Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Checking in
Day 164
I feel okay today, I think :thinking: I was feeling very overwhelmed earlier. I didnā€™t feel like eating bcuz of stress but I ate a plum and protein ball for breakfast for something.

My stress was caused by trying to get my sons medical equipment packed up in 1 easy to carry rolling crate/dufflebag for the nurses are school. Itā€™s been a nightmare. The bag I got from amazon was too big. So right here is my Lululemon gym bag that wonā€™t stay attached to the crate. Grrrā€¦

Anyway, it feels like Iā€™m fighting myself with my weight and with food. I didnt go to the gym this morning, but will tmrw. I wanted to binge eat/emotional eat bcuz Iā€™m stressed, but instead I chose to slow down and make a nice meat and veg wrap for lunch. The strength it took me to prevent myself from not grabbing the entire tub of frozen yogurt and eating it was alot! I know that binge eating will NOT make it better but make me feel worse about myself if I engage in that. But that pull to do that is there. Grateful I didnā€™t act on it. I did eat some frozen yogurt but actually measured out a serving and didnā€™t grab the whole thing.

In 30 min, it will be time for my sons medical appt here at home. Once that is done I think I will clean up and try and maybe do things mindfully so Iā€™m not all in my head.

Hope everyone is having an addiction free day!



How did I miss my friends 300th day milestone :neutral_face:? Well, whatā€™s better than 300?




Congratulations on 301! :tada: youā€™re so special. :hugs: :heart:


@Butterflymoonwoman @SassyBoomer

Hi Beautiful Ladies! :heart: It was only a misstep, but in that time I realized my frustrations and anger were misdirected. I have a disease that causes chronic pain & inflammation, and I have that disease drunk or sober! They are separate, one doesnā€™t cause or help the other. Iā€™m glad I had that epiphany because I could have gone down the wrong road.

On Tuesday (my 3rd & last day drinking) I only drank because it was in the freezer, I actually poured iced tea after work until I remembered. Then I drank vodka. I have since dumped it and was fine yesterday and today. I donā€™t want that poison in my body anymore. I appreciate you and I missed you and everyone on this forum I call friends. Thank you for your love & support. :hugs:


Hi Eric, @Dazercat I missed you a lot too. I havenā€™t seen many of your posts so Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re still on vacation. I read a few, and I truly hope you were able to enjoy it and not worry about what anyone else was doing. You always say, you can only control yourself. Sending hugs my friend! :hugs: :purple_heart: :pray:


Thanks Maxine. Iā€™m glad youā€™re still in the fight. So I guess if Minnie isnā€™t on the foodie thread your not checking for me there?
And Iā€™m doing daily gratitude of course.
Thanks for thinking of me.


I know Iā€™ve missed some people. @Piglet86 (MC) you reached out, and I want to thank you too :heart:

@DryIn785 Hey Mark, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen you at all, hope you didnā€™t drink. But if you did, come back my friend and join me on my completed day 1! :grin:

Another reason. I stepped away, I was getting so overwhelmed. Some of you are amazing at keeping track, responding to everyone especially if theyā€™re in need. I commend you for that. I couldnā€™t keep up. I will do my best and know, no matter what, I care about you all, may miss posts, skip a day here & there, but Iā€™m hanging around this time.

@Daishippai youā€™re correct sir, Iā€™ve never made it to 30 days, so my 43 was definitely an accomplishment. Thank you!


:joy: Actually Iā€™ve only scrolled & looked for Minnie there and Iā€™m WAY behind on Memeā€™s. You are such a strong presence here and a big reason Iā€™m on this sober journey.

And I canā€™t forget my 1st reply from @Miranda I hope youā€™re hanging in there beautiful lady! :hugs:



Checking in on a pretty chill day of packing and Walmart trips ā€¦ get to move into my new place tomorrow and will be finally out of the parents house . I know how much this will help my mental health . My parents and family have done the best they can . Not everyone is on a Spiritual life change. And I canā€™t expect my family to understand everything. I know deep down Iā€™m making progress . Hopefully I donā€™t have to do any more trips today but I want to be able to just move in tomorrow. The room at the new house has a lot more sunlight which Iā€™m happy about and my room faces a pond. This will be good for meditation and writing. Also another major change that is happening is that I will be stepping down from this office job to work at a pet resort. Right now my mental health comes first. I am not sure if I actually do not like the customer service office aspect or if right now is not the right time. I think working with dogs on a daily basis could really help meā€¦ Either way I have the ability to apply for jobs that interest me and try new things. Life is good all things consideredā€¦ and this depression will pass when it wants to ā€¦ might have to take some more action ā€¦ Iā€™m packed and ready !! Letā€™s do this !! New chapter awaits


Glad youā€™re back Maxine! :tada: Day 1 :facepunch:


Thank you, its making me smile seeing you post again :+1::grin::grin::grin:
Very very much missed you :orange_heart:


Your doing really well :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Sorry to hear your going through this.
Your right in thinking no point working until you ben told to worry, you will just drive yourself insane.
I do have you in my prayers :two_hearts::pray::pray:
And Iā€™m glad you have something to look forward to on your birthday. BLTā€™s Iā€™m drooling now too hehehe

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Hi, I thought you had tests done, but couldnā€™t find it before. Hang in there and try not to worry until you have final results. I know, much easier said then done. Iā€™m praying for you if thatā€™s ok. If not, doing it anyway but wonā€™t tell you, haha. :heart::pray:

I LOVE BLTs too!!


@Its_me_Stella I canā€™t forget you! If you didnā€™t tell me about glueing tiny stones to a sticky board, thereā€™s a good chance I wouldnā€™t be here. I love doing it and when I drank for a couple days, I stopped myself from working on it because I knew the shit show the crooked placements of diamonds would have been in the morning. :purple_heart: Finished and hung my 1st one, now working on the rose.:rose: @Cjp howā€™s your painting coming along?


3 days as of 7pm tonight. Iā€™ve had a good day again and managed to get 4hours continuous sleep which is quite a lot for me. I read stories and accounts on here whenever I can and also the just for fun thread to help with passing the time and keeping my mind occupied.


Gorgeous Maxine, glad youre sticking with us. :heart:


Day three for both addictions! Making it one day at a time


Congrats on 3 days. Getting through the hardest parts. Keep going one day at a time mate!

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Checking in day 93. Had a productive morning doing a bunch of yard work and cleaning around the house. Still have a couple hours before work. Might run a couple errands and take a little snooze. Have a good one folks!


Well done that diamond art work is amazing!!

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