Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Checking in at day 90!!! From my 6 month old self to me at 31 I’d say we ended up where we’ve worked to! I can’t change the past but I can work hard for a better future and I’m proud of where I’ve gotten! Everyday is a new challenge to overcome and succeed in this thing we call life! Some days are harder then others but I have to remind myself to keep my head up high and just keep moving forward! I can’t believe it’s been 90 days already! Just in 10 short days I’ll be in the triple digits! It feels like just this morning I woke up hungover, couldn’t remember a thing of last night and all the bad feelings that went with it… I may not always check in or post anything on here but I do come here everyday to remind myself that I’m not alone in this and how amazing you all are! It’s hard for a "normal " person to truly know how a addicts mind works when it comes to alcohol or drugs so I thank everyone last one of you for inspiring me to keep going and stay strong on this battle of recovery! Everyone has there own story but we share a common plot in it and that’s to live a happy sober life so here’s to 90 days sober and I couldn’t have done without you, my loving fiance, family, and friends for believing in me to keep the momentum going!!! Stay motivated and as always one day at a time!!!


Congratulations on 3 months!!! Love what u wrote and love that u also included a picture of ur younger self. That says alot to me :slight_smile: keep going ODAAT!


Congrats on 90 days!!! We are doing this together thats for sure. What a lovely share. Keep truckin brother

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Well, today I forced my claustrophobic mind to shut up long enough to endure my brain scan mri. I’d been dreading it all week and pretty much shut down socially to deal with it. Finally, finally at the tail end of my bronchitis. Now that the mri is behind me I should be able to get my sleep pattern back to stability. No more claustrophobic nightmares. I’m not concerned over what the scan will reveal. I’m confident in myself concerning that and if something odd does show up then I will deal with it then, clean and sober. Off to take a necessary nap and will try to catch up later. Have a blessed day all. :heart:


Oh that is heartbreaking, such a beautiful gift but to receive it like that must make you feel awful.

It sounds fascinating though, do you feel able to share any of it here?

Hello there. I don’t especially think that you should reset either, considering that it was an actual mistake! It’s amazing how confusing those bloody labels can be, I have almost done the same thing myself with Heineken beer, as the no-alcohol bottles are still AWFULLY similar to the regular ones.
As such, I would not reset in your situation.

Otherwise, things are all right over here, I’m getting settled into my new (albeit temporary) house. Today I did some major “gardening”… If you want to call hacking away YEARS of vines “gardening”! I’m amazed that I didn’t get stung by all of the bees hanging around in those stupid vines.

Other than that, just working away… And sweating away, in the heat of northern Italy. I very much look forward to getting back to Switzerland, where the temperature is SLIGHTLY milder as a result of the higher elevations. In any event I am on 42 days, and I assume that @maxwell is close behind me.
We will soon both be at the 45-day mark, with 60 days being the next target.

Okay, I should get back to work. I hope that you are all well and having a nice and sober weekend.
Working is not the most exciting way to spend a Saturday evening, but I have to get all of this work done. I suppose that it’s a good thing that I don’t have a life outside of work!!


We got this! :muscle::muscle::muscle:


That’s sucks about your husband. I know how that feels.
About Lola.
Have you got a
It worked great on Daisy after she was spade. I don’t know where you live but if you get next day Amazon you can get it pretty quickly. Or Google it and see if Pet Co has one.

Checking in
Day 159
Work is over. Besides that earlier triggering event, the shift went well overall. Feeling really kind of bitter tho, sort of like my ego has been hurt. My thinking has been off lately too, just feeling like I don’t belong and sort of feeling less than. I often feel like Im “too much to handle”. Like people dont know how to respond to me. I have an idea where it’s coming from but I’m not allowing it ruin my biggest support right now. Sometimes I have to force myself to care bcuz the “F it” attitude really isnt healthy. Besides when I think about it… course I care… otherwise I wouldnt be impacted so much by it. So I’ll work thru. Hubby is ordering supper tonight so I’m looking forward to that. That’s about where I’m at right now.


Oh my gosh I wish I knew about this sooner!
The vet suggested at t-shirt and I did find this old baby one…

It’s helping a bit.
Thanks Eric!


I’m really struggling today. Up and down emotions and a lot of tears. I’m trying to distract myself… Doing gardening. It’s a beautiful day but I’m sad that I’m wasting energy craving. I felt so good this morning waking up sober. I just need to get through this moment (although there’s been a lot of them today)


It is hard but you can kick it’s ass and stand strong and beautiful! It only gets better; those cravings don’t have your best interest for you. :muscle::wink:




Thank you bro! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Yes I probably am hungry. That is usually one of my triggers but I’ve had a really upset stomach for some reason so even though I probably am hungry I don’t feel like eating. I might try something in a bit I don’t know what’s upset my stomach so much but I think it might have been the collagen drink I had last night and then the fish oil in my yogurt this morning maybe too much of that!


Ur post made me so happy! Thank u :slight_smile: love the positivity and the emojis

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Checking in

I have some anxiety tonight as it is Saturday night and that’s usually how it goes. I’m going to read tonight, my fav author and on here. Maybe hit a meeting tomorrow just to decompress.

Hope everyone has a blessed and sober Saturday night!


Checking in. Still clean. I got my birthday present which was getting my hair done ! I love it… but tomorrow I am serving for the first time on this particular shift and it is very busy and I am really new to this so I hope I will be ok… also, I get to do my first video visitation with my boyfriend :slight_smile: I am so excited but nervous… I want him to be ok… I am like nervous he will be anxious and it will make me anxious but whatever happens happens I know it will be fine. Anyway I am staying clean no matter what .

Here’s my picture


Aww. She looks so cute. I did notice her belly the other day on her pic with Charlie. I figured she was just “fixed.” I’ll see if I have an Alice pic and tag you if I remember. Minnie’s worn them too. You just can’t put a cone on a cat Daisy had hers off in seconds. :smirk_cat:

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I love your cross. You wear it well. And that cat pic on the wall :heart_eyes_cat: I hope the video visit goes well.
Keep up the great work Flannery.