Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Congratulations to 3 month of sobriety! :confetti_ball:

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Happy 3 months alcohol free!

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Day 774 clean and sober. Todayā€™s my 1 year work anniversary, what a trip. I remember not even being able to hold a job for a full week. I personally do not attend AA or NA meetings but my old counselor gave me a 2 year token at the Alumni meeting last night at work. I took it for all of the guys in our program to show them that you CAN stay clean and sober no matter what. Have a beautiful day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Beautiful! Iā€™m so proud of you!


Thank you @SassyBoomer!!!


This is a really shitty situation and I hope you get right trough it without bigger problems!


All the best for the coming time!

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Checking in. Blessed to have 2 years, 5 months and 4 days. My life is awesome!!! I got my tattoo, I feel physically goodā€¦ I kind of need some motivation to get back to my walking and working out after work
But I have been relaxed on it but I am ready to
Get back to
Business. I share my step 3 w my sponsor on Thursday !!! I am going to my home group tonight and I missed it for like a week or 2 because of Covid so I
Am happy to
Be backā€¦ I
Get to see my boyfriend for another video visit tomorrow :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: I am doing awesome in work and school starts next monthā€¦ I am so grateful to NA and my HP for keeping me clean. I just feel so goodā€¦ anyway I
Am gonna keep my recovery first and help
Others as much as I canā€¦ have a awesome day in recovery !


Wow way to go!! That mustā€™ve not been easy. Definitly a test. But ur passing with flying colors :slight_smile:

Love that ur feeling so good in recovery! Itā€™s always inspiring to read ur posts :slight_smile: have an amazing day!


Day 7
Day 7 still strong got meds to make me not have any urges, S/O said she was going to go on a date with another man and stay the night so I gave her an ultimatum to ethier work on each other without outside influences and not seeing other people. Or we would go our separate ways and focus on the baby when it gets here, I think that really gave her an idea of how serious I am because her attitude totally changed. Not the way I wanted to go about things but it forced my hand. But anyways still sober and still strong !!


Wow that mustā€™ve been so hard to hear :frowning: I think u setting boundaries was amazing! Iā€™m proud of u for that. It woukd be too difficult to be in limbo, wondering what is going on with the relationship. Continue to stay focused on u :slight_smile: ur doing soo well!


Thank you, I appreciate all the word of encouragement from this form and look forward to checking in every day!

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:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 162
So my morning started off in a funk. Had a using dream last night. They are pretty rare now a days. But whatā€™s interesting about the dream is that I never actually used. My hubby and I were talking over the phone about getting our DOC. For a brief second in my dream, I agreed to it. Even agreeing to that brought up those emotions and omg I never want to feel that way in real life again. Then right after I felt those emotions I said ā€œNo I donā€™t want toā€. And the dream ended. So I never actually used and I turned the idea away. Thatā€™s the first ā€œusing dreamā€ Iā€™ve had where I have never used. Itā€™s hard to get a good rest tho when I have those dreams. Anyway, I got up and did some cardio. Now drinking coffee. My boy and I have grocery shopping to do today. Then Iā€™ll clean and he wants to do some Minecraft activity so Iā€™ll do that with him :slight_smile: Really grateful to be clean and sober today and to have what I have in my life. Makes me emotional every. single. time
Hope everyone had an addiction free day!


Day 56, at group and doing ok. Much love everyone


Nice to see u doing well Mike! Howā€™s group?


Love this! Congratulations on ur 1 year of work! The amount of support and care that I know you have given to every single person who walks thru those doors, is astronomical! You just seem like the kind of person that people dont forget :slight_smile: the impact that u have on others is never forgotten. I have memories from most of my many times at treatment or therapy (even as far back as a youth) and even strangers on the street who have helped me, and I remember those people to this day. I just really feel like ur one of those people that makes a difference. Even if those individuals fall or relapse again, knowing that someone cares about them actually makes a big difference and is never forgotten


Hi guys this Iā€™m new here and Iā€™m on day 2 of staying clean from substance abuse , I canā€™t explain how much this community has encouraged me and I truly believe I have another family here


Congratulations on day 2!! Youā€™ve found an amazing group of people here! One day at a time, we got this!


Day 308 checking in :pray:t2: