Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Good morning feels odd writing posts atm won’t lie but hey here I am, been keeping busy and active last fews days but my body’s letting me know it needs some down time so after work gona cook something wholesome and chill with kids. Have a great day all.


Coffee. Not feeling it this morning. Doesn’t matter because whatever happens I know using isn’t going to help with anything. Ever. Never again. I’ll be better. Just gotta keep working my recovery. Sober and clean. ODAAT.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from Amsterdam. Here’s a good memory of mine, having my morning coffee in Texas in 2018.

@Lilemm Glad to be checking in with you Emma. Glad you’re here.


Checking in 208 days no drinking. Today we are suppouse to go camping, in tent. Gotta say Im not a big tent person :see_no_evil: And Im struggeling with my anxiety and pain, sooo Im not looking so much forward to it to be honest. Im afraid its gonna be exhausting and hard with all this.


I can’t sleep either. I’m sorry you’re struggling. Are you drinking lots of water?

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I’ve been struggling lately too. I feel hopeful though that we can get though this. Tomorrow is a new day. I’m going to join an online meeting tomorrow. Have you done any?

Are you struggling with alcohol relapse now? I remember you gave me good advice before related to that, but I believe you struggle with other addictions as well. You don’t have to share. I just didn’t want to assume.

Day 116 AF…going to bed sober. Have had a break from reflecting…but feeling stronger to face the tension again and stop this random smoking…one day, one moment, one thought at a time.
Hope everyone is good. Thanks for sharing your stories it really helps :green_heart:


I feel the same. It’s difficult isn’t it…


Day 3 is great! Congratulations! The anxiety will pass. Oh I know that feeling though! Sending hugs❤️


It’s just so hard losing our pets. I’m so sorry. It does get easier. Talk about it if you need to. We are all here for you❤️


It absolutely is. It feels like I can’t even sit still and watch a show on TV or something. It is hard. Have u found anything that helps for u?

Hey all, checking in on day 772. I hope everybody has a good one!


It has to be a really good show, and if it is I can do that. That’s pretty rare though. I try to meditate, listen to noise of the fan, go to the beach and just sit… But I can’t do those things too long without finding something else to do.

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I admire your strength and perseverance! I can relate.

My drinking got progressively worse after my mom died in 2013. I had many short lived attempts to quitting/taking breaks.

It wasn’t until the pandemic when My husband and I were doing a lot of day drinking everyday that I started to really feel like shit. I started listening to a podcast and praying over a lot of areas in my life, and my eyes began open. I believe that HP was given me revelations about circumstances and relationships that I had been struggling with. I suddenly had some real insight about myself and the person I want to be.

When my very toxic, abusive father passed this February, I decided that I was no longer a victim and not going to use my childhood as an excuse to live the way that I am. I need to change for me and my son. I don’t want my son following in my foot steps. That horifies me!

Like you, I have been doing morning reading/devotions to get my mind right and exercising to feel better and keep busy.

Thank you for being strong and an inspiration!


Day 17! I commit to my promise to myself and my family that I will not drink today. I am truly greatful for all that I have!



Ohhh I hope :see_no_evil: My husband allways Brings alcohol, and it makes me in a really crappy mood, I dont want anything to do with it, he drink to much and know how I feel. But I do the trip for my Kids, and will tey make it good for them :slightly_smiling_face:


Yesterday on the plane I was separated from my wife who upgraded to first class … we were stuck on the tarmac for two hours and then still had the flight itself … the steward was offering alcohol quietly to a few back in coach and for a few minutes Lying Me was there … said No a few times but that was tough - kept the 10 month streak alive
Today I’m working in the hotel alone while my wife is out visiting her worksites … I’m focusing on each task and 1 hour at a time
This is so different than the last time we were traveling for work…,
1 hour at a time and keep completing each task …


Thank you. Yes I will :slightly_smiling_face: Ohh I remember to good how it was, I will never go back. But it annoys me, the smell, the cans, the mood change ( he is not a violent drunk or anything) everthing. I will try to Just focus on other.

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Day 714

Not a great day today, or yesterday for that matter. Those times will happen. Nothing major; some tiredness, resentments, mistakes. Stuffed my face earlier, and that didn’t help, of course it wouldn’t. Gonna have a fresh start tomorrow. :purple_heart:


Congratulations to one full sober month! :tada:

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