Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Hey :slight_smile: itā€™s good to read ur post! Sounds like uv made so much progress and growth. Uv really turned a frustrating situation with ur work, into something that can be a learning experience and something to grow from. Congratulations on ur recovery time for gaming also! I canā€™t believe how the time has flown by. Odaat uv put alot of time together! Itā€™s wonderful to hear from u Jan :slight_smile:


Omg lady!!! Wow 300 days!!! Time is flying! Ur doing so well and Iā€™m so so very proud of you! Love u lady!


Just here. Struggling, but here.


Day 11 - Today has been tough in a strange sort of way. In contrast to yesterday I feel like I tried to take on too much. I have a habit of physically doing task A, whilst actually thinking about Task B at the same time, or just wandering off and doing Task B, C and D instead of task A. Focus has not been my friend recently!

Today I spent a lot of the day making phone calls and dealing with the flat purchase. It turns out the new flat has no gas supply and is entirely powered by electric. Which is expensive, however what isnā€™t at the moment? I did a bit of research and spoke to some people and got myself comfortable with the idea, as it seems 90% of properties in my price range have electric heating. Still it took up most of my mental capacity to do that today whilst trying to keep the plates spinning at work.
I also realised I had been keeping a big lost of things to do in my head and hadnā€™t written them down or organised them into an action plan.

The result of all this was that I came home tonight and was within a whisker of relapsing. It was a wake up call and I have made some changes already so that this evening will be easier.

It is always there, waiting, my addiction. But I will persevere and try to change things when they arenā€™t working.

I hope you all have a good sober day


Well we will all be here, happy whenever you DO get back.
I was once at 90 days and then ā€œdisappearedā€ for almost two years !!!
But things are going all right for now. Still, itā€™s odd not to hear from you @maxwell ! I do hope that youā€™ll be back soon.

Otherwise, all is quietā€¦ not quite so ridiculously hot here in N.Italy these days, though Iā€™m looking forward to getting back to Switzerland on Saturday.
I have to admit that I have been giving some though to those 6 bottles of red wine that I found in my basementā€¦ itā€™s seldom easy !!
Have a good evening, all.


Still alive.


Day 309 just finished sharing at a CA meeting feeling good hope everyone is well keep fighting the good fight :pray:t2:


Hey guys. Just checking in day 61. Had a pretty good day today.

@Butterflymoonwoman Thanks for your support. You see I am slowly catching up to you.:joy:

@Minatasha Its true, I still have difficulty controlling myself time to time but I will always give my best. And thanks for your support.

@Staringupfromthewell It was indeed very hard but due to the support here, I am able to push my limits. Thanks you very much for your support.

@Cjp You are right, and I will do the work to keep improving. Thanks for being here for me.

@SoberWalker @Mno @Twizzlers @Mindymoo @Lorelai
Hey guys, just want to say that your support means a lot to me. I was so happy seeing you messages and I want keep going and make you proud.

Have a great day guys. Peace.


Hi Kat here checking on Day 53

@Daishippai keep up the good work resisting temptation

@Butterflymoonwoman sometimes a sleep-in is good self-care

@Dmcg1987 right on meetings are fundamental to my recovery

@Twizzlers 300!!! Awesomeness!!

@anon3131847 good for you at my sponsorā€™s wise suggestion I gave up a stupid game on which I have literally spent thousands

@CATMANCAM awesome to see you on here and 6 months is huge!


Day two checking in day two clean for both addictions!


Day 5
I was hardly triggered by people surrounding me in a ā€œBiergartenā€ drinking cold white wine, yesterday ā€¦ We had a therapy group meeting there.
I was there with my bike and struggled to stop at a shop to buy something on my way back.

This evening, after a call with my mother, I am having cravings again.

Yesterday I did 2000 meters of swimming in 45 minutes, a bit of walking and 24 km by bike.
I ate regularly, did meditationā€¦
Today I managed a few things and was at the dentist for a check-up.

Anyway, day is not over.
Think I will just watch some bullshit in TV :joy::tv:

Julia :revolving_hearts::hibiscus:


@Eke @Desire2ChangeToday

Huge Congrats you 2!!! Celebrate!!!


Congratulations Shay on your 3 years of freedom. Iā€™m so happy for you. Great work!
I hope you get some cake.


Now I am craving Popcorn :popcorn::rofl:
Goodnight from Germany :v:
Julia :revolving_hearts:


Congratulations on your 4 years Eke


Thank you Eric!

You know Iā€™m a health nut and wouldnā€™t get anywhere near a cake. :rofl: I substituted with a mango smoothie.


Clever girl.
I forgot. Weā€™ll save that one for me come January. Deal?

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You got it! Enjoy for me too!

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Pushing through another day . Been Sad Lately and really stuck in my head . I know it will pass when itā€™s ready ā€¦ on a positive note a finally found a room to rent and the other roommates happen to be sober and involved with AA. Where I live it has been difficult to find a room without a lease and just in general itā€™s been hard but finally found this room and turns out they didnā€™t want alcohol or drugs in the house so this is perfect. The first part of my sobriety was with my cousin in Tucson then recently home in Florida at my parents ā€¦ I think being back on my own will really help my mental health and maybe feel better . If I keep staying sober my credit will repair and I will get better jobs and eventually can get a apartment or house of my own . Damn things have been hard Lately but I think God has my back and has a plan for me . I can recover . I can contribute to this world . I can make something with my life . It doesnā€™t have to go the way I thought it would . Im turning this around !! Since November 1st . Hope everyone is hanging in there . Thank you everyone for your post and words ā€¦ this community really does help . Iā€™m glad I can be honest . I glad there is so many people I can relate to


Thank you ā€¦ One day at a time! Sometimes itā€™s one hour at a time but itā€™s all good. Iā€™m learning how simple sobriety really is. Of course I want to over complicate things