Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Day 716

Just one more day of exams, next Tuesday, then the summer vacation :sunny::beach_umbrella: well, after the exam grading is done :joy:. Heard there is some drama among the bosses at work, which I seriously want to keep out of, but have been asked for my ‘opinion’ twice now, my opinion is I want a quiet life and to leave work at work!

Struggling a little with binge eating and resentments. Emotional sobriety is always a work in progress. But really glad alcohol has rarely crossed my mind these days, I am enjoying my cold lemon tea, etc, so much. I feel like this summer my repartoire of soft drinks has increased.


Good to see you here Jan. I can relate a lot and keeping in mind of your young age (if I can say this) you are aware of a lot. I still lose my awareness so easily, human maybe or me. Idk.

I think you are doing a great job. :upside_down_face:

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This is true and I am glad you came to this conclusion. I think it was there all the time but old ways of dealing with the problems were stronger.

Welcome back to the gang :innocent::sunflower:


Day 1208. Recently I’ve been thinking about the question: What is the value of truth?

The anwser runs wide and deep. In the context of sobriety, the first step to becomimg sober is a truth about the self. I am an addict.

If I lie and say yeah, I can control it, a month or two long bender later the truth reintroduces itself when the lie falls apart. It’s staring me in the face when I look in the mirror and what I’m surrounded by.

If I want to get better I have to honest, and value the truth I have found in the case of my self. I am a drug and alcohol addict. I cannot control my use of whatever substance gets me high.

So in this case the truth is valuable because it lets me move forward by making a decision based on an accurate understanding of my behavior. It keeps me sober.


Welcome back Jené, just don’t stop trying.



A little late at the party, but congratulations for the 3 years Shay! :tada::tada::tada:


And glad I didn’t looked over your 4 years milestone :chipmunk:
Congratulations!! :tada:


That’s amazingly hard to do. You were able to let go and move on and not let his attitude ruin your night. I’m glad you’re proud of yourself!!! I’m proud of you too!!! :heart:


#Day 1408 :seedling:
Nothing to declare, still as deaf as an old lady :confounded:
Still sober and heading for work.

Here’s a flower for all of you: a Valerian. Isn’t she pretty! :cherry_blossom:


Day 310 checking in odaat :pray:t2:


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Well now that post looks crazy so I will delete one of them. Keep up the good work!

Good morning everyone. Day 3 feeling like it’s going to be a good day. Working until late tonight so that will keep me busy. Eating better and can feel improvement in my health every day. Also been off the cigarettes 2 months today and for me them and alcohol went hand in hand. Slowly upping my exercise and enjoying. Hope you all win the day.


Coffee. Had a lovely day yesterday, visiting two of my favourite places outside of town, picking some apples and digging some spuds, cooking with the stuff I got, making a good distance riding my bike too. Didn’t get to doing my home work for today’s experiential expertise course so about to do that now. One task at a time. Sober and clean.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. One day at a time. Love from the edge of Amsterdam.


62 days clean. My serenity is on the titter totter but at the same time I’ve never had it so good. I’m blessed. I’ve been growing my relationship with my higher power Which I choose to God and is the spiritual principles of recovery. Thank you @Mephistopheles for helping me in that section. I’ve been finding more balance in my recovery lately with meetings, work, family, and some women I’ve been spending time with lol. I’m having fun in my recovery trying to acknowledge my self centeredness daily with surrendering multiple times a day, I have some peace of mind today, and love in my heart I’m grateful for that. Soon I will be going over my 3rd step with my sponsor to move in to step 4. I Never thought I had the ability to gain that quality of life… it’s slowly but surely happening today. As a man I listen to on a podcast says “I don’t know why my life was saved but I’m going to do my best to live a life that was worth saving”. Stay blessed in recovery fam✌️


Good morning busy day yesterday so didn’t get a chance to sign in I’m so grateful I’ve tried to defeat this demon yet again. With a open heart and mind it’s the summer holidays in UK so I’m making it countand being precent. Lv and light to u all.


2 weeks :heart: no cigarettes or alcohol. My son and I were just discharged from a mental health facility to deal with our major depression last night. I’m feeling hopeful :heart:


Checking in Day 1158 sober

Haven’t been checking in lately but have been reading and active on the forum still. Busy with my kiddos and packing for our move (a massive 752 metres down the road :roll_eyes::sweat_smile:)


Day 19. I commit to my promise to myself and my family to not drink today. I’m greatful for all that I have.

Low energy but I’ll get through it. ODAAT.


Thank you everyone for the congratulations, means so much to me.

@BrianP Thank you too, how have things been for you? Hows your ankle healing,?