Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

90 days!! Great work… you look happy and have every right to be. Enjoy a sober Saturday!

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Well done mate! Congratulations to 90 sober days! :tada:


Congratulations Brian, 3 months down! That’s great! :tada::tada::tada:


Coffee. Weekend. Had a good couple of days working even if they were busy. This morning looks like a perfect one to ride my :bike: a bit. No shopping, just me, my bike and the road. Sober and clean.

Have as good a days as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from my balcony.

@Alycia @ @Brian @Mindymoo You’re all strong. And it’s sad. People drinking and pushing drinks on us are either jealous we stopped, or are feeling guilty because of our sobrieties. They’re the real ‘in the closest’ problem drinkers. With or without knowing it. Normal people, drinking or not, would be proud and happy and supportive of our sobrieties. Or indifferent at the very least, and certainly wouldn’t be pushing us to drink. I am sure there’s enough of those folks too. And for the rest: keep leading by example. You’re all doing great!


#Day 1403 :seedling:
Survived the wedding sober. Saw a lot of drunk people and I felt sorry for one lady who could hardly stand on her feet. People around her made fun of her. I hope she arrived home safely.
But despite that I had a lot of fun chatting with people and dancing. My 2 kids where there too and looked sharp in their party clothes. I felt proud :heavy_heart_exclamation:

It was also the day my mom died 17 years ago. Still light a candle for her almost every morning. There is some of her ashes inside of this petrified wood rock.


Lovely way to start 90. What a beautiful place to walk!


Sounds like bliss tbh. Why don’t you make a list of films you never got around to watching, maybe old classics. Cook a new recipe?

Sounds lovely however. Peace and quiet.

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After a new relapse I am in my fifth day. One advise: try to not be alone. Happy twenty four hours!


Day 305 checking in hope everyone is well :pray:t2:


Good morning… First days of the school holidays let the fun commence or the madness or abit of both :joy: it’s early days but I’m putting no expectations on myself, but I’m determined definitely keeping it simple so tired of living in my head. Love too u all​:heart: apologies that was for an open topic and I sent it too you been awhile since I’ve been here.


Good morning sun shines
It’s almost 6am here in Massachusetts USA

Im the only one awake at home and decided to viset here to read, learn and post a bit

Im on full day 109 on day 110
I never really knew which one to go with
The full day or the day to the tee ?

I hate hot coffee latley
I’ve been drinking energy mio water enhancers and thismorning they are doing amazing

I moved my room around with my feonce and I love it

Saving up some money for a new place for us also

Have a good day everyone


Thank you! I’m going to try and not put so much pressure on myself to get it all perfect.
I’m glad that teaching is going well for you and you have this exciting upcoming event for your son. I hope it all goes well. You seem to be in a really good place.

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Day 14! I commit to my promise to myself and my family that I will not drink today.I am greatful for all that I have!

Hope everyone has great day!


Hey all, checking in on day 769. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 711

Today was a day of mostly following what the kids wanted to do, and that involved some impromptu trips, which don’t always fit my wanting to prepare and not liking sudden schedule changes, but I hope the kids made some nice summer memories. Glad for the opportunity to learn some flexibility.


Thank you :blush: they came through and I’m feeling much more stable


Thank you :blush: much better now

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Thank you :blush: 6 week now :muscle:


Congrats @BrianP for 90 days!!! i love following your journey and walking selfies. Im right behind you on days and hope it stays that way! Keep up the awesome work!


Day 771 clean and sober. Exhausted but it’s my Thursday I can do this… I hope you all have a wonderful day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2: