Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Celebrated my two years on Sunday! And by some crazy chance I ended up in wine country in Temecula CA. What are the chances? Anyway, I enjoyed a can of Dr. Pepper. Literally no non alcoholic mocktails or anything at those fancy wineries! I was surprised. But still, I enjoyed the gorgeous scenery! :grapes::blossom:
Here is a pic of me and my daughter. (She refuses to smile in pictures with me.) And yeah I’m super pregnant! I’ve gained 45 pounds and still growing :sweat_smile: I have 5 weeks to go… Will be moving cross country next week! Wish me luck! Love you guys. Hope y’all are all having a great sober day! Take care everyone.


Nice! 2 months down, you rock! :facepunch:


Wow! :star_struck: You look absolutely lovely! It’s such a special time being pregnant.
And congratulations with your 2 years sober!! :tada::tada:


I’m a little late catching up on posts today but congrats man!! Proud of you :metal: :heart:


Good morning everyone. Day 2 and soldiering on. Feel I’ve made a great decision coming back on here. I went 2 years without drinking and the last 6 months have been a terrible blur. Like falling down the rabbit hole. Picked myself up and here we go.


#Day 1407 :seedling:
Thanks to Covid my hearing is gone. I know it will be back but it’s difficult to deal with it.
At the end of each day I’m so tired. When working in a store and have to talk and listen to the customers all day and connot hear them correctly :pensive:
I keep telling myself there a worse things in life. I know this will pass. I had it before. It takes a few weeks untill a few months, but it will be gone eventually.
But it sucks BIG time now :confounded:
Have a good day all of you people from around the globe! Greetings from a temporary deaf sober lady from the Netherlands :sweat_smile::netherlands:


We will be here when you return.


Looking gorgeous little mumma.
Congrats on your 2 years substance free!

Love you and miss you so much!

:heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:


I finally joined my first meeting! I’m really proud of myself. I will do another tomorrow. Goodnight everyone❤️


Thanks @Misokatsu and @Twizzlers. You are both right, time with the children is important to me and something I take really seriously.

@Twizzlers thank you for the kind words. Its nice to know that there is a new normal over the horizon. I just need to keep walking towards it. I hope you have a great day.:relaxed:


Coffee. What a difference a day makes. My weekend is here. Work was incredibly busy and hectic last night but I made it through with flying colours I feel. It was the type of workday which in the past would have made me super stressed out and wanting to go hide myself in a corner. The kind of day that would have given me terrible anxiety and total exhaustion and drained of all my energy.

Instead it felt very good to know I was on top of things, to have things under control for as far as I could control things and let go of the rest, to support the patients under my care for as far as I could, to help a new colleague with her work and still do my own. I felt really accomplished even though I was knackered at the end.

For me I feel this is what recovery feels like. This morning I’m a bit tired but I still feel energised. The weather’s lovely so I’ll go for a little ride and visit my favourite organic growers and shop on the other side of town and get some good food. And do my homework for tomorrow’s course in experiential expertise I’m following. Sober and clean. One day at a time. Have a good day all. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from my kitchen window.

@anon9289869 Always happy to see you Jess. You’re here and you’re sober. Hugs.
@Twizzlers Glad you’re here and I hope you find the same sort of support you give to everybody
@Clarity Great to see you mamma! Looking radiant!
@Wakikki Nice campsite! I’m feeling you might actually secretly like this camping thing :sunglasses:
@Deep 60 Days is huge! Big congrats!
@Minatasha Successful therapy always starts with a good relationship with your therapist. Confidence in her must grow. And will I hope. Glad you found one you like.
@icebear Glad you choose to stay in Drew. Hope you’re better this morning.
@Arih3 Welcome and glad to have you aboard! We do it together, one day at a time.
@SadMemeQueen Makes me glad to see you ate. And that you feel safe here. Thanks for being here and sharing.
@CATMANCAM Hugs friend.


Checking in on day 2. Back to my first meeting tonight. Actually looking forward to getting out and talking to people. Been shutting myself away recently. Sick of the struggle and need to change my ways. Hope you all have an amazing day.


@Mno , haha, you migth be rigth, in some ways its nice, but in others not :see_no_evil: Its lots of dutch People here this year, and I never met the other years. I like to hear the language, it reminds me of my dad and childhood.

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@Minatasha I think a therapist is definitely someone you should be able to trust. They can’t help you if they don’t know everything. I hope you get some progress :purple_heart:

@Butterflymoonwoman I know you are ready! I hope you can find something productive and enjoyable in your free time. And school might be a huge adjustment for your son, I know it was for mine. You may be required to do a lot of support in the early months, so that free time might be needed to rest and gather your thoughts. Then once you have both settled into your new routines, I’m sure you will think of something to fill the time.

@Lucy88 That really is so unsupportive and frankly cruel. I hope you get out of there soon.

@SadMemeQueen Have you talked to your therapist about your ed worsening? Just try to eat nutritious food a little at a time.

@Clarity Congratulations! And what a wonderful photo!


Congratulations! :clap::tada:

Hey everyone :blush:

I have finally started to catch up, I’m back in early May at the moment! I wouldn’t usually post before I had fully caught up, but today is six months of no cocaine . Had my relapse not nearly killed me a few times, I don’t think I’d have made my way out of it.

My health has not been good since before my most recent post, back on 29th April, and I am still unwell. I had a two week stay in Hospital mid-late May and much like any other time, when I have a good routine, literally ALL of my routines fell away while I was in there. Checking in here everyday is the one thing I am going to focus on first, but I probably won’t post again until I have caught up.

I’ve never been this unwell for this long before, but it’s still preferable to the hopeless state of despair, desperation, and misery that I was stuck in during active addiction hell.

Feeling so much gratitude for being alive today. :raised_hands:t2:

Be well all.



Thank you bro I’m proud of you too!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 775 clean and sober. Up early this morning was planning on going to the gym but ended up getting stuck catching up on the meme thread :rofl::rofl::rofl: there are some dammmm funny people here in our community and I LOVE it! I hope everyone has an amazing day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations on your 6 months @CATMANCAM!! It’s good to see you posting even though you’re not feeling well! I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say we love and miss you man!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hahahahaha the struggle IS real :rofl::rofl::rofl: have a great day!!! :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2: