Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Thank you so much for your reply and I hope you and your everybody are doing well today :slight_smile: and yes one day at a time !


So far so good! Extremely sore from the gym yesterday lol but I’m grateful to be clean to be able to workout :muscle:


Checking back in after taking a day break!
Back to day one on self harm ANNNNND THATS A-OKAY! It doesn’t take back the four months of sobriety i had.


Hi, I just read your reply I havent been on for about a week properly. Just had a little cry and prayer for you, and I have you in my prayers and your son and your family as a whole. :pray::pray:
You are a caring person. You do have so much love to give and you do give it.
Our addictions dont make us who we are, just simply something we experienced.
I wish I could give you a big squeeze real hug :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Your a special woman, I’m so glad your realising your worth so much, and you are very kind and loving. You and your son have a place in my heart. I will send some happy healings energy xxxxx


It goes well, learning alot and talking alot and figuring out feelings. I have a hard time speaking up tho sometimes but it’s getting better, had to right a goodbye letter for Friday to drugs.


Day 299
I have took a turn this week, to get up and make my life better, Iv had to take a stand although all the emotional pain is there I have to keep pushing through, i feel like iv been reunited with my body and soul are finally at the same place and frequency.
I have been swimming every day, and doing a fitness class too.
Well today I am aching every where… proud of my self, as all this being more spiritual and self care and exercise, I feel I’m doing it, slowly getting better mentally and my brain is levelling out from quitting alcohol and soon will be at a place where I can start really giving back to the world, and helping others.
Just thought I’d check in, as I’ve been reading a book in the evenings where I’d usually be here.
And I have missed being here.


Hi, hope your okay xx going to miss you so please dont be gone for too long, or please dont even go at all, let us help you through this.
You dont have to do this alone.


Well today is a beautiful day here and I hope yours is off to a great start :sun_with_face:


Thanks girl!! I am so proud of you for your accomplishments in sobriety and I am praying for you and your family. Always here if you wanna talk :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Thank you. It feels good :blush:

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Awwww Dana you always have the sweetest things to say! Thank you so much for all of the kindness that you show me it really means a lot to me more then you know :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Yeeey camping :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:


Just came off 3 day bender I feel like death :skull: and had to reset :weary:


I get it Maxine. Being sober isn’t easy, but I do think it takes more time. I felt up and down a lot during my long sober streak, but after starting drinking again, here I am again because even though being sober doesn’t make everything better, it’s definitely better than the alternative. I want to look in the mirror and like who I see. I want to be someone I want to be around. I want clarity and truth and sadness and pain and the ability to feel true happiness. We are all on our own path, but I do hope yours leads you back here sooner than later. No judgements, just hugs. You played a huge part in me sticking around too❤️


Thank you @Lorelai you have too and I’m proud of you as well!!! :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thank you :hugs:
Yes I can definitely feel a positive change physically and mentally.
Have a lovely time in Barcelona, and I also start geting my pressies soon.


Hi Kat here checking in 52 days clean and sober.

Slept good in fact too good, til noon, not good. Need to cut down on sleeping meds (been using Valerian). Need to get back to the gym in the worst way. Dunno what is stopping me. Need to Just Do It.

Need to go do a urine sample for my addictions doc today, what a blessing to be clean and not have to worry about it or sneak and hide. Homegroup meeting tonight. Reading recovery literature.

Love you all!


Thank you @Mindymoo!!! :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Good afternoon all. Checking in on day 340. My patience has been put to the test the last few days and I feel I’ve done well. Have had a problematic neighbor when trying to install a privacy fence. Moved it back a foot into my property to avoid any conflict and still getting nasty messages and emails. But what can you do?! Fence is going to look very nice when it’s finished and I’m glad the money went towards that instead of booze like it would of! Hope everyone has a great day and takes care and stays safe.

Edit: Covid is at its peak at the moment it feels. I’m just drained physically from even the slightest of tasks. But besides that nothing to complain of. Hopefully another day or two and I’ll be right back at it.


I paid to have a nice fence installed and gave up 12” of my property and still can’t please them. Not much more that I can do. I even put the nice finished side towards them and offered to stain it whichever color they would like. I literally did all I could do but met resistance the entire way. But I’m within all codes and laws.