Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Hahahaha, brilliant! I am a lot more resilient myself now. These moves honestly broke me in the past. I am the type to have one home for the rest of my life, that you have to prise me out of. Now though, what will be will be!

Checking in
Day 158
This is what today has truly been about. I really need to take action and start making better choices. Iā€™m tired of talking about the changes that I want to make in my life and then ā€œtryingā€ to follow thru. One of my old sponsors told me that ā€œtrying is an excuse to failā€. And as much as I didnā€™t want to hear that and thought that was a tough-love sort of responseā€¦ tough love is the only way I learn and I have honestly remembered her words for 15 years. I make choices everyday. Do I use drugs or do I stay clean? Do I exercise or do I choose not to? Do I eat healthy or do I not? Do I do my recovery routine this morning or do I leave it? I need to make the choices today that will guide me in how I envision myself and my life in the future. Bcuz those choices impact it. I do definitely do ODAAT for alot of things. But I gotta stop trying and instead just do it. Guess my old sponsor was right (who wouldā€™ve thot lol). Anyway, today I have eaten well, struggled with exercise but still showed up, and have done what I needed to do for my recovery. Iā€™m happy with what I accomplished today :grinning: Now just to make supper and stay focused on my portion sizes and avoid late night snacking and Iā€™m good! Grateful for another day clean and sober and foe the ability to help others.


I love change which is odd as Iā€™m a home body. I was pushed around a lot of houses as a kid though with divorces and new partners and other stuff. I just go with change as itā€™s more effort to swim upstream. It suits me.

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Hi Kat here Day 48 or so.

Just on a Zoom meeting but internet connection not good. Worked this morning. Son#1 went back to his Dadā€™s and Sons #2, 3, and 4 are here. It is all a bit crazy with the new doggie too but Iā€™m doing ok.

No desire to use or drink.

Love Kat


115 days
My heart is hurting, the house is grieving. I ended up going to the staff buffet dinner last night without my hubby. I was worried because Iā€™m sad, and tired, but Iā€™ve been looking forward to it for ages. So I went hoping it would take my mind off of the grief in the house.
It was weird because it was an awesome buffet free seafood, roasts and desserts and all anyone could think of was drinking. Barely anyone ate, one guy was really upset I wouldnā€™t drink with him for his birthday, like really offended. A few others were just buying drinks and setting them by me. I stood my ground, tired and sad as well. And eventually they have up. I had lots of good food, a few nice conversations, and I called it a night.
Itā€™s funny because I brushed off the alcohol once, twice, three times in a light hearted Iā€™m not drinking anymore, until I literally had to say to someone, no man- alcohol makes me want to die.
God I hope I can still muster some Will power to socialise sober in the future. Cause that was quite a turn off.


@Alisa Hi im still here, its so nice to be missed and thkught off, tahnk you.
Had really busy couple of days, and have started swimming again which has totally boosted my health physically and mentally.
Im nodding off typing this i woke up tor a bit its 1:30am here.
I have been busy trying new stuff and its nice to see your message but also a lovely reminder for me ā€¦ that im slacking with my recovery(which happens, i dont get on here for a few days and my mind can try to take up space thinking about drink. Being here and actuve daily keeps my cravings away and keeps me on the journey)

Have a lovely dag/evening/morning where ever you are :hugs:
I cant keep my eyes open for a change, the new activities are full of benefits.


Iā€™m glad you went for a bit; I think when people pressure you to drink itā€™s about them and not you (us). I say Iā€™ve done my time with it and Iā€™m over itā€¦or something along those lines.
Still sending hugs to youā€¦


hey Donna long time no speaky just wanted you to know how proud I am of you. It was a bumpy road out there wasnā€™t it and yet here we both are :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes it was, :crazy_face:
Iā€™m happy everytime I see your posts! Iā€™m grateful for meeting you when I did. :kissing_heart:


Brian congrats on 90 days brother!


Hi Alycia,

We have a school function this eve. This would be on day 9. My friends donā€™t yet know of my decision to quit alcohol. Not looking forward to being the ā€˜dullā€™ one at the party, but I am very happy with my decision still. I dont see any benefit there is using alcohol anymore. Sure hope that this doesnā€™t stand in the way of friendship. And if it doesā€¦ so be it

Have a good weekend everyone!!


I think itā€™s important to be confident in your choice not to drink. I had to say many times last night I donā€™t need alcohol to have fun, and no I donā€™t want it. And I didnā€™t feel like I was missing out. But early on in my sobriety, I definitely felt like I needed alcohol so I stayed away from the social functions until I didnā€™t feel that intense craving anymore.
Just remember you donā€™t have to go, if it means it will put your sobriety at risk. At the beginning you can definitely say no. I know I had to for a while.


Thanks Brian. Yeah, you are very right. Grief is a strange beast and it effects us all differently. My kids are riding this one a lot different to me and my husband. Itā€™s shattered us. And my husband is the most upset, because he feels guilty too. Itā€™s just awful. I appreciate your support :heart:

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Congrats on 90 days Brian- you should be so proud. And you look so damn happy. This is awesome šŸ„²

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Funny thing is I am not worried about drinking, I am done with that. Worried that my friend wonā€™t understand. Our friendship has gone through a rough patch the last couple of months. But we used to be close so he will prob come around.

Ps. Thanks for your encouragement!

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Had a good time today, celebrated my wifeā€™s bday sober. Weā€™re gonna drop of the kiddos at their grandmaā€™s tomorrow, and have a date night. We need a breather.

@BrianP ahh snaps. Congrats on 90 days!!!

@Mindymoo itā€™s a video game. I used to watch American Ninja Warrior. Thatā€™s like the same thing, right? Lol

@Lovelyoutlook The kids go grow so fast! I was in a few quinceā€™s back in my days. I remember those practices. We had to get the steps right. I was already drinking during those times. Hungover the day of the quince. Smh. All bad!
Iā€™m glad youā€™re still sober. Youā€™re doing great, amiga. Just gotta stay busy, wake up and repeat.

@Alycia dude. I hate people like that. My cousin invited me to a bday party tomorrow, but I am not going. Those fools donā€™t know how to quit. And they talk mad shit. I donā€™t understand why we canā€™t kick it. Like I donā€™t mind if they drink. People donā€™t get it. But hey, when you drink, people talk shit and call u a drunk. When youā€™re sober, people still talk shit. Whatever, Ima do me. Forget about em, do whatā€™s right for you.

Well, ima pass out fam. Goodnight! Stay strong!


Congratulations on your 90 days Brian.


Exactly man, I kept saying donā€™t worry bout whatā€™s in my cup. Iā€™m fine, but they wouldnā€™t let up.
Iā€™m sorry you canā€™t go to the party. But Iā€™m sure you can find something that feels a lot better than people ripping on you for not drinking.


This is very insightful ā€¦ a great analogy

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Itā€™s also my 13 year wedding anniversary today, but my husband is unwell so unfortunately we donā€™t be having a meal out as we planned.