Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Hey peeps, happy Sunday today I get to spend it with my son in our pj’s it’s the little things that really mean the most to me, my heads still trying to convince me that using is a good idea BC I can just start on a more convenient time ha ha ha yeah right I say to that I’m staying put in my pj’s with my son have a gratful day. X


This is my fave thing about sober days too. It’s like finally getting going riding the bicycle, balancing, flowing, instead of staying stuck in the driveway in fear.


Emm! I’m happy to see you. I missed you. Welcome back :innocent:

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Hi guys just checking in and saying hi. 54 days today, and feeling pretty content, little bit sadness in there but over all optimistic, so that’s good much love


Hey everyone just checking in hope everyone had a good weekend still sober and plugging away at this thing we call life feeling optimistic and happy everything is lining up definitely have obstacles in front of me but I feel confident that I got this nothing but love hope you all have a good day!!!


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 160
Definitly a long night last night with my boy. He slept well but needed alot of medical attention with his vent and trach. Honestly… without having awake overnight homecare for him last night and already feeling so drained from work yesterday and having to stay awake to watch him, I was burnt out and frustrated and feeling worn down when I found out his LPN wasnt coming in… and everyone who commented on my thread really brought some reassurance and joy and kindness back to my life. I needed that more than u all know honestly. It’s weird talking about my son when I haven’t mentioned him at all since I’ve been on TS but his condition was just very painful for me. He is my joy and light everyday :sparkles: Anyway, I am tired today but I have things to do still. Gonna grab a coffee and start my day.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Checking in today. Feeling pretty solid. Thanks guys!


Nice to see those days adding up Mike! :slight_smile:


Hey guys. Just checking in day 58. Feeling tired today.
Have a nice day guys. Peace.


297 days

Wow time flies !!
Seeing old posts I writ early on my journey, I am feeling rather proud of myself, and I’m proud of all of us, im gratefull for the amount of support from you all here that has been a mega part of helping me stay sober.

I have had a really busy week, it’s like I just woke up and something in my head switched back on… I cant say exactly what yet.
But i joined the gym, have been swimming everyday, and even doing fitness classes before the swim, in eating healthy, I feel great and what ever it is I am gratefull for it.
I have a lot of catching up to do so this evening an early night to my room and I will spend my reading time here.

Really hope every one is doing well, I have missed being here with you all.:blue_heart:


Hey lady!!! Glad to see ur post :slight_smile: I’m really happy for u and getting back to all the things u love! :heartbeat: Recovery is amazing isn’t it? Hugs to u girl :sparkles:


Checking in
Day 160
So awhile back my eel died. And of course I cried bcuz I’m a sap like that and I have such a soft spot for animals. He went out and bought me and our son a new fire eel! Shes really big and so cute :fire: I haven’t taken pics yet bcuz she went right into one of the caves for now. But I will once she comes out. Now I’m doing laundry, dishes and tidying up. Feeling grateful for recovery :pray:


Thank you x mmmwah xx it was lovely to read a little bit abour your son, im not sure if you posted further up more but i read the one where you mention close to my post earlier.
Im so proud of you, thank you for sharing this.

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Checking in 206 days. Not a good day. Having pain. But im sober.


Big congrats on your 160 days

Im always here for you x
I have alot of experience through work and with my daughters needs, to have some idea of how tough things can get,
Look how much you still get done when you have others to take care of.
How you have worked so hard on healing others as well as yourself from the inside, thats takes alot of strength and courage.
To you, your struggles are normal, so to you, you just get on with it, but i notice your effort, your true hard work that comes straight from your heart.
You are an amazing person, with an incredible heart and love for the world and the people in it.
Full of energy thats healing to others and im so happy to see you celebrate 160 days and have watched you know its ok for you to heal yourself, and not suffer anymore.
You are an inspiration and i admire you.
You have worked your recovery like a real life superwoman im so proud of you, sitting here smiling with butterflies in my belly coming from the other side of the world in the UK i want you to know your loved and appreciated and i notice your heart full of love and the work you do :heartpulse::heartpulse:


Day 8 - Evening all - I missed a couple of check ins as I was up visiting my parents with my son. It was a great if tiring weekend. I spent a lot of time talking with my family about a lot of things and I feel closer to them now than I have done in a while. Which is really nice.

I am feeling positive as I end the weekend but exhausted so I will post more next time around.

One day at a time, as always.


You’re such a sweet lady, I got choked up reading that! All true, @Butterflymoonwoman .
I adore you even more… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


Hi everyone, I’m just heading off to bed, and I thought that I would say hello.
Things are going well enough, I’ve finally finished a big job that I had been working to get through since the end of last month. I’m glad to have finished it.
Other than that… I’m about 15 minutes away from 44 days.
Goodnight all


Wow… oh man… my eyes are tearing up :pleading_face:. I feel like u have figured me out to a “T” lol. I grew up having the lowest of low self esteem. Hated myself to the core. Judged myself and was never ever satisfied with myself. When i found drugs at 15 I thought I had found my cure to how I felt. That void was gone “initally”. I felt belonging with those who suffered like me. After 22 years of hell on earth basically, seeing and experiencing and doing things that I would have never done clean and sober, I found glimpse of myself and the woman I was truly meant to be and a part of that for me is the passion I have for helping others. I hate seeing people suffer bcuz I know what’s it’s like to be there (as many of us do). With my son, when he was diagnosed with his brainstem tumor, I lost myself even more. My whole focus was on him and trying to fight for him and his life (they still dont know how long he will live). I put myself and my health aside bcuz he needed me which I wouldnt change for anything. But at the same time I wasn’t healthy in many ways and that wasn’t beneficial for him or my hubby or myself. 160 days ago I stopped fighting. I stopped fighting addiction, my health, my financial stuff, I was so beyond tired and in so much pain emotionally, had so much regret and guilt and shame, that I had no other choice to just surrender it all and give everything to God. And that was my turning point and I surrender everyday. Literally I surrender everything every morning. Bcuz me running the show has proven to end horribly wrong every single time. I help others bcuz I truly care. And I will also continue to fight and advocate for my son. I promised myself that I would give him the best quality of life that he can have here on earth. I love you lady! I really do. U hold a very special place in my heart (as many people on here do). I just wish I could rid the world of addiction and suffering. I really wanna see us all succeed and live a happy, joyous, and free life :tulip:


It took me a few min to clear my eyes when I read that… I’ll admit it :relieved: