Checking in daily to maintain focus #45

Off to bed, goodnight all :pray::pray:

Iā€™m going to read and keep going on my spiritual journey. Speak tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah had a brain mri on Saturday and a chest cat scan today. Iā€™m falling apart from head to toes :joy: Thanks hun :heart:

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Itā€™s 5pmā€¦the time I typically drive to the store and buy Fireball shooters. I donā€™t want to do this today.


Thank you for your support mate, much appreciated :+1:

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121 days :sparkles:
Tomorrow marks 4 months. Grateful to be here, looking forward to the next four months. My life has been so much better sober. Even when itā€™s been really shit, haha.
Day off on a Friday for me, my daughter is not well. Itā€™s been really slow at work so Iā€™m kinda grateful to not have to go in today. Going to get some housework done, maybe a bit of painting. Itā€™s still so awful and rainy.
Iā€™m so excited to start using our new pool once it gets warm again!
Have a great day everyone.
@maxwell im really happy to see you back. Donā€™t give up :heart:


Wow! Congratulations on 3 years sober! Huge transformation :clap: proud of you


Welcome back lady! Its so good to see you :tulip:

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I am so deep into this eating disorder. And Iā€™m just not doing well in general. I have reached out to 5 different people saying I feel like Iā€™m going to self harm and everyone is busy. My gf actually read my "Iā€™m not doing well"message and went offline. I doubt it was intentional but it hurt. This was hours ago. I also reached out to a friend who is active and playing games with other friends but heā€™s gnoring me. My best friend is at work. And my new work friend was talking about her problems, I asked if it would be selfish to bring up mine. They said they didnā€™t mind me turning the Convo around but I donā€™t want it to seem like that so Iā€™m not gonna say anything

I donā€™t even know whatā€™s wrong I just have that sense of doom in my chest and feel the need to self destruct


Itā€™s been just wonderful to read your posts and see ur journey! I know I donā€™t comment much on ur posts (other than liking them), but u have really come a long way. I just see u blossoming in recovery and itā€™s really nice to see u succeeding. Especially with some really hard events that uv had to go thru. Proud of you! I will congratulate u tmrw on ur 4 months!


Gotta tell yaā€¦some days are very trying

You peeps and this forum help keep me on track.



Awh @Butterflymoonwoman thankyou.
I appreciate that. I really appreciate all of you that take the time to acknowledge my journey. It helps so much to come on here and share each day, good or bad. And it feels really nice to know thereā€™s support no matter which way Iā€™m feeling.
I donā€™t have a huge amount of time to keep up and respond all the time but Iā€™m always reading too. And itā€™s inspiring and hopeful to see you getting through ur sobriety and tackling your obstacles too :heart: big love :heart:


Awh man youā€™ve been kicking ass for a long time- hell yeah :point_up::tada::tada::tada:


Checking in
Day 164
So Iā€™m realizing that when things start to get overwhelming or too stressful, I think what works best for me is to take a break from it all and reset. For about 2 hours I chose not to think of anything that was bothering me and did something I enjoyed. Went back to my stressful situation with fresh eyes. I realized that I was making a bigger deal over what was going on than it really needed to be. Iā€™m grateful I didnt binge eat to stuff my emotions down. Iā€™m grateful today for listening to myself and challenging my negative thinking before I acted out on eating food for the wrong reasons. Im grateful that drugs isnt even a thought in my mind anymore when times get tough. I ended up having a really nice supper that I actually cooked well lol I managed to stay within my calories and carbs today bcuz I didnā€™t binge or emotionally overeat. I watched my tone with hubby so that I am not transferring my frustrations out on him, played games with my boy today instead of being consumed with self and my frustrations, and hubby and I will watch Big Brother once our boy goes to bed. Iā€™m grateful for this day as being a learning experience and not just a ā€œbadā€ day :butterfly:


141 days sober feel good been going strong in these groups here at the Cephas House treatment center on track to leave in 30days then onto sober living house feel confident and hopeful in my recovery everything is going great Iā€™m truly blessed I want to thank all of you for the help and encouragement it means the world :earth_americas: to me this platform is awesome to be able to connect with like minded people going thru the same struggles nothing but love if anyone needs to talk or anything message me anytime we got this the world is ours ladies and gentlemen letā€™s live not exist!!!


Hell yeah, lovin your message man


Love this! I spent way too long just surviving (and sometimes barely at that). Recovery is amazing isnā€™t it?! Letā€™s keep our eyes on the prize!


It is truly amazing eyes on the prize!!!


I bookmarked this. This is gold. Itā€™s like you looked into my brain and read my thoughts! :nerd_face:


Haha that made me smile and laugh. Itā€™s amazing how all of us think very alike :slight_smile: I just get so wound up sometimes. Like I get stressed and bcuz Iā€™m stressed and overwhelmed with everything I have to do and nothing going my way, itā€™s like a snowball effect and my stress gets bigger and bigger. I literally needed to just stop everything today. Do nothing. I found it hard to sit on my bed with my boy and just relax and play games on my phone etc but it did help :slight_smile:


Checking in. I am clean. Too lazy to look at the counter but yeahā€¦ I am doing well. I had my day off and I made a budget sheet with my worker and then went to the gym because I have a free pass for a week and hopped on the treadmill and ran a little bit (not for long) but it felt so good getting that natural highā€¦ I love it. I canā€™t run for long distances
Just short bursts but I want to start advancing in running as much as I canā€¦ not even for weight loss but because it feels so good!!! I felt good about taking care of my health and recovery. I then walked to the store and got some food and walked homeā€¦ then went to a garage sale with my best friend
And I got a little angel and a white stuffed
Animal bear holding a bright pink heart and a little Vikings purple bear from the 1998 for my boyfriend
Who loves
The Vikingsā€¦ I have been feeling a little insecure
And over analyzing things w my relationship with my boyfriendā€¦ soo I hope whatever it is I am dealing with or having issues with goes away soon. Well, have a good night :sleeping: