Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

You look fantastic!!!

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Checking in night time of 88. Let some shit get to me at work. Stupid kids who donā€™t know how things work in a restaurant. Anways home now going to watch TV and chill out. Day with the kid tomorrow, thinking about golfing or going to the pool. Still keeping it simple, going to work, hanging out with the family, and not drinking. Itā€™s working. Night yall, much love!


I understand why you feel like you do I havenā€™t seen other comments to your post. You said that it is some of the most precious items that you could ever receive. They picked them out and they sent them to you. They are probably busy sorting and distributing a lot of stuff and might have done their best to get it into an envelope and get it mailed off to you. You said you are estranged from them. If you want to try to pick up the pieces of that, one gesture that you can make is to write them a thank you note and thank them for sending you the items. Maybe that will start to open up some communication between you all and if you each wish maybe the relationships can get better. I have no idea why you are estranged Or for how long. I would not take it personally. Be grateful that they sent it to you which I know you are.

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Day 1. The day of the guilt, shame, regrets, of checking my bag to see if I still have my wallet and my phone. The fear of checking my calls and texts. The hope that I will never meet that taxi driver again. And I know that this can be the last time I have to go through all of that, if I want to. So now Iā€™m trying not to think about the past and Iā€™m visualising the person I want to be. The non-drinker who can have fun in the evening without feeling horrible in the morning. The person who makes wise choices, who can handle emotions, who can accept that we make mistakes sometimes. This is my today. Tomorrow is in my hands.


116 days :sparkles:
Have had an ok weekend. Some time relaxing, some time with a friend, watched my boys footy game this morning. Bit of cooking this afternoon.
Iā€™ve been making a new blanket, I find it so calming, and rewarding. Keeps my hands busy and has helped me work through a some of this grieving period.
Hope you are all doing your best, being kind to yourself.


Day 306 checking in will be going to the gym nice sauna and steam room after then going to a meeting hope everyone is well :pray:t2:


Donā€™t worry about tomorrow. Just focus in the now. Especially at first. Just font drink for today. And keep doing that. Best of luck!


Coffee. A warm day ahead. Had a long bike ride yesterday, today I will rest and watch cycling instead, with the traditional finish of the Tour de France on the Champs ƉlysĆ©es. Itā€™s been a great Tour with Dutch Team Jumbo Visma winning almost everything, overall, points, mountains, 6 out of 21 stages. Team manager Richard Plugge worked tirelessly since 2015 to make it happen. It took a plan, it took time and lots of it, it took total dedication and a near endless amount of work.

It makes me think of recovery. Itā€™s hard work and lots of it. But itā€™s so worth it and if we want to live a life worth living there is no alternative. One day at a time. Have as good a Sunday as you can friends. Make it sober and clean as all thatā€™s good begins with that for us. Love from the polder.

@Oceanwave Glad to see you back. Itā€™s one day at a time for all of us. We do this together. Have a good sober one.


Thanks for the reply. Itā€™s not quite like that but I appreciate this isnā€™t the place for full explanations.

Iā€™m not going to be grateful to them, they donā€™t deserve that from me.

Thanks for trying to make me feel better :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 76, checking in.


Going to bed 104 days sober. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 712

Did hoovering and homework with kids in the morning. Then went to the same pool the kids went to yesterday with my daughter while my son and husband went insect finding. This pool is only 4km from my house, but I didnā€™t know of its existence. There are three outdoor pools, and it is very cheap so I was glad for the discovery. I am sure we will make good use of it this summer.


Day 772 clean and sober. Itā€™s my Friday and Iā€™m soooooo ready for my weekend. I hope everyone has a fantastic day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I can relate. My husband isnā€™t capable of giving me the kind of support that I need either. We are completely different in every way. But, 22 years ago I chose him. I know him and understand his limitations. It makes me sad sometimes but I have to look for the qualities that drew me to him in the first place. He was safe! I still need safety. My point is, that we have to manage and cope without them. Get support from this group, meetings and a trusted friend. It doesnā€™t help that both of our spouses are still drinking. Iā€™m glad your cat is doing ok.


Thatā€™s a BIG milestone!! :tada::tada::tada:
Congratulations Blake!



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Hey all, checking in on day 770. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 15! I commit to my promise to myself and my family that I will not drink today! Iā€™m greatful for all that I have.

Iā€™m avoiding people and places right now. Iā€™m actually enjoying quite family time at home. I know at some point I need to get out and practice being sober with family and friends. I need to practice being around certain people and control my thoughts, feelings without a drink.

I have a good friend who is also a heavy drinker who Iā€™ve been struggling to be around for quite awhile now. She dominate the conversation and cuts me off and doesnā€™t let me talk. She constantly screams and fights with her husband and son. Itā€™s so uncomfortable! I canā€™t believe I tolerated this behavior for 5 years! I think because my husband and I hungout and DRANK with them, we tolerated this behavior. But, I have been practicing cutting back/ moderating and took some breaks with drinking on and off for years now and it has been getting harder and harder to be around her. She has done a lot for me and my son, I feel like I owe her some loyalty. She has openly told me she does not want my unsolicited advice or opinions about her kids or her drinking. So, I have been withdrawing and cutting back spending time with her. Iā€™m sad that this friendship might have to end.

Iā€™m greatful for this community! Thank you for listening. Hope everyone has a great sober day!


Thank you @Butterflymoonwoman

Thank you Eric!!

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