughter’s secondary school this October so need to be settled by then. I have already explained to them that we will have to move as they get older. The stupid thing is I don’t want much, anything would do right now, but it isn’t to be. My parents still live in the house we moved to when I was 5, as do a lot of my friend’s parents. So sad I can’t provide that stability to my children.


Haha, forgot to reply to your northerners comment. It may be the only way to sell it to my daughter :grin::soccer:

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Are you from your area? I’m a northerner/midlander whichever way you wanna look at it past Watford. I have a quarter of this flat and that’s a lot in zone 2. But it’s worth zero lol. No lenders will lend.

I sometimes think to myself, another year, another two years… My partner and I are desperate to move to the countryside. I work remotely, so does my wife, we could live in Mull and it wouldn’t matter. We hate cities, we are done with London.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is sometimes I do wonder whether we should just rip the plaster off and jump. What’s the worst that can happen? Kids are so resilient. They will be fine as long as you guys are fine and stable. No house is a home without people. I’m sorry you feel that you can’t provide that for them, but that’s not on you, it’s on the scabs in government and this shitty country. Be proud of what you are doing . Maybe jump. :revolving_hearts:


That’s what I was thinking! :soccer: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 :soccer: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Think of all the football clinics she could attend between the Manchester triangle.

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Yes, we are both from here, and parents are both local. You are right about children being resilient, there is just so much guilt involved. I don’t want to move them away from their friends, don’t want to move away from my parents as they age (both my siblings already have). Being a grown-up sucks :rofl:

I do think now is the time for tough choices. We have been lucky here as we have had 4 years. Before here we were given notice twice in a year. My poor children were so confused. Private renting isn’t for families like us though.

The countryside is wonderful, hope you make it. This house saved us in lockdown.

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And I hope you find something even better and it’s a gift horse staring you in the snozzer. :pray:

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