Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Omg this is very disturbing! She doesn’t sound well at all. I’m glad u did something about it. Hopefully it gets taken care of soon and u get some peaceful time alone

Wow :star_struck: Congratulations on your year of recovery! Amazing work and an inspiration to me!


That’s such a hard spot to be in. I do think what u are planning to do (continue giving space and staying sober) is the best plan right now. All u can do is continue showing her that ur serious about ur recovery and that ur willing to make things work. Ultimately we have no control over others. But if you do your part (like ur doing now), at least u know that uv done everything u could. Relationship stuff tho just hurts the heart. I’m sorry ur going thru this. Just keep doing what ur doing tho :slight_smile: ur doing so well!


Thank you for the reassurance.


Congratulations on quitting smoking 10 months ago! Not an easy task. I quit smoking (due to my Asthma) years ago and it was tough! So proud of you for that! I also gained weight when I quit. But thankfully weight can be changed. The benefits of quitting smoking definitly outweigh the weight gain. How do u feel after quitting? Have u noticed any benefits yet?


Wth?? That would make me crazy too. Put a big spotlight out there. Don’t engage if she’s that unstable. Put on some nice music.
AC/DC on full blast, lol JK!!


Wow!!! Yet she is obviously not well and potentially unstable. She is trespassing on ur property (as well others) and then making threats. She is obviously capable of harming others as she did that to her husband. Does something honestly have to happen before the police take this seriously?! Smh


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 161
Really feeling good this morning! Woke up at 530 for my upper body workout. Arms and back are sore :slight_smile: Ate a good breakfast and now having my coffee until my Bible Group zoom mtg happens in 10 min. Did some makeup and feeling good overall so far today.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Your skin looks really good, Dana! That clean, cold Canada air helps! Not this burning sun down here. :kissing_heart:

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If I’m honest not overly I’m healing from a 28 Yr smoking habit so I believe I’m still in the healing process it’s definitely knocked my mental health but I’m going through the motions BC I know it’s definitely something that needs to be done for my health and like all addictions by the end I was not enjoying it and doing it completely out of habit. And not wabti g to deal with the detox process.

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Congratulations @802 that is FANTASTIC!!! Keep up the good work bro hell yeah!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Day 773 clean and sober. My Saturday yay!!! Not sure what I’m going to do but am starting it out with meeting a friend for coffee. Have an amazing day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Meanwhile, in Yorkshire…

Am getting my sunshine vibes playlist on this afternoon I think. Hopefully the actual sunshine will be back before too long!


On day 3 and back to work. My job is definitely a trigger for me, it can be very stressful. Having a few cravings and trying to fight the urge to grab something on my way home. :sleepy:


WTF?! The police emailed you and told you they aren’t going to bother coming out? That is crazy. I’m sorry you’re going through this on your time alone. :neutral_face:

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I’m happy to hear that. :grin: Enjoy your time.

Awe thank you! I wish I could get a tan tho. I used to use the tanning beds way back when lol even then I had to use the strongest bronzers and sit in the beds for 15 min at a time lol

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Hey guys. Checking in day 59. Today was a bit tough. Feeling tired and I had constant urges to use. But I am willing to go through these tough times as it makes me stronger.

@Piglet86 Hello, congrats on reaching 30 days. It took me more than a year to get 30 days. Its a nice milestone to have conquered.

Have a nice day guys. Peace.


Finally some rain here in northern Italy ! The temperature dropped by about 10°C in minutes… no complaints from me !
Still, that was a hell of a storm… and the thunder is still rumbling away, presumably as the storm moves off to parts unknown.
I guess that I’m about 3 hours away from 45 days, and I’m pretty happy about that.
Work is going all right, nothing too unusual there.
I think that, tonight, I might actually just watch a bit of TV. For the last 4 or 5 nights, I’ve been up until 10.30 PM or so and working, so it might be nice to be lazy for a night and NOT work all evening.
In any event, that’s about it for me, I hope that you are all having a nice and sober evening (or afternoon, for those of you on that side of the pond).


Hi TS Friends/Family :hugs:

I’m sad to say I drank on Sunday (7/24), meaning I only made it to Day 43. This stretch of sobriety was tough. I was not feeling better in the morning, often worse. I never slept well or any better when sober. I could go on, but wont, it was all so damn frustrating.

Of course I drank to excess, I wish I could say I didn’t, but I did. I know I have a drinking problem as it has/is affecting my health. It’s like people that smoke, you know it’s bad for you, but you do it anyway. I used to smoke, quit when my Mom got cancer, that was over 18 years ago. I used to do coke, quit in my early 20s when my son was young, he was more important to me. I haven’t given up on not drinking, and I’m not waiting for a ‘good’ reason. I’m just me being me, whatever that means. :thinking:

I cherish and respect all of you, many of you I look at as real friends. I love that we can be across the globe and have so much in common as well as laughs together. I love you all! :heart:

This is not goodbye, I will be back. I just don’t know when right now. I will always be close.:tulip: